Lore:Wayward Guardians

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Arana in the Wayward Guardian robes
"These warriors take no oaths, swear no fealty. They serve their clan, the Reach, and the courage painted on their hearts. No one and nothing else." — Arana[1]

Wayward Guardians were a Wilder Reachfolk faction led by Arana. They were initially known as the witch-rebels,[1][2] though they weren't fond of this name,[1] considering it a label applied by their oppressors.[3] They were also called Reach Rebels.[4][5] Later, they were dubbed Wayward Guardians by the people of Markarth,[6] and were also known as the Defenders of the Reach.[7]

The witch-rebels opposed Ard Caddach's decision to bring clans to Markarth and sought to drive out the Gray Host. They fought the vampiric army, aiming to rid the Reach of the vampire threat.[1]

After making peace with Ard, they continued as the Wayward Guardians, protecting and aiding the people of the Reach from dangers.[6]

Structure, Membership, and Headquarters[edit]

Rebel's Retreat
A base south of Markarth
"Arana's our king, queen and clan-witch combined."Tayfaern[3]
"Arana asks nothing of me. She put a sword in my hand and gave me a choice. I could leave freely, or I could fight alongside her to defend the Reach."Ardanir[6]

The Wayward Guardians didn't operate under a strict hierarchy. Arana asked nothing of them but provided them with arms and a choice: leave freely or follow her to fight alongside her to defend the Reach. Among the Guardians, there was a belief that they served their homeland and all free folk of the Reach, not any one person in particular.[6] Despite this, Arana was a figure of utmost authority, with some referring to her as a combination of king, queen, and clan witch.[3]

The Wayward Guardians were not a single clan but rather a faction comprised of many Reachfolk from various clans,[8][9] as well as clanless Reachfolk. These included exiles,[7][10] and survivors from clans that were killed,[11] all unified by a common goal and enemy. Each clan had its own approach to fighting, which sometimes led to issues. For example, the Eagleseers sought glory in open battle, the Wildspears were looking for plunder, and the Treeshade Clan, hunted the hunters. Some of the Wayward Guardians believed that getting two clans to agree on the same path was difficult, let alone half a dozen at once. Some members believed that to be more effective, each clan should be allowed to do what it does best: assign each chief a task that suits their nature and direct them towards the Gray Host.[8] Former members of the Ghostsong Clan were also part of the faction, including the Guardians' leader Arana, who eventually became the keep-witch of Markarth,[1] as well as Bradan and a few others who aimed to form their own clan under Bradan's leadership.[12][13]

Reach Rebel Body Markings
Reach Rebel Face Markings

Following their rescue from the Thornroot Clan, members of the Hillhunter Clan considered joining forces with the Wayward Guardians. Chieftain's daughter, Medone, intended to speak with her father, Faorin, about the Hillhunters fighting vampires alongside the rebels, but the exact details of their cooperation remain unknown.[14]

Members of the faction had varied skills and tasks. Some were warriors and hunters,[3][15] while others were traders,[16] spies,[17][18] trainers,[19] shamans, witches, brokers of tasks, as well as document managers and translators.[6][20] They weren't particularly numerous compared to the Gray Host, but it was hoped that their courage would make up for their lack of numbers.[21] Initially, their numbers were too small for open fights with the Gray Host,[3] but over time, their ranks grew.[6] Although of mixed clans, the Wayward Guardians trained together at the Rebel's Retreat,[19] which also served as a place of trade. They aimed to raise coin for achieving their goals.[16]

Rebel's Retreat, the main camp of the Arana's followers was established on ancient ruins from the time of Nord conquests. The site was deemed remarkably sturdy despite its age.[22] Aside from Rebel's Retreat in Karthspire,[17][23] nestled in the foothills east of Markarth,[18][24] they also maintained more enclaves throughout the hills of the Reach.[1] Among them was a smaller base south of the city.[25] Following their peace with Ard and adopting the name Wayward Guardians, they began operating from the city of Markarth as well.[6]


