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Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Morrowind
Region Dres
Appears in Arena
Tear (Arena)
Ragman of Tear

Tear (also known as Dres)[1] is one of the eight major cities on mainland Morrowind.[2] Tear is the capital of the Great House Dres, whose sphere of influence revolves around an agrarian agricultural society, building its vast fortune from the export of saltrice and its grip on the slavery industry.[3][4] Tear is also known as the Jewel of the East and it is the most open to trade and commerce compared to other cities on the mainland. But even so, strange happenings occur in the night and few people ever complain about it.[5]

Layout and Geography[edit]

The Tear region is notably hot and humid, given its proximity to Black Marsh[1] and the greater Dres District, which mainly sweeps across the province's southern borderlands, is a blend of the central plains in Deshaan and the swampy interior of Black Marsh. Tear is the epicenter of a series of plantations[4] that harvest everything from saltrice[3] to lichen.[6] These plantations are walled-off and heavily guarded by Dres spearmen, sometimes riding on large wasp-like insects called parraptons.[7] Tear is neighbored by several settlements, including Corkarth Run to the north-northwest, Silnim Dale to the far west-northwest, and Black Marsh to the south,[2] toward Thorn.[8]

Notable Locales[edit]


Slaver camp targeted during the Raid on Tear

It is currently unknown when Tear was founded, but House Dres was given its status of a Great House sometime before the 84th Year of the Golden Peace after a slave-raid on Tear's neighbor, Thorn orchestrated by Grandmaster Thalthil Dres. This event was what also established House Dres' role as a predominant supplier in the slave industry.[3][11] Scholars from the Antiquarian Circle have stated that House Dres had been at the forefront of the Dunmeri slave trade since the mid-First Era.[12]

Ten years after his initial battle near Gnisis, the Warrior-Poet, Vivec re-encountered the Ruddy Man near Tear, who already ransacked three villages. The monster's carapace was now worn by a wayward shaman of the House of Troubles. The Dreugh had imbued the armor with mythic inflexibility, making it molt onto the shaman and have their bones stretched. Vivec defeated the monster with the Symbolic Collage and entrusted the carapace to the loyal mystics of the Number Room.[13]

At some point in the First Era, Tear was caught amid a conflict called the War for Silyanorn, between the First Empire and Morrowind. The Imperial Navy defeated House Indoril's fleet at the Battle of Tear Harbor and even took one of their ships and gave it to the legion, the Dominus Fatum. It later perished during the chase for Red Bramman in 1E 1033.[10]

In 2E 573, Tear suffered a series of disasters including summer chills, a flood, a miasma that settled over the city, fouled drinking water, and plague. With the healers of the city overwhelmed, and nearby communities declining aid for fear of spreading the plague, the healer Rindral Thirano was driven to bargain with the Daedric Prince Peryite for the city's survival. At the cost of taking all the ills of the city upon himself, Rindral ensured Tear's recovery and good health.[14]

Sometime in the late Second Era, the Khajiiti crime boss, S'rathra sent his band of brigands to a plantation outside of Tear to free his kinsmen from the Dres slavers. The Redguard, Cyrus was able to free some of the slaves and it caused a giant revolt across the plantation. In the end, the Dres slavers were freed and the slaves were liberated but Cyrus went down his own route alone after that and it soon brought him to Stros M'Kai.[15]

During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the city-state of Tear was an active settlement. It was ruled by King Niasth and had a rivalry with Mournhold.[5] When Red Mountain erupted in 4E 5, cities on the mainland like Mournhold were mostly unaffected,[16] however, Tear suffered greatly from the cataclysm. An account from the farmer, Drallin Vess, claims that the ground turned into mush and the swamp essentially swallowed up half the city. Earthquakes tore through the ground and caused water to spill in until people were knee-deep in muck water. People tried to save their families and livestock from the flooding water and when the quakes stopped, the city's southern wall crumbled. Other farmers tried to help everyone they could in Tear's destruction, poor and wealthy alike.[17] It is unknown how Tear fared during the Accession War, which saw the Argonians cut a bloody swathe across southern Morrowind until they were put down by House Redoran.[18]


The "Last Scabbard of Akrash" is a fiction novel set in Tear in 3E 407. It is about a Dres noblewoman named Peliah and her love affair with her Khajiit slave, Kazagh, whose nightly persona is the Lopper, a mass killer that targets Dres slavers.[19] Because the book has an emphasis on smithing, it is sometimes used to teach people the craft.[20]

The Sload of Thras would sometimes make routine trips toward Tear to buy slaves from House Dres. There is a rumor that the Sload only practice their necromancy on the races of Tamriel, which the author of "Corpse Preparation" believes is why they purchase as many slaves as they do from Tear.[21]


See Also[edit]



  • Arena was originally conceived as a fighting game featuring a tournament that took the player to each of Tamriel's cities to challenge different gladiatorial teams. According to a file from that stage of development left behind in the final game, Tear was known as the "Jewel of the East", and its gladiatorial team would have been called "the Immortals".[UOL 1]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.