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The Orma are a tribe of Men native to Black Marsh, along with the indigenous Horwalli, Kothringi, and Yespest. How they arrived in Black Marsh is unknown, with scholars theorizing they were possibly sent there as refugees or prisoners, or settled along the coastal waterways on their own and adapted to the environment.[1] The Orma lived in Argonia well throughout the First and Second Eras, but were considered to no longer inhabit the province by the late Third Era.[1]

Orma are born without eyes, becoming masters of their other senses, including that of touch.[2][UOL 1] Their skulls are peculiar for lacking eye sockets. One such skull was noted by bone canister scrolls to be used as a door marker for a room containing powerful artifacts in Scourg Barrow.[UOL 2]

One of the few known members of the race was Catchica, who was with Reman's army at Caer Suvio when Juilek Cyrodiil was poisoned before the battle at Bodrum. She later worked at Mir Corrup, a resort in Nibenay, to falsely implicate the Emperor's mistress in a plot to poison the Emperor.[2]

See Also[edit]

  • For a list of notable Orma, see here.
  • Falmer and Havocrel, races that are also predispositioned to blindness


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.