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For the Ordinator class, see Ordinator (class).

An Ordinator
Ordinator (ordinator stationary)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 181 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)
Ordinator (ordinator wander_hp)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 181 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 39
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)
Ordinator (ordinator wander)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 181 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)
Ordinator (ordinator wander_ilpe_1)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 16 Class Ordinator
Other Information
Health 179 Magicka 112
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) none
Ordinator (ordinator ilpe_2)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 16 Class Ordinator
Other Information
Health 179 Magicka 112
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) none
Ordinator Guard (ordinator_bal_ur)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 19 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 205 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)
Ordinator (ordinator_high fane)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 181 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)
Ordinator (ordinator_wander_hvault)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 210 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)
Ordinator (ordinator_wander_tvault)
(lore page)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 210 Magicka 122
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 6(Disciple)

Ordinators are special guards employed by the Tribunal Temple. They are sworn to uphold both Temple law and Imperial law. Ordinators wear some of the best Medium armor, colored light-gold and blue, with masks that hide their faces. Their distinctive armor is called "Indoril armor" because many - although not all - of the Ordinators are members of House Indoril.

All Ordinators are equipped with an ebony mace, a full set of Indoril armor, expensive pants, an Indoril belt, and a torch. They all possess deep knowledge about destructive spells. They can use ghost curse, blood despair, drain blood, dire weakness to fire, frost, shock, magicka and poison, gash spirit, sleep, ordeal of St. Olms, exhausting touch and wild clumsiness, as well as their natural resistance to fire and the ability given by their ancestors to use sanctuary.


There are four distinct subsections of Ordinators: The Order of the Watch, which is responsible for law enforcement in Temple districts; the Order of War, who fight hostile Daedra worshippers and the Sixth House; the Order of Inquisition, who try and execute "heretics", often in defiance of Imperial Law; and the Order of Doctrine and Ordination, militant scholars who study Temple writings.

They are devout and staunch supporters of the Tribunal Temple who follow the reigning doctrine, and as such, are opposed to the Nerevarine Prophecies and the Dissident Priests.

Ordinators are primarily stationed within the city of Vivec, where they serve as the guard. In addition, they are stationed in the Ministry of Truth, Molag Mar, and at Ghostgate. Finally, one Ordinator is stationed in Gnisis at the Temple where he keeps watch over Vivec's Ashmask.


Indoril armor is sacred to the Order and only an Ordinator is permitted to wear it. If you interact with an Ordinator while wearing either an Indoril Helmet or Cuirass, they will from that point forwards indefinitely attack you on sight. This holds true even with the pieces offered as a potential reward during the investigation of the killings in Vivec. Ironically, while the Ordinators wear the aforementioned armor, none of them talk to each other.

After you have accepted Moon-and-Star in the Main Quest, the Ordinators might attack you on sight if your disposition with them is very low. When you meet with Archcanon Tholer Saryoni and Vivec, Ordinators will become more accepting of you.

If you do enter battle with Ordinators, they are tougher opponents than the other guards, since in addition to having better overall armor, they also cast Destruction spells.

Named Ordinators[edit]

In addition to the generic "Ordinator" NPCs that serve as guards, there are named Ordinators in two classes: Ordinator and Ordinator Guard. These two classes are largely identical, except for one thing: the Ordinator Guard, instead of an Alchemy skill, has a Security skill. There is only one Ordinator Guard.

Quest Related[edit]

Other Named Ordinators[edit]


  • Voice:
    • Combat:
      • "May our Lords be merciful!"
      • "You have sealed your fate!"
      • "Fool!"
      • "You will pay with your blood!"
      • "You cannot escape the righteous!"
      • "Die!"
    • Greetings:
      • "What words do you have for me, citizen?"
      • "Greetings. I am at your service."
      • "Praise Vivec!"
      • "How may I help you citizen?"
      • "What is it, citizen?"
      • "Go on about your business."
      • "Tidings."
      • "Welcome, citizen. How may I be of assistance?"
      • "Move along."
      • "We're watching you. Scum."
      • "Not now, outlander. Head on."
      • "Let's not make this official, outlander. Move along."
      • "Watch yourself. We'll have no trouble here."
      • "Go. Now."
      • "Grrrr."
      • "Yes, citizen?"
      • "Citizen."
    • Idle:
      • "Three Gods, One True Faith."
  • Greetings:
    • "Go about your business. But I'm watching you."
    • "Justice never sleeps. Almsivi watch over you."
    • "Where did you get that[sic] The armor you wear is sacred to our Order. You shall be punished with blood!" Goodbye
    • "'Move along, %PCRace... Wait! You're the one protecting Saprius Entius!" Goodbye

  • Background: "I am an Ordinator."

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]

Miscellaneous Quests[edit]


  • After you have been placed on their blacklist for wearing Indoril armor and kill the attacking Ordinators, these religious guards may treat you like an innocent citizen and not pursue murderous tendencies in retribution for your sin. ?