Online:Soul Magic

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Soul Magic is a skill line available to all players. The skill line and the Soul Trap ability (below) are unlocked from the start if you skip the tutorial. Otherwise, they will unlock when you complete Soul Shriven in Coldharbour at the start of the Main Quest. Soul Magic abilities center around acquiring and using souls from enemy creatures.

Skill Perks[edit]


  • The numbers displayed here are the base values for the skills. Magicka/Stamina Cost is based on a character of Level 50 Champion Points160. Damage values are based on Max Magicka/Stamina 12000, Max Health 16000, and Weapon/Spell Damage 1000. The actual numbers you see in the game may depend on a variety of factors, including skill line rank, your equipped weapons and armor, other skills, enchantments, etc. As such, they should only be used as a comparative reference.

Ultimate Abilities[edit]

These abilities must be activated manually, for a cost of Ultimate.

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Strike.png Soul Strike 6 Instant Enemy 28 meters 5 seconds 175 Ultimate
Burn an enemy from the inside with soulfire, dealing [39208 / 39637 / 40067 / 40497] Magic Damage over 5 seconds. While channeling this ability, you gain immunity to all disabling effects. Enemies affected by this ability are revealed for 3 seconds and may not enter stealth or invisibility.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Assault.png Soul Assault Increases the duration of the channel and number of ticks.
Channel Time: 6 seconds, Duration: 6 seconds.
Burn an enemy from the inside with soulfire, dealing [53994 / 54579 / 55175 / 55770] Magic Damage over 6 seconds. While channeling this ability, you gain immunity to all disabling effects. Enemies affected by this ability are revealed for 3 seconds and may not enter stealth or invisibility.
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Shatter Soul.png Shatter Soul Upon completion, deals damage to all enemies near your target.
Area: 6 meters.
Burn an enemy from the inside with soulfire, dealing 40495 Magic Damage over 5 seconds. Upon completion, the soulfire overflows and explodes from the enemy, dealing [6351 / 6421 / 6491 / 6560] Magic Damage to all enemies near them. While channeling this ability, you gain immunity to all disabling effects. Enemies affected by this ability are revealed for 3 seconds and may not enter stealth or invisibility.

Active Abilities[edit]

These abilities must be activated manually, for a cost.

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Trap.png Soul Trap 1 Instant Enemy 28 meters 20 seconds 2700 Magicka
Lay claim to an enemy's soul, dealing [12298 / 12430 / 12571 / 12706] Magic Damage over 20 seconds. Fills an empty Soul Gem if an affected enemy dies.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Splitting Trap.png Soul Splitting Trap Affects additional enemies near your initial target, but for a shorter duration. Reduces the cost as the ability ranks up.
Cost: [2700 / 2610 / 2520 / 2430] Magicka, Duration: 10 seconds, Area: 8 meters.
Lay claim to enemy souls, dealing 6346 Magic Damage to your target and any other nearby enemies over 10 seconds. Fills an empty Soul Gem if an affected enemy dies.
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Consuming Trap.png Consuming Trap Also restore Health, Magicka, and Stamina if enemy dies while affected.
Lay claim to an enemy's soul, dealing 12691 Magic Damage over 20 seconds. If an affected enemy dies, you fill an empty Soul Gem, heal for [2720 / 2880 / 3040 / 3200] Health, and restore [5099 / 5399 / 5698 / 6002] Magicka and [(197 × Medium Armor #) / (209 × Medium Armor #) / (220 × Medium Armor #) / (232 × Medium Armor #)] Stamina. This portion of the ability scales off your Max Health, Magicka, and Stamina.

Passive Abilities[edit]

Passive abilities are active all the time.

Name Line Level Skill Level Description
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Shatter.png Soul Shatter 2 1 (WHEN SOUL ABILITY IS SLOTTED) When your Health drops below 20% your soul explodes, dealing 800 Magic Damage to enemies within 8 meters of you. This effect can occur once every 2 minutes and scales off your Max Health.
4 2 (WHEN SOUL ABILITY IS SLOTTED) When your Health drops below 20% your soul explodes, dealing 1600 Magic Damage to enemies within 8 meters of you. This effect can occur once every 2 minutes and scales off your Max Health.
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Summons.png Soul Summons 2 1 Allows you to revive once every 2 hours without spending a Soul Gem.
3 2 Allows you to revive once every 1 hour without spending a Soul Gem.
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Lock.png Soul Lock 3 1 Killing an enemy has a 5% chance of automatically filling an empty Soul Gem.
5 2 Killing an enemy has a 10% chance of automatically filling an empty Soul Gem.


  • Unlike most skill lines, soul magic's skill line level is only advanced by completing quests in the main storyline, not from ordinary experience. A new level is unlocked for each of the Chapters in the Main Quest, which are essentially every other quest. Before Update 12, these were only available at 10-level intervals for your character level, but now they can all be done in a row at any level. The skill line advances based on the following quests:
Quest Skill(s)
1 Soul Shriven in Coldharbour Soul Trap
2 Daughter of Giants Soul Shatter I, Soul Summons I
3 Castle of the Worm Soul Summons II, Soul Lock I
4 Halls of Torment Soul Shatter II
5 Shadow of Sancre Tor Soul Lock II
6 God of Schemes Soul Strike
  • Even though the skill line cannot be levelled up through ordinary experience, the skills themselves level in the same way as other active skills.
  • The craftable set Oblivion's Foe has a bonus effect when the player deals damage with Soul Magic (you mark the target's soul dealing 1875 Magic Damage over 10 seconds, as long as they are not already marked from you. This effect scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage).
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