Arana, in her robes, before discovering the Nchuand-Zel deposit
"I'll send crafters to gather some. We'll fashion it into weapons. Arrow-tips, coated blades. We have a few metalworkers in the clans. Use what's on hand to survive, same as always. Silver hurts the Gray Host, so we'll work with silver."Arana[1]
Arloakh, a Guardian responsible for maintaining documents, donning silver armor

Initially, the rebels' equipment was not unified and largely reflected the typical gear of the inhabitants of the Reach. However, after discovering deposits of enchanted silver ore in Bthar-Zel, their craftsmen and metalworkers began integrating it into their armors and weapons.[26] This included coating their blades and armor pieces in silver and crafting arrow tips from it, among other uses.[1][6][27] Additionally, they made use of Dwarven metal alongside silver,[6] mined additional silver beyond what was found in the Dwarven vaults,[28][29] and forged weapons from the available materials. They also studied Aetherium's properties and incorporated it into their designs.[6][26]

The gear of the Wayward Guardians was partly forged by them from materials they gathered and mined,[1][6] and partly repurposed from scraps found in Dwemer structures and woven into their armors for better protection.[30][6] The choice to employ Dwarven materials stemmed from necessity.[6] Led by Arana, the Wayward Guardians recognized the power of the Sky Tales and invoked their names for protection against the Gray Host. Despite Dwarven metals being deemed unnatural, the Reachfolk observed that the Dwemer adorned their stone with symbols of the Sky Tales, prompting them to embrace Dwarven materials. This decision reflected their readiness to wield such seemingly unnatural equipment against their equally unnatural foes. Some of them fortified their belt buckles with reforged and reused locks from Dwarven doors and chests. Their legwear and footwear contained small amounts of Dwarven metal to maintain mobility, and shoulder pieces used metal sparingly to avoid excessive weight. Chest pieces incorporated Dwarven metals but were fashioned to honor the Hunter, and arm protection was achieved with plenty of strapped-on plates. Helms of the long-dead Dwarves or reforged heads of their metal servants provided defense, albeit with limited visibility. Guardians made sure not to neglect covering their throat, especially against vampires and werewolves.[30]

Among the known and named pieces of Wayward Guardian equipment were the Guardian's Edge, a blade;[31], the Cowl of the Wandering Hero, a silvered helmet;[27] and the Reach-Warden's Jack, crafted from sacred elk leather and considered a true masterpiece of local armor. These items were all gifted to the agent of House Ravenwatch by Arana in recognition of their deeds.[32]

They were known for their unique markings—red and white accents that decorated the bodies of those sworn to defend the Reach under Arana's leadership. Arana herself traced these symbols, using her spellcraft to change the skin's hue. Those bound by oath to Arana proudly wore their stark white and carmine red facial tattoos, fueled by inner rage. Even the most formidable clans of the Reach hesitated to challenge those bearing these marks.[4][5]



Tayfaern, one of the first rebels to meet the Ravenwatch agent
"Free blood. That's what the Reach is. Freedom. In the Reach, we do as we please. Only way to stop us is to kill us. And we don't die easy."Arana[1]

In 2E 582, Ard Caddach was approached by the Gray Host, who had been causing trouble in the kingdoms of Skyrim at that point. The Host proposed a deal: if the Ard allowed them to search the Reach for an ancient relic and kept his people within the city walls, Markarth would be spared during their impending conquest. While Caddach agreed to this arrangement, it was met with resistance from some of the Reach's inhabitants. In response, a rebel faction known as the Witch-rebels emerged, led by Arana, the former witch of the Ghostsong Clan.[33][25][1] Arana, utilizing her network of spies, urged the people of Markarth to abandon the city and join them at their base in Karthspire,[17] a camp called Rebel's Retreat,[23] nestled in the foothills east of Markarth.[18][24] This decision made the witch-rebels enemies of the Court of Markarth, much to the Ard's dismay.[33] Tensions between the rebels and the citizens of Markarth grew, with some of the Ard's loyalists seeing the witch-rebels as a larger threat than the Gray Host,[2] and even hoping to take action against them.[24] Some Reachfolk citizens of Markarth,[34] along with some members of the Crow-Eye Clan who were not directly associated with Ard, voiced their discontent with the activities of the rebels, claiming their endeavors to be foolish.[35] Some other people in Markarth saw some truth in her warning and discussed it with others, though some believed that Arana simply couldn't abide the Ard's rule.[36][37]

