Morrowind:Skill Books

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Throughout Vvardenfell, there are books designed to enhance various skill levels through academic study of them. When you open one of these skill books, you receive a one-point increase in its associated skill. Unlike training, this skill increase occurs without regard to the level of the skill's governing attribute; however, once a particular skill reaches 100 points, skill books don't raise that skill above 100, but you still get a skill increase message, and if the skill raised is in major/minor groups, the raise counts towards leveling up and contributes to the attribute bonus. Note that reading a book does not count as theft even if it happens to belong to somebody. Thus you can read a book (and get your skill bonus) right in front of its owner without being accused of stealing. Unless you click the "Take" button on the bottom, it's not illegal. A skill book can be picked up without reading it by opening your inventory and dragging the book from the game world into your inventory, thus enabling you to save the skill increase for later use when your skill is higher.

A particular book only improves a skill once, when you first read it; repeat readings have no additional effect on your skill level. An exception to this is a few books that exist in both opened and closed varieties. You can read one of each and gain a skill point each time.

See Also:

Bloodmoon Skill Books

Note: Locations only list places you are guaranteed to find a book. All of these books can also be found as random loot elsewhere.

Book Name Skill Author Description Locations
Realizations of Acrobacy
Acrobatics Master Rhunen Zebavi Story of a struggle between Telvanni councilors
A Dance in Fire, Chapter 1
Acrobatics Waughin Jarth Chapter 1 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
A Dance in Fire, Chapter 4
Acrobatics Waughin Jarth Chapter 4 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
The Black Arrow, Volume 1
Acrobatics Gorgic Guine Volume one of a story of revenge, and a true master archer
Mystery of Talara, Part 1
Acrobatics Mera Llykith Part one of the story of Princess Talara
A Game at Dinner
Alchemy An Anonymous Spy A spy's observations upon poison making and a dinner party
The Cake and the Diamond
Alchemy Athyn Muendil An alchemist tricks a thief!
Song of the Alchemists
Alchemy Marobar Sul Book 5 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 2
Alchemy Vivec Book 2 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 18
Alchemy Vivec Book 18 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
Breathing Water
Alteration Haliel Myrm Lessons on water breathing
The Dragon Break Re-Examined
Alteration Fal Droon Explanation of a historical error of timing
Alteration Text detailing an apparent connection between Sithis and Lorkhan
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 13
Alteration Vivec Book 13 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Lunar Lorkhan
Alteration Fal Droon A theory about the moons Masser and Secunda
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 6
Armorer Vivec Book 6 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 25
Armorer Vivec Book 25 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 29
Armorer Vivec Book 29 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Armorer's Challenge
Armorer Mymophonus A competition between two skilled armorsmiths
Last Scabbard of Akrash
Armorer Tabar Vunqidh Story of a slaver's daughter and her Khajiit lover
The Ransom of Zarek
Athletics Marobar Sul How a boy escapes his kidnappers
A Dance in Fire, Chapter 3
Athletics Waughin Jarth Chapter 3 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 1
Athletics Vivec Book 1 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 8
Athletics Vivec Book 8 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 31
Athletics Vivec Book 31 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Axe Man
Axe A surprising way to become proficient with an axe
The Seed
Axe Marobar Sul Book 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
The Third Door
Axe Annanar Orme Tale of a heart-broken, vengeful, axe-wielding woman
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 5
Axe Vivec Book 5 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 16
Axe Vivec Book 16 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec Closed:


