Morrowind:Stronghold (Redoran)

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For the House Hlaalu version, see Stronghold (Hlaalu). For the House Telvanni version, see Stronghold (Telvanni).

Build your House stronghold, Indarys Manor, in three phases.
Quest Giver: Galsa Gindu in Ald'ruhn
Location(s): Ald'ruhn, Ebonheart, Bal Isra, Indarys Manor, Vivec, Tel Aruhn, Ald Velothi, Suran
Reward: Your very own stronghold
Reputation Gain: +2 Reputation
ID: HR_Stronghold
Required Rank: Kinsman
Indarys Manor, the Redoran stronghold after completion

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Build the first phase of your stronghold.
    1. Talk to Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District to start the process.
    2. Travel to Ebonheart to receive the construction contract from Duke Vedam Dren.
    3. Return to Galsa Gindu with the contract and the construction will begin.
    4. After a few days, talk to Galsa again, who will ask you to check on the stronghold progress.
    5. Talk to the foreman in Bal Isra, Bugdul gro-Kharbush, and return to Galsa with the news.
    6. The first phase should be finished after a few more days.
  2. Build the second phase of your stronghold.
    1. Talk to Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District about the second phase.
    2. Talk to Percius Mercius at the Fighters Guild in Ald'ruhn to recruit some guards.
    3. Rescue Percius' friend, Frelene Acques, from the prison in the Hlaalu Canton in Vivec.
    4. Report back to Percius who will send some men to guard your stronghold.
    5. Return to Galsa to start the construction.
    6. The second phase should be finished after a few days.
  3. Build the third and last phase of your stronghold.
    1. Talk to Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District about the third phase.
    2. Speak with Hetman Guls from your stronghold's small village who will tell you that you need to attract some more single women.
    3. Attract some women from Ald'ruhn, Tel Aruhn, Ald Velothi, or Suran.
    4. Talk to Hetman Guls again.
    5. Return to Galsa to start the construction.
    6. The third phase should be finished after a few days.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

First Phase[edit]

Starting the Process[edit]

To start your stronghold once you reach the rank of Kinsman, Athyn Sarethi will direct you to talk with Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District, Council Hall. She will require a payment of 5,000 gold and a construction contract. The contract can be obtained from Duke Vedam Dren in the Grand Council Chamber in Ebonheart if you promise to aid the people of Vvardenfell. If you have talked to Azura and gotten Moon-and-Star Dren will just give it to you without making you promise as a token of his gratitude. Once you give the money and contract to Galsa, the construction of your stronghold will begin.

Checking on the Progress[edit]

After four days, you'll receive a journal entry telling you to speak with Galsa again. She tells you to speak to the stronghold foreman and make sure everything is okay. The stronghold is east along the road between Ald'ruhn and Maar Gan. The foreman, Bugdul gro-Kharbush, will tell you that everything is fine and it should be finished within the week.

Report back to Galsa and after four days you'll receive another journal entry telling you that the first phase of your stronghold, Indarys Manor, is complete.

Second Phase[edit]

Recruiting Some Guards[edit]

Speak with Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Manor District again to start the first upgrade of your stronghold after it is initially constructed. She tells you to speak with Percius Mercius at the Fighters Guild in Ald'ruhn to recruit some guards.

Rescuing Percius' Friend[edit]

Percius agrees to hire you some help, but asks you to first rescue his friend, Frelene Acques, from the prison in the Hlaalu Canton in Vivec. The prison can be reached via the Hlaalu Treasury and you'll have to deal with the guard either before or after you free Acques. Free and escort the prisoner to outside of the treasury where you'll part company. Alternatively, you can just steal the key to her cell from the table and give it to her; she will escape after you leave. The key is easy to steal if you position yourself so the pillar blocks the view of the guard. You can also simply Taunt or Frenzy the Ordinator into attacking, killing him with no bounty.

Building the Second Phase[edit]

Report back to Percius who will send some men to guard your stronghold and then speak to Galsa to start the second phase of construction. You will receive a journal entry after five days to indicate when it is complete.

Third Phase[edit]

More Women for your Stronghold[edit]

You will not be able to progress your stronghold any further until you return to Athyn Sarethi to receive a promotion to House Father. However, he will not be able to promote you any further until you have won the support of more councilors and built a stronghold fit for a Councilman.