Jano Vestalis, an Imperial Cartographer, encountered a unit of Witch-rebels while traversing the hills and ravines southeast of Markarth, led by their leader Arana. They were on a mission to hunt down vampires and werewolves associated with the Gray Host. After a brief interrogation, Arana allowed Jano and his escort to leave unharmed.[38]

The Wayward Guardians weren't the only enemies of the vampires of the Gray Host. Count Verandis Ravenwatch and his House Ravenwatch also sought to end the Gray Host's threat. Initially, Verandis and his agents worked to convince the Ard of their benign intentions and investigated the actions of the witch-rebels.[17] They gathered information on the rebels' spy activity in the city, the estimated location of their main base, and the identity of their leader. Additionally, they uncovered Gray Host intelligence indicating that the Gray Host vampires were aware of the witch-rebels' presence in the city and intended to kill any Reachfolk leaving the city to instill fear among the rebels.[39] Using the information they gathered, Verandis and his agent secured an audience with the Ard. The Ard and his advisor, Lady Belain, tasked them with tracking down Arana to urge her to stop meddling in Markarth's affairs. According to Belain, since the arrival of the Gray Host, the land beyond Markarth's walls had become perilous, making Arana's actions reckless and dangerous to the Reachfolk citizens. However, unbeknownst to many, Belain was secretly a vampire in league with the Gray Host.[33][40] As a result of Verandis' associate's investigation, a member of the rebels, Tayfaern, met with an agent working for House Ravenwatch at one of the rebels' minor bases south of Markarth. To gain an audience with Arana, the agent was tasked with proving their dedication to fighting against the Gray Host. Tayfaern assigned them the mission of inspecting the stockpiles the Gray Host had set up nearby to the east and south, to uncover what they were storing.[3] The agent discovered that the vampires were gathering materials necessary for creating harrowstorms, as well as documents detailing a meeting between the forces of the Gray Host and their associate in Markarth, Lady Belain.[41][42] During their investigation, Arana met with the agent and requested them to spy on a meeting that was to be held in Valthume. The agent accepted the request, successfully spied on the gathering, obtained valuable information, and ensured further cooperation with the rebels. They discovered that the Gray Host sought to find Arkthzand Keystone.[1] Rada al-Saran, leader of the Gray Host, noticed the agent but allowed them to leave, requesting they deliver a message to Verandis.[43] The agent returned to Understone Keep and spoke with Verandis to whom they brought Rada's message,[17] and Caddach, who had already suspected Belain's deception. Although he and the rebels had not yet reconciled, both turned their attention to the threat posed by the Gray Host.[33][25]

Verandis then sought to make a deal with the Witch-Rebels and sent his agent to consult the local specialist on Dwarven machinery, Nolovan, about crucial information regarding the Arkthzand Keystone. It was ultimately discovered that Bthar-Zel, a Dwemer ruin to the north, housed the item sought by the Gray Host.[44] Verandis was found by the rebels before he could locate them, leading to a confrontation. Initially, Gwendis, a member of House Ravenwatch, wanted to fight as the rebels surrounded her and her vampiric progenitor, Verandis. However, the Count held her back. That's when Arana appeared, and after speaking with Verandis, they forged an alliance. At that time, while the Rebels' Retreat was sturdy, the rebels were running low on supplies such as food, weapons, and armor, which they aimed to replenish soon.[22]