A Dance in Fire, Chapter 2
Block Waughin Jarth Chapter 2 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
The Death Blow of Abernanit
Block Anonymous (with notes by Geocrates Varnus) The death of Dagoth Thras
The Mirror
Block Berdier Wreans About a skilled fighter's showdown with his greatest enemy
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 7
Block Vivec Book 7 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 32
Block Vivec Book 32 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Hope of the Redoran
bookskill_blunt weapon1
Blunt Weapon Turiul Nirith A tale of a child blessed by a prophecy and the interpretation thereof
The Importance of Where
BookSkill_Blunt Weapon2
Blunt Weapon Marobar Sul Book 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
Night Falls On Sentinel
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Blunt Weapon Boali How a knight weeds out an enemy of the king
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 3
BookSkill_Blunt Weapon4
Blunt Weapon Vivec Book 3 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 9
BookSkill_Blunt Weapon5
Blunt Weapon Vivec Book 9 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
Feyfolken II
Conjuration Waughin Jarth The Great Sage tells Volume 2 of a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic Enchanters
Feyfolken III
Conjuration Waughin Jarth The Great Sage tells Volume 3 of a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic Enchanters
2920, Hearth Fire
Conjuration Carlovac Townway Volume 9 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
2920, FrostFall
Conjuration Carlovac Townway Volume 10 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
The Warrior's Charge
Conjuration An old poem of the Redguards that deals with the constellations
The Horror of Castle Xyr
Destruction Baloth-Kul A One Act Play
Response to Bero's Speech
Destruction Malviser, Battlemage Commentaries of "Bero's Speech to the Battlemages" book
A Hypothetical Treachery
Destruction Anthil Morvir A One Act Play
The Art of War Magic
Destruction Zurin Arctus, with Commentary By Other Learned Masters Mastering the art of winning
Mystery of Talara, Part 3
Destruction Mera Llykith Part three of the story of Princess Talara Closed:


Feyfolken I
Enchant Waughin Jarth The Great Sage tells Volume 1 of a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic Enchanters
The Wolf Queen, Book VIII
Enchant Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Eight
Palla, Book II
Enchant Vojne Mierstyyd A conjurer's tragic infatuation with a dead woman (volume 2 of 2)
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 19
Enchant Vivec Book 19 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Final Lesson
Enchant Aegrothius Goth Two apprentices are separated
Charwich-Koniinge, Volume 2
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Hand-to-hand Koniinge Letter sent from Koniinge to Charwich about their search for Azura's Star
Charwich-Koniinge, Volume 4
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Hand-to-hand Charwich and Koniinge Letter sent between Charwich and Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star
Master Zoaraym's Tale
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Hand-to-hand Gi'Nanth About the Temple of the Two Moons in Elsweyr and its students
The Prayers of Baranat
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Hand-to-hand Adventure of a man in his quest to release a kidnapped lady
The Wolf Queen, Book II
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Hand-to-hand Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Two
Hallgerd's Tale
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Heavy Armor Tavi Dromio Squabbling over the greatest warrior ever leads to a tale of heavy-armor-master Hlaalu Pasoroth
2920, MidYear
BookSkill_Heavy Armor2
Heavy Armor Carlovac Townway Volume 6 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
BookSkill_Heavy Armor3
Heavy Armor Marobar Sul Book 6 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs
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Heavy Armor Menyna Gsost The story of how Gortwog won the land to the north of Wayrest
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 12
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Heavy Armor Vivec Book 12 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
Incident in Necrom
Illusion Jonquilla Bothe A story about an illusionist
Mystery of Talara, Part 4
Illusion Mera Llykith Part four of the story of Princess Talara
Palla, Book I
Illusion Vojne Mierstyyd A conjurer's tragic infatuation with a dead woman (volume 1 of 2)
Illusion Ganpheril Kimeth How an adventurer's fight with a powerful mage was aided with a simple Silence spell
The Wolf Queen, Book III
Illusion Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Three
Ice and Chiton
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Light Armor Pletius Spatec A tale of the manipulation of chitin armor
Lord Jornibret's Last Dance
Light Armor Song involving men and women's parts
The Rear Guard
BookSkill_Light Armor1
Light Armor Tenace Mourl How a lone man guards a besieged castle and how he obtains his food
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 21
bookskill_light armor4
Light Armor Vivec Book 21 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 28
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Light Armor Vivec Book 28 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
2920, Morning Star
BookSkill_Long Blade2
Long Blade Carlovac Townway Volume 1 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 17
bookskill_long blade3
Long Blade Vivec Book 17 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 20
bookskill_long blade4
Long Blade Vivec Book 20 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 23
bookskill_long blade5
Long Blade Vivec Book 23 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
Words and Philosophy
BookSkill_Long Blade1
Long Blade An interview with a Bosmer master swordsman about her life
The Black Arrow, Volume II
Marksman Gorgic Guine Volume two of a story of revenge, and a true master archer
A Dance in Fire, Chapter 5
Marksman Waughin Jarth Chapter 5 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
The Gold Ribbon of Merit
Marksman Ampyrian Brum A man tutors his old friend in marksmanship
The Marksmanship Lesson
Marksman Alla Llaleth How a Bosmer slave teaches his master's son marksmanship
Vernaccus and Bourlor
Marksman Tavi Dromio How a short-tempered Daedra tries to make something of himself
Bone, Part One
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Medium Armor Tavi Dromio Part one of the invention of bonemold armor
Bone, Part Two
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Medium Armor Tavi Dromio Part two of the invention of bonemold armor
Cherim's Heart of Anequina
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Medium Armor Livillus Perus, Professor at the Imperial University Interview with Cherim, a master tapestry weaver
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 22
bookskill_medium armor4
Medium Armor Vivec Book 22 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 33
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Medium Armor Vivec Book 33 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
2920, Sun's Height
Mercantile Carlovac Townway Volume 7 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
The Buying Game
Mercantile Adabael Timsar-Dadisun Tips on buying and selling
A Dance in Fire, Chapter 6
Mercantile Waughin Jarth Chapter 6 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
A Dance in Fire, Chapter 7
Mercantile Waughin Jarth Chapter 7 of a clerk's adventures in Valenwood
The Wolf Queen, Book IV
Mercantile Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Four
2920, Sun's Dawn
Mysticism Carlovac Townway Volume 2 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Charwich-Koniinge, Volume 3
Mysticism Charwich Letter sent from Charwich to Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star
The Firsthold Revolt
Mysticism Maveus Cie The story of how Hlaalu Helseth's sister kept the Summerset Isle city of Firsthold
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4
Mysticism Vivec Book 4 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 36
Mysticism Vivec Book 36 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
2920, Rain's Hand
Restoration Carlovac Townway Volume 4 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
The Four Suitors of Benitah
Restoration Jole Yolivess A man quests to marry his childhood crush through the use of Fortify Attribute spells
Mystery of Talara, Part 2
Restoration Mera Llykith Part two of the story of Princess Talara
Notes on Racial Phylogeny
Restoration the Council of Healers, Imperial University About the similarities and differences between the races of Tamriel
Restoration Yaqut Tawashi A humorous tale of a man's ailment and cure
Chance's Folly
Security Zylmoc Golge The folly of a double-crosser
The Dowry
Security Marobar Sul Book 10 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
The Locked Room
Security Porbert Lyttumly How a pupil outlocks her cruel lockpick instructor
Surfeit of Thieves
Security Aniis Noru How a busted robbery gets even worse
The Wolf Queen, Book I
Security Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book One
2920, Sun's Dusk
BookSkill_Short Blade2
Short Blade Carlovac Townway Volume 11 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
2920, Evening Star
BookSkill_Short Blade3
Short Blade Carlovac Townway Volume 12 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 10
BookSkill_Short Blade4
Short Blade Vivec Book 10 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 30
BookSkill_Short Blade5
Short Blade Vivec Book 30 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
Unnamed Book
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Short Blade Anonymous A lesson on how to assassinate with a knife, followed by a story of counterbetrayal
2920, Last Seed
Sneak Carlovac Townway Volume 8 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Azura and the Box
Sneak Marobar Sul Book 11 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 26
Sneak Vivec Book 26 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
Sneak Anonymous A starving man steals money for food, but pays a high price for his action
The Wolf Queen, Book VI
Sneak Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Six
2920, First Seed
Spear Carlovac Townway Volume 3 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Smuggler's Island
Spear Quarde Anarion A tale of eleven moon sugar smugglers' grisly fate
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 14
Spear Vivec Book 14 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 24
Spear Vivec Book 24 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 35
Spear Vivec Book 35 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
2920, Second Seed
Speechcraft Carlovac Townway Volume 5 of a historical series about Vivec and the Empire
Biography of the Wolf Queen
Speechcraft Katar Eriphanes A history of the unambiguously evil Queen Potema, the so-called Wolf Queen of Solitude
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 27
Speechcraft Vivec Book 27 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Wolf Queen, Book V
Speechcraft Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Five
The Wolf Queen, Book VII
Speechcraft Waughin Jarth Life of Queen Potema, Book Seven
Charwich-Koniinge, Volume 1
Unarmored Charwich Letter sent from Charwich to Koniinge about their search for Azura's Star
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 11
Unarmored Vivec Book 11 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 15
Unarmored Vivec Book 15 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 34
Unarmored Vivec Book 34 of a series of words of wisdom relating to Vivec
The Wraith's Wedding Dowry
Unarmored Voltha gra-Yamwort, translated by Apthorne Story of how an Orc reclaims her wedding gift from thieves