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Online:High Cantor Viti

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High Cantor Viti
Location Moonmont Wayshrine
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Twilight Cantors
High Cantor Viti

High Cantor Viti is a Khajiit member of the Twilight Cantors investigating the case of Zerith-var, alongside Inquisitor Sabannar and Cantor Krin'ze.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As you approach you will find some Twilight Cantors and a member of the Torval Curiata in discussion:

Cantor Krin'ze: "A fallen star is an omen of someone in need."
High Cantor Viti: "Priorities, my sahida. The answer is no."
Inquisitor Sabannar: "We have greater concerns. Let someone else see to your fallen star."

You can talk to her, though she will be dismissive of you:

"We are strangers, yes? And strangers shall we remain. May Azurah guide you on your journey."

After talking to Cantor Krin'ze about the falling star she witnessed and agreeing to help, you can try speaking with her again:

"You agreed to satisfy Krin'ze's curiosity about this fallen star?
This one would sing you a song of gratitude, but I must save my voice for other matters. Be on your way then, with Azurah's blessings."
If you're all right with me doing it, why won't you let Krin'ze investigate this fallen star?
"We have orders from the Inquisitors of the Torval Curiata.
Our mission involves something dire and immediate. We need the voice of every cantor we can get. As soon as the rest of our cohort arrives, we must go. But Azurah provides and sent us you."

You can encounter her later inside the Ruined Reliquary within the Claw's Strike. You will witness Twilight Cantors performing a ritual:

Cantor Ta'khida: "Krin'ze! Are you all right?"
Cantor Krin'ze: "I will be fine. We must go after the others!"
High Cantor Viti: "We will handle it. Join us when you have recovered."
Zerith-var: "They destroyed a dro-m'Athra! Its soul. It is … gone!"

She will run deeper into the ruin together with Cantor Ta'khida as you enter the room. When you enter the next room you can find her on the ground. She is wounded and Cantor Krin'ze will rush to heal her. Cantor Ta'khida is corrupted and became Ta'khida-morna:

"So this is the meaning … of the fallen star? Do … what you can, stranger."

After you defeat the Ta'khida-morna spirit of Cantor Ta'Khida will appear briefly before Zerith-var purifies her:

"Cantor Ta'khida! What did he do to her?"

After Zerith-var opens the portal:

"Stay back from me, najeek! My soul is not forfeit to you or your necromancer!"

You can meet her once again by the entrance to The Vile Manse:

Zerith-var: "The young cantor! And the other one."
Cantor Krin'ze: "Viti! You've done enough. Let them help."
High Cantor Viti: "Do not touch her, necromancer!"
Zerith-var: "Are you injured, ja'rithantii? Let me tend to your wounds."

You can talk to her:

"This one heard what this Zerith-var said in Claw's Strike. Necromancy! Viti will not tolerate dark magic near her or her young sahida."

After talking to Cantor Krin'ze:

"This one knows better than to take the word of a necromancer.
The others may be lost, but Viti will not let your influence spread to young Krin'ze. She stays with me."

After agreeing to follow Zerith-var:

"Begone. If you wish to throw your life away, Viti will not stop you."

After you return with two corrupted cantors she will perform rites to stop the spreading of the corruption.

You can talk to her:

"This trouble, it is all the outsider and the necromancer's fault! Leave us!"

You may talk to her after the end of the quest:

"The Inquisitors of the Torval Curiata will find you, outsider. You and your necromancer.
Stay away from the Twilight Cantors or else."
Why don't you trust Zerith-var?
"When you have walked the world as I have, you see how often trust is rewarded.
Stay away from my sahida. She may not understand, but I know nothing good comes from abiding necromancy. Even if it is well-intended."
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