Ritual sealing the alliance

Later, at the Rebel's Retreat, a binding pact was made between House Ravenwatch and the rebels during a ritual involving a briar heart seed, a Hagraven's eye, and a handful of bright river-shale. The ritual revealed locations in the Reach forming a pattern corresponding to the Serpent's constellation. Arana and the agent investigated these sites and ultimately found the entrance to the Bthar-Zel in Deep Folk Crossing. After entering, House Ravenwatch and the rebels discovered a large deposit of enchanted silver ore inside, which they began using to forge weapons and arm themselves against the Gray Host's supernatural threats. As they ventured underground, they encountered Rada al-Saran and Belain. They confronted them, but ultimately failed to prevent the Gray Host from retrieving the Keystone. Soon, the rebels began making use of the silver found in the vaults, incorporating the enchanted ore into their armor designs.[44][26] They also started mining silver themselves to further bolster their equipment.[28][29] Crafters were sent to Bthar-Zel to gather more silver. The metalworkers from clans aligned with the rebels fashioned it into weapons—arrow tips, coated blades, and the like.[1] Soon, this gear was distributed across the faction, putting that silver to good use.[19][26] While the rebels were bolstering their ranks and equipment, the agents of House Ravenwatch investigated the caverns beneath the Reach and uncovered Belain's schemes. Ultimately, they discovered the vampires' plan to awaken the Dark Heart.[45]

After learning from the House Ravenwatch agent about Belain's plans involving the Dark Heart,[45] Arana decided to seek the assistance of her sister Nathari, the current matron of the Ghostsong Clan. She met with Bradan, a clan member and childhood friend, at Hroldan Ring to inquire about Nathari and the clan. Bradan informed her that Nathari had relocated the clan to the Lost Valey Redoubt, an ancient religious site.[46] They soon discovered that Nathari was allied with the Gray Host and had received their assistance to activate the Dark Heart.[47] This activation required the ritual sacrifice of her fellow clansmen.[48][49] Arana and the agent interrupted the ritual and killed Nathari in combat. Despite their efforts, the energy from the sacrifices still managed to stir the Heart, though not to the extent Nathari intended.[46] According to Count Verandis Ravenwatch, the souls were sufficient to prime the Heart and open a path between Nirn and the Void.[17] A group of Ghostsong werewolf clansmen, including Bradan, survived Nathari's betrayal. They later joined the rebels.[13][12]

Wayward Guardians and House Ravenwatch

House Ravenwatch then assaulted Lady Belain's Nighthollow Keep under Blackreach, and discovered the Heart deep within the keep's depths, as well as the ongoing ritual to fully reawaken it. It was too late, and the Heart was reawoken, pulling the souls of Markarth's denizens into it.[50] The vampire army assaulted the city, attempting to feed on the souls of the fallen Reachfolk. Arana and her soldiers approached Ard Caddach, offering their aid to protect the city. Ard agreed to accept help from his former rival. Agreeing with Verandis' advice to defend Markarth, Arana brought the witch-rebels, with Bradan leading the main contingent of warriors fighting the vampires in the city. Lady Belain unsealed the doors of Nchuand-Zel, catching those at Understone Keep off guard.[22][12] Arana quickly proved her value to Ard by preventing Lady Belain from assassinating him and chasing her into the depths of Blackreach, where they fought to a standstill. Belain summoned members of the Gray Host to aid her, but Arana managed to defeat them singlehandedly.[33][1] Belain escaped to the Arkthzand Orrery. An agent of House Ravenwatch followed Arana into Nchuand-Zel, recovering the keystone within the ruin's depths to gain access to the Orrery of Arkthzand, which al-Saran needed to harness the Heart's full potential. In the Orrery, Lady Belain fought the intruders at the Dark Heart's chambers and bathed in its power. Despite her wounds, Arana, empowered by Namira, pressed on. Together, she and the agent slew Belain, striking another blow against Rada. However, Arana succumbed to her wounds after the battle..[1] Following Belain's death, the vampiric forces retreated from the city. Many Reachfolk died, but ultimately the vampire army was defeated, thanks to Arana and her forces.[33][51]

