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Skyrim:Treasure Maps

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Treasure Map IV

The following table lists the various map notes found within the game. Most maps provide hints of a location where a chest with valuable items can be found. The chest will not be available until you have picked up the corresponding treasure map.

Treasure Maps[edit]

ID Title Map Location Chest Area
000EF07A Treasure Map I Riverwood (map)
000F33CE Treasure Map II Valtheim Towers (map)
000F33CF Treasure Map III Solitude Lighthouse (map)
000F33D1 Treasure Map IV Pelagia Farm (map)
000F33D4 Treasure Map V Lost Valley Redoubt (map)

Treasure Map VI

Korvanjund (map)
000F33D5 Treasure Map VII Gallows Rock (map)
000F33D3 Treasure Map VIII Dragon Bridge (map: chest, key)
000F33CD Treasure Map IX Broken Helm Hollow (map)
000F33E0 Treasure Map X The Lady Stone (map)
000F33D2 Fort Neugrad Treasure Map Fort Neugrad (map)
000DDEFB Velehk Sain's Treasure Map Pilgrim's Trench (map)
xx02BAAE Deathbrand Treasure Map DB Haknir's Shoal DB Solstheim DB (map)

Fishing MapsCC[edit]

These maps show the locations of certain Fishing Supplies within a given region, but are not required in order to fish there. They can usually be bought from general merchants.