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Online:Cantor Krin'ze

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Cantor Krin'ze
Location Moonmont Wayshrine
Race Dagi Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Twilight Cantors
Cantor Krin'ze

Cantor Krin'ze is a Dagi member of the Twilight Cantors who can first encountered near the Moonmont Wayshrine in Reaper's March. She will initially be working alongside Inquisitor Sabannar and High Cantor Viti, but becomes entwined in the strange case of Zerith-var after she requests you investigate an omen on her behalf.

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As you approach you will find Cantor Krin'ze speaking with some members of the Twilight Cantors and Torval Curiata:

Cantor Krin'ze: "A fallen star is an omen of someone in need."
High Cantor Viti: "Priorities, my sahida. The answer is no."
Inquisitor Sabannar: "We have greater concerns. Let someone else see to your fallen star."

You can talk to her:

"Greetings, wanderer. I am Krin'ze, a Twilight Cantor. A singer in service to Azurah.
Did you happen to see the falling star? A sure sign from the Mother of All Khajiit that someone is in great need. I am certain of it."
I didn't see a falling star.
"It blazed with blue soulfire, burning the sky as it fell toward Moonmont. The signs could not be more clear. I wanted to investigate, but High Cantor Viti forbade me."
If someone is in need of help, why won't they let you look into it?
"The tall inquisitor here has need of the Twilight Cantors. Viti and I have been conscripted into service, and that service is elsewhere. Apparently.
But you could investigate. Surely Azurah will reward your curiosity."
All right. I'll investigate this star that fell near Moonmont.

After you agree to search for the fallen star, you can continue to ask her questions:

"Thank you, walker. Watch for the spirit of a little cat. Azurah often sends such messengers when the need is great.
And do be careful. Rumor has it that Moonmont is overrun with dro-m'Athra. May Azurah keep the dark from ensnaring your spirit."
You mentioned the spirit of a little cat? / You really think I'll encounter the spirit of a cat?
"Oh, I do indeed! I caught a glimpse of such a spirit to the south, but when I requested permission to investigate, Cantor Viti refused to grant it.
We cantors have many, many songs describing such events. Another sign that someone needs help."
Could this cat spirit be a trick of some sort?
"With those large, friendly eyes and the cutest little whiskers? No. Dark spirits like dro-m'Athra take a different shape and have for thousands of years. This is no trick of Namiira.
Find the spirit and determine what must be done."
Can you tell me more about the others with you?
"High Cantor Viti and Inquisitor Sabannar? Certainly.
You could talk to them yourself, but they have little patience for strangers."
Tell me about High Cantor Viti.
"I am still getting used to such a formal title for her. I am her sahida. Her protege.
In Viti, Azurah's love and devotion takes a much more … rigid form than other Twilight Cantors you may have met. But I value her guidance all the same."
Tell me more about the Twilight Cantors.
"Outsiders sometimes think of us as acolytes of Azurah. Our devotion to her allows us to exorcise dark spirits through the art of song.
When not on a mission, we wander where we like. Or we used to."
I know Adara-hai [sic] of the Twilight Cantors. Is she involved in this? (Appears if you previously met Adara'hai)
Completed both Maw of Lorkhaj and Black Heights Objectives:
Completed Maw of Lorkhaj Objective Only:
Completed Black Heights Objective Only:
"You were at the Temple of Seven Riddles! And you helped her with that exorcism in Black Heights, yes? Azurah has definitely sent you to me!
Our Chief Crier is on holy sabbatical. Viti endeavors to serve as a sort of leader in her stead."
"You were at the Temple of Seven Riddles? Bright moons! We still sing odes to you and the others who took up arms.
Our Chief Crier is on holy sabbatical, by Azurah's blessing. Viti endeavors to serve as a sort of leader in her stead."
"You helped her in Black Heights, didn't you? I am glad you were there to help her see Vijari's soul pass on in peace.
Our Chief Crier is on holy sabbatical, by Azurah's blessing. Viti endeavors to serve as a sort of leader in her stead."
Tell me about Inquisitor Sabannar.
"I tried to get on his good side, walker. I really did. He does not seem to have one.
He is an Inquisitor of the Torval Curiata. The militant arm of those who uphold the Riddle'Thar epiphany. As far as I can tell, he is very good at his job."
Riddle'Thar Epiphany?/ What was that term, the Riddle'Thar Epiphany?
"A tenet of faith that reveres the moon spirits, Jone and Jode.
We cantors, instead, are permitted to serve and follow Azurah. Our songs are too valuable for us to be excluded from the faith."
Have you worked with Inquisitor Sabannar long?
"Too long, it feels like.
The Inquisitors only recently pressed us into service. They have need of our songs or would hardly bother with us otherwise. Our worship of Azurah does not fit in their neat little box of what constitutes proper faith."
Why are you helping the Inquisitor? / Then why help them at all? (Appears if you ask one of the above questions)
"Refuse those who require our songs? Kes kridesi! It is unthinkable.
Yes, they force us into these uniforms and bestow our elders with fancy, high-ranking titles. And they keep us from wandering where we like. Still, they need our help."
Tell me about dro-m'Athra./Tell me more about dro-m'Athra.
"When Khajiit in strife hear the drums of the Bent Dance, it means the Void of Namiira seeks to ensnare their souls.
Twilight Cantors like myself can exorcise that darkness. But if we do not get there in time or fail, the Khajiit become dro-m'Athra."
The Bent Dance?/What was that about the Bent Dance?
"The beating of the dark heart of Lorkhaj. If one listens for the whispers of Namiira, the Lady of Decay, the drums of the Bent Dance are sure to follow.
To speak too much of these evil things only serves to invite them in. Be wary."
What should I do if I encounter dro-m'Athra at Moonmont?
"Defend yourself. When you defeat dro-m'Athra they retreat to the Void, Namiira's plane of darkness.
If you had a Twilight Cantor with you, we could banish their spirits permanently. But as much as I would like to accompany you, I am forbidden."