Bthar-Zel's silver vault

Following Arana's demise, the rebels honored the agreement she made with Ard Caddach. In her honor, they held to that pact. Bradan announced that new clans would form now that the quarrel with the Ard was over, as there was plenty of land nearby. The Reachfolk, known for not bending their knees lightly, aimed to give their loyalty to the Ard by choice, not by demand. They also made it clear that they would be watching him closely.[12]

The fight against the Gray Host wasn't over, as Rada al-Saran remained a threat to both the Reach and Western Skyrim. House Ravenwatch took their own measures, and eventually, Rada was defeated. After his demise, the souls collected by the Dark Heart during the previous attack on Markarth remained within the artifact. Once Verandis absorbed the powers of the Heart, he released the souls of the fallen during the Gray Host invasion of Markarth, bringing all of them back to life, including Arana.[52][53]

Following this, a moot was convened, establishing peace between the Reachfolk, Western Nords, and Eastern Nords, with Jarl Svana, King Jorunn, Prince Irnskar, and Ard Caddach in attendance. Arana agreed to become Caddach's keep-witch, aiming to restore the land and bring prosperity, replacing the position Belain once held.[1][54] Bradan observed that with the peace agreement between the rebels and Ard, their cause had diminished. He affirmed that they would remain to address any lurking threats from the Gray Host before leaving. He planned to form a new clan from the remnants of the former Ghostsong members loyal to him.[12] Long before that, Arana believed that once the Gray Host was eliminated, her rebels would return to the hills to fight their own battles, both old and new.[1] However, the witch-rebels remained active, now transforming into the Wayward Guardians, dedicated to protecting the land and people of the Reach.[6]

Wayward Guardians[edit]

Ardanir, a representative of the Wayward Guardians in Markarth
Wayward Guardians
"I don't sleep much. Not anymore. But it's a price I'm willing to pay if it means a child of the Reach dreams of better days to come."Ardanir[6]

After the Gray Host's threat in the Reach was neutralized and an agreement was reached between the Witch-rebels and the Ard, the rebels adopted the name Wayward Guardians, bestowed upon them by the people. Following the defense of Markarth, they emerged as protectors in a region desperate for aid.[6] Arana's and her rebels' intervention was acknowledged among the populace of Markarth. Both common folk,[36][37] and chieftains extolled her for the deeds she and her faction achieved in protecting the people.[28][29] The Wayward Guardians offered assistance to the locals, safeguarding them from threats, and extending their reach to Markarth. They viewed themselves as beacons of hope in lands plagued by danger, growing stronger with each passing day. They collaborated with hired mercenaries due to their stretched forces across the region, tackling various issues and objectives for the betterment of the people of the Reach.[6] Those who worked on behalf of the Guardians were appropriately rewarded.[55] They were also known as the Defenders of the Reach.[7]

Among their endeavors was the rescue of clanless exiles from the depths of Blackreach, where they had been taken captive by the Falmer. They were held captive in a camp situated along an underground river. Some of the captives were liberated, with some expressing a desire to join the cause and ranks of the Wayward Guardians.[7][10] However, not all of them survived.[56][57] The Guardians sought to provide those rescued with a place to stay and prepare better for their protection in case of danger. For those who perished, the Wayward Guardians buried their amulets on the banks of the Karth River in hopes that their spirits would find peace.[6][58]

Callan, one of the rescued exiles

Following their valiant defense of Markarth during the Gray Host's attack, the Wayward Guardians remained steadfast in their mission to eradicate the vampiric threat lurking within the ancient tunnels of Nchuand-Zel beneath the city. Dispatching skilled hunters to the sealed-off passages, they sought to slay members of the Gray Host's vampire army and retrieve their sigils as proof of their defeat.[6][59] With determination and resolve, the hunters ventured into the depths, confronting the darkness that threatened the realm above. Upon their return, victorious and bearing the sigils of their fallen foes, the tokens were proudly displayed from the city's ramparts. It was believed that with each victory, the Gray Host's fear of the Wayward Guardians would grow, eventually forcing the remaining few to scatter into the shadows.[6][60]