Return to Galsa Gindu at her home in Ald'ruhn's Redoran Council Hall to start the third and final upgrade of your stronghold. She will send you to speak with Hetman Guls at your stronghold who will tell you that you need to attract some more settlers, specifically more single women. Just two will do, but you can convince up to four women to move there.

Attracting Some Women[edit]

There are a number of methods of getting the women:

  1. Fathusa Girethi at the Ald Skar Inn and Aryni Orethi outside her house in Ald'ruhn will both agree to come to your village once you persuade them (90 disposition required).
  2. You can also buy two slaves for 1,000 gold each from Savile Imayn in Tel Aruhn.
  3. Alternatively, Galyn Arvel in Ald Velothi will agree to send escaped slaves to your stronghold (requires Twin Lamps codephrase, which you can get from a slave after freeing 21 slaves).
  4. Helviane Desele at her establishment in Suran will tell you that some of her dancers are ready to retire if you persuade her enough (70 disposition).

If you do option 2, 3, or 4, the same ladies will show up in your stronghold (Heniele Milielle in Manor Service, and Assimusa Samsi outside), so you'll only be able to do one of those three, plus option 1. You can have four women attend your stronghold this way.

Building the Third Phase[edit]

Once two or more of these women agree to live in your stronghold speak with Hetman Guls once more. Then go back to Galsa again to begin the last phase of construction and you will receive the two reputation points reward. You will receive a journal entry after a few days when construction is complete.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Quest_ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal Console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Stronghold (HR_Stronghold)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Galsa Gindu told me that in order to build my stronghold, I must pay 5000 gold and get a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.
50 I gave Galsa Gindu 5000 gold and the construction contract. She told me that construction on my stronghold would begin soon.
55 I should speak with Galsa Gindu about my stronghold.
60 Galsa Gindu asked me to check on the construction of my stronghold. She wants me to speak with Bugdul gro-Kharbush, the foreman in charge. My stronghold is on the east side of the road from Ald'ruhn to Maar Gan.
70 Bugdul gro-Kharbush assured me that the first phase of my stronghold would be complete within one week's time.
90 Galsa Gindu thanked me for keeping her informed about my stronghold.
100 Finishes quest☑ The first stage of my stronghold should be complete.
110 Galsa Gindu told me that I must find a way to garrison my stronghold. She suggested I try asking at the Fighters Guild here in town.
130 Percius Mercius agreed to help garrison my stronghold if I rescued Frelene Acques from the prison in the Hlaalu Canton in Vivec.
140 Frelene Acques told me that she could escape on her own if I could find the key to her cell.
141 Frelene Acques agree we could make a run for it. If we get out of the Hlaalu prison, she can make her own way from there.
144 I helped Frelene Acques escape from the Hlaalu prison.
145 I gave Frelene Acques the key to her cell.
150 Percius Mercius told me that he would find men to garrison my stronghold.
170 Galsa Gindu gave the orders to begin constructing the second phase of my stronghold.
200 Finishes quest☑ The second phase of my stronghold should be complete.
210 Galsa Gindu told me that in order to build a stronghold fit for a House Redoran Councilor, I must speak with Viras Guls, the hetman of my village, and find out what I must do to attract more settlers.
220 Viras Guls told me that some of the men here are worried that they will not be able to get wives. He wants me to buy slaves and bring them to my stronghold or find women who would be willing to move to my stronghold.
231 I convinced Aryni Orethi to move to my stronghold.
232 I convinced Fathusa Girethi to move to my stronghold.
240 I bought slaves from Savile Imayn to be wives at my stronghold. They should arrive soon.
242 Helviane Desele agreed to send two of her older girls to my stronghold where they will look for a husband.
245 The Arvel family agreed to send any suitable slaves to my stronghold instead of back to the mainland. This should satisfy Hetman Guls.
250 Hetman Guls said he was satisfied that the men around my stronghold would be able to find wives. I should speak with Galsa Gindu again about construction.
270 Galsa Gindu gave the orders to begin constructing the final stages of my stronghold.
300 Finishes quest☑ My stronghold is complete.