After you leave the Tomb of Zerith-var, following after the eponymous Zerith-var:

Cantor Krin'ze: "I know it fell around here somewhere …."
<She notices Zerith-var and then you.>
Cantor Krin'ze: "Bright Moons, walker! Who was that?"

Speak with her to explain what happened:

"Walker, that Khajiit … was that the person in need?"
I found the spirit cat. It led me to this tomb. Zerith-var was inside. But what are you doing here?
"I could not ignore Azurah's sign any longer, so I slipped away when the high cantor and the Inquisitor were otherwise engaged.
But what was this Zerith-var doing inside an ancient tomb? Did he follow the spirit cat, as well?"
He awoke inside the tomb. He's been in there for a long time. I think it's his tomb.
"Well, he certainly did not appear to be a corpse, at least as far as I could tell. Maybe he fell and hit his head or something. Though that doesn't explain the glowing eyes.
Where did this Zerith-var go?"
He wants me to meet him in Rawl'kha.
"Ziss! I need to get back. I am beholden to the Torval Curiata, and they are mobilizing for some sort of attack.
I will try to find you in Rawl'kha if I can slip away again. Good luck, walker. And stay safe."
How did you manage to slip away from Inquisitor Sabannar?
"High Cantor Viti was kind enough to distract him for me with bracing talk of righteousness and heresy. Plus, I have always been good at slipping through the shadows.
But I cannot linger. My voice is needed wherever the Inquisitor takes us next."

If you speak to her again:

"Ziss'vo. I wish I could go with you, but my song is needed elsewhere.
I will try to find you again. Perhaps the high cantor can give guidance once she hears of this soul sent from another time. Be well!"

You can encounter her later inside the Ruined Reliquary within the Claw's Strike. You will witness Twilight Cantors performing a ritual:

Cantor Ta'khida: "Krin'ze! Are you all right?"
Cantor Krin'ze: "I will be fine. We must go after the others!"
High Cantor Viti: "We will handle it. Join us when you have recovered."
Zerith-var: "They destroyed a dro-m'Athra! Its soul. It is … gone!"

You can talk to her:

"Walker? And that strange Khajiit from Moonmont. Zerith-var, was it?
It is too dangerous for you to be here. These dro-m'Athra and the powerful ones leading them. I have never seen their like before. None of us have!"
Zerith-var and I tracked the dro-m'Athra here.
"Walker, you must leave. The leaders of this incursion, they are why the Inquisitors conscripted us. To fight back against this … this dark power.
We obliterated as many as we could, but our songs are not enough."
Zerith showed me a Hidden Moon shrine in Rawl'kha. We did a rite that guided us here.
"Hidden Moon? I never heard of this clan. I will have to ask High Cantor Viti about it. She would know. But that is for later.
If you have come to help, Azurah knows we could use it right now."
Zerith says Azurah sent him here to deal with the Rajaska.
"Rajaska? An appropriate name for the powerful spirits. I knew that fallen star was a sign. But now is the time for action, not discussion.
High Cantor Viti went after this … Rajaska. Please, help her. Before more cantors turn to the Bent Dance."
All right. We'll do what we can to help the other Twilight Cantors.