Continuing their efforts to strengthen their ranks, the Wayward Guardians sought to equip their members with the finest materials available.[6] While they had previously gained access to Bthar-Zel and its valuable silver,[44] they also hired adventurers to excavate silver ores from its depths, aiming to acquire more of the material for their weaponry.[6][61] The silver ores obtained by them hummed with arcane power, though whether the enchantment was cast by the Dwarves or originated from the deep veins of the world remained unknown.[62] They also opted to utilize Dwarven metal from Dwarven scrap to further enhance their armaments and armor.[6] To obtain these valuable resources, they enlisted the aid of a hired adventurer tasked with recovering scraps from the ancient Dwemer ruin of Bthardamz. While some Reachfolk harbored superstitions regarding Dwemer metallurgy and viewed it as unnatural, the looming threat of the Gray Host justified the necessity of utilizing such materials against the supernatural forces they faced, underscoring the pragmatic approach adopted by the Wayward Guardians in their quest to safeguard the Reach.[6][63] The materials procured by the adventurer were utilized to bolster the effectiveness of the Guardians, enhancing their capabilities in readiness for the challenges ahead.[6][64]

As their numbers grew, so did the Wayward Guardians' need for quality armaments.[6][65] To this end, they dispatched an adventurer to recover the blue Aetherium gems embedded within the Dwemer Architons. These gems were sought from the constructs guarding the recently rediscovered Library of Arkthzand.[66][67] Shamans among the Wayward Guardians claimed that these gemstones held powerful enchantments, which they hoped to utilize in their defense against the forces of the Gray Host.[6][65] Incorporating these gemstones into their armors,[26] the Reachmen aimed to bolster their defenses, though whether they successfully harnessed the powers of Aetherium remains uncertain.[6][65]

Witches among the Wayward Guardians were determined to unravel the mysteries of the magic of the vampires of the Nighthollow Clan. Their quest led them to search for scrolls detailing the arcane practices of the Nighthollow clan, as well as a tome to decipher their language.[6][68] Tasking an adventurer with this mission, the Guardians sought these texts within the depths of Nighthollow Keep, nestled deep in Blackreach beneath the Reach. Despite the perilous nature of Blackreach, it was believed that the knowledge concealed within the keep held the potential to safeguard lives. Upon recovering the scrolls and tome, the witches set about studying them diligently. Their aim was to harness this newfound knowledge to fortify the defenses of the Reach against its adversaries.[6][69] Although the witches aligned with the Guardians could read and spent their efforts working with ancient scrolls,[6] more mundane writings were handled by one of the Guardians, Arloakh, who meticulously checked every scrap of paper in case it was important during their campaign against the Gray Host.[20]

They also took measures to arrange the ritual cleansing of the Shrine of Lorkh, located at the pinnacle of the Lost Valley Redoubt, which had been tainted by the presence of vampires. The cleansing ritual involved the use of sacred water from the Karth River.[6][70] This water was renowned for its magical properties, aiming to purify the shrine and rid it of the vampire's influence.[6][71]

Notable Wayward Guardians[edit]

  • Arana — Leader of the Guardians
  • Ardanir — Member of the Guardians tasked with negotiating the assignments that the Guardians delegate to mercenaries.
  • Bradan — Arana's confidant and the leader of the remnants of the Ghostsong clan that survived Nathari's betrayal.

See Also[edit]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Arana's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  2. ^ a b Sentry Bodfe's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  3. ^ a b c d e f Tayfaern's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  4. ^ a b Reach Rebel Face Markings description in ESO
  5. ^ a b Reach Rebel Body Markings description in ESO
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Ardanir's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  7. ^ a b c d Callan's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  8. ^ a b Desola's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  9. ^ Gorbarth's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  10. ^ a b Leven's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  11. ^ Boyoagh's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  12. ^ a b c d e Bradan's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  13. ^ a b Largruff, Jolnengar, Ferratha, Mavlyn's appearance and dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  14. ^ Medone's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  15. ^ Witch-Rebel Hunters in ESO: Markarth
  16. ^ a b Ansvyn's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  17. ^ a b c d e f Count Verandis Ravenwatch's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  18. ^ a b c Brektor's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  19. ^ a b c Hila's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  20. ^ a b Arloakh's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  21. ^ Jolnengar's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  22. ^ a b c Gwendis' dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  23. ^ a b Rebel's Retreat in ESO: Markarth
  24. ^ a b c Malkor's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  25. ^ a b c Events of The Despot of Markarth in ESO: Markarth
  26. ^ a b c d e Wayward Guardian Style worn by the Wayward Guardians after the completion of Blood of the Reach in ESO: Markarth
  27. ^ a b Cowl of the Wandering Hero, the quest reward for The Study of Souls in ESO: Markarth
  28. ^ a b c Chief Kynaer's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  29. ^ a b c Chief Ulvfae's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  30. ^ a b Crafting Motif 97: Wayward Guardian StyleArana of the Ghostsong Clan (as recorded by Count Verandis Ravenwatch)
  31. ^ Guardian's Edge, the quest reward for Blood of the Reach in ESO: Markarth
  32. ^ Reach-Warden's Jack, the quest reward for The Awakening Darkness in ESO: Markarth
  33. ^ a b c d e f Ard Caddach's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  34. ^ Ovdella's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  35. ^ Aeodfaern's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  36. ^ a b Cullgarn's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  37. ^ a b Prydnoch's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  38. ^ Meet the Character - AranaJano Vestalis, Imperial Cartographer
  39. ^ Gray Host Intelligence DispatchPentarch Hautring
  40. ^ Lady Belain's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  41. ^ Letter from Sister GlynoldeSister Glynolde
  42. ^ Letter from Lady BelainLady Belain
  43. ^ Rada al-Saran's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  44. ^ a b c Events of Blood of the Reach in ESO: Markarth
  45. ^ a b Events of The Study of Souls in ESO: Markarth
  46. ^ a b Events of The Awakening Darkness in ESO: Markarth
  47. ^ Letter to Pentarch DraljuraLady Belain
  48. ^ Largruff's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  49. ^ Nathari's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  50. ^ Events of The Dark Heart in ESO
  51. ^ Events of A Feast of Souls in ESO: Markarth
  52. ^ Events of The End of Eternity in ESO: Markarth
  53. ^ Events of Kingdom of Ash in ESO: Markarth
  54. ^ Events of Second Chances in ESO: Markarth
  55. ^ Wayward Guardian's Cache in ESO: Markarth
  56. ^ Beagan in ESO: Markarth
  57. ^ Bear-Heart Clan Necklace item description in ESO: Markarth
  58. ^ Events of Alone in the Dark in ESO: Markarth
  59. ^ Gray Host Sigil item description in ESO: Markarth
  60. ^ Events of Defenders of the Reach in ESO: Markarth
  61. ^ Events of To Burn Away Evil in ESO: Markarth
  62. ^ Enchanted Silver Ore item description in ESO: Markarth
  63. ^ Dwarven Scrap item description in ESO: Markarth
  64. ^ Events of Remnants of the Deep Folk in ESO: Markarth
  65. ^ a b c Events of The Light of Arkthzand in ESO: Markarth
  66. ^ Arkthzand Gemstone item description in ESO: Markarth
  67. ^ Crafting Motif 96: Arkthzand Armory StyleMathinn Palard, University of Gwylim
  68. ^ Tome of Void Runes item description in ESO: Markarth
  69. ^ Events of The Language of the Night in ESO: Markarth
  70. ^ Events of The Lost Shrine in ESO: Markarth
  71. ^ Vial of Karth Water item description in ESO: Markarth