You can talk to her again:

"Normal dro-m'Athra are challenge enough, but beyond that door lies something from my nightmares.
If any of my sisters or the Inquisitors remain standing, please, save them."

As you enter the next room she will rush to heal High Cantor Viti:

"Viti is hurt! I have to try to help her!"

After you defeat Ta'khida-morna:

"Viti is fine, thank goodness. And were you and Zerith-var not here to drive off our fallen sister, I am sure we would have been next."

You can find her later by the entrance to The Vile Manse:

Zerith-var: "The young cantor! And the other one."
Cantor Krin'ze: "Viti! You've done enough. Let them help."
High Cantor Viti: "Do not touch her, necromancer!"
Zerith-var: "Are you injured, ja'rithantii? Let me tend to your wounds."

She is wounded and Zerith-var will tend to her wounds:

"Walker! I am relieved to see you alive. I thought I could trust my mentor with what I learned about Zerith-var, but she turned right around and told the Inquisitors!
Thank Azurah you managed to evade them. But I fear you arrived too late."
Too late for what? What happened after we left you at Claw's Strike?
"After you left, more Inquisitors rallied us for another incursion here at the Vile Manse. But it was even more of the same. The rest of our sisters were dragged away by that thing. That … Rajaska.
I failed them."
Dragged them where?
"To the undercroft beneath the Vile Manse. If my fellow Twilight Cantors are not dro-m'Athra already, they will be soon. And then they will be lost for good.
There is nothing that can be done."
Actually, we might be able to help. Let me talk to Zerith-var.

If spoken to later:

"Please! Save my fellow cantors."
Zerith-var: "Shake the fear from your heart, ja'rithantii. We will see your cantors saved."
Cantor Krin'ze: "But the Rajaska! Do you have a death-wish?"
Zerith-var: "No. I have faith."

After you return with Zerith-var and two other cantors:

Zerith-var: "I am sorry, rithantiin. I can cleanse your souls, but I am powerless to stop the corruption before it overtakes you."
Cantor Krin'ze: "This the Twilight Cantors can do. Quickly, Viti! Aid me!"

She will perform ritual together with Viti to save the cantors.

You can talk to her after other cantors are saved:

"Zayabi didn't make it?
You and Zerith-var saved who you could. Thank you, walker. I will write an ode to your bravery. Just after I finish a hymn in remembrance of Zayabi and Ta'khida."

You can talk to her later:

"Once we are through mourning, I will have plenty to say to High Cantor Viti. Sending those Inquisitors after you! If I had known she would betray my trust so, I would have told her nothing.
Wish me luck that I can make her see reason, walker."
What's next for you and the other Twilight Cantors?
"I hope we go back to our regular duties—wandering Elsweyr, answering summons, practicing songs, and tending to exorcisms.
But this business with the Rajaska and the Inquisitors … it feels like it has just begun."
Are you going to work with the Inquisitors again?
"If they press me, I will have no choice.
Do not worry. I won't tell them anything else about you and Zerith-var. I think I can convince the others you saved to do the same. Viti … is being unreasonable. I am sorry about that."
Zerith thinks you and the other Twilight Cantors are at risk of being hunted by the Rajaska.
"I supposed as much. Their leader can turn other Khajiit into dro-m'Athra with a swiftness unlike anything I have ever seen!
But with cantors, we become like her. Our voices turned into dark weapons. I never thought we could be twisted in such a way."
Are you going to warn other Twilight Cantors about this?
"I will certainly try. I would leave it to the high cantor, but I overheard her say she does not wish to cause my brothers and sisters to panic and neglect their duties.
But the cantors need to know!"
Are you going to tell people about Zerith-var?
"I want to tell people he can be trusted. That he truly was sent by Azurah. But it may take some convincing. And saying as much could get me in trouble with the Torval Curiata.
I will have to be careful with what I say, and I who I say it to."
Do you think our paths will cross again?
"Of course. If I learn something from the Inquisitors about the Rajaska, I will find a way to contact you and Zerith.
And I will try to research more on the Rajaska. Wish me luck."
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