Online:Lord Hollowjack

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This character only appears during the Witches Festival.
Lord Hollowjack
(lore page)
Location Seat of Detritus
Race Pumpkin Spectre Gender Male
Health 6,833,597 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Bust: Lord Hollowjack, Trophy: Lord Hollowjack, Plunder Skull
Lord Hollowjack

Lord Hollowjack is a Daedra Lord who takes the form of a Pumpkin Spectre. He is known as the Lord of Fear and rules the demiplane of Detritus.

During the Witches Festival, you will be able to face him on his home turf as a Group Boss with the assistance of Priest Maxien Roudille, who is found in Olyve's Brewery.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

unknown name
Tosses four pumpkins around him which sprout into thorny vines. A Patch Wraith will emerge from each one.
Summon Sapping Scarecrow
Lord Hollowjack summons Sapping Scarecrows.
Kicking and Screaming
Lord Hollowjack will throw a purple glowing chain at a random player and slowly drag them to him. Once the target is close, they will be one-shot.
Summon Minion
Lord Hollowjack summons a Hollowjack Strangler or Hollowjack Whipvine.
Small damage shield

Stealth Phase[edit]

At 70% and 40% health, Lord Hollowjack will cause your group to be rooted with fear before Priest Maxien warns you to crouch and hide. Soon after, Hollowjack will become invulnerable, stalking around the arena carrying a lantern that exudes a large circular AOE around him. This AoE is his Aura of Dread.

Aura of Dread
This attack one-shots most players. When Lord Hollowjack detects movements or noise, he will runs toward the sound and anyone in his path will be hit by this attack. This is also procced by standing in the large circle around Hollowjack.

During this phase, spectral crows will appear in green AoE circles. You will need to sneak up to them and use the Scare Crow synergy. This will cause Lord Hollowjack to run towards this point, so be careful. Once enough crows are scared off, Lord Hollowjack will cease his hunt and you will be able to attack him again. Another thing to keep in mind is your stamina: if you run out, you will be unable to crouch and hide.

The second time you reach this phase (at 40% health), two Hollowjack Lanterns will spawn. These have their own AoE circles.

Execute Phase[edit]

In the final part of the fight, Lord Hollowjack will summon his Jack-o'-Lantern, which appears as an ominous black cloud above the arena with a glowing mouth and eyes. The Jack-o'-Lantern has multiple beam attacks, and Lord Hollowjack will attack with everything he has.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Lord Hollowjack
Location Seat of Detritus
Race Pumpkin Spectre Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Projection
Lord Hollowjack in one of the Haunted's nightmares

Encountering Priest Maxien Roudille, he will explain that Lord Hollowjack manifests on Nirn during the festival and has been luring mortals to Detritus to torment them. The priest will then ask you to find three of these Haunted to help them.

Lord Hollowjack will appear in a spectral form within the Seat of Detritus to taunt you as you try and break his hold over the haunted mortals.

In Thalien's blazing section of the demiplane you will need to find the Flamequench Bloom to extinguish the flames. As you touch the flower, a dark blue cloud surrounds you as clutch your head and scream:

Lord Hollowjack: "Steeping yourself in the primordial fear of my domain for one little Wood Elf? Foolish mortal. You'll make a finer meal than she."
<Your vision goes black, and you appear back in Grahtwood.>

In Gatzug's version of the demiplane, you will need to find and cleanse his axe that is a symbol of his bloody past. As you deal with the axe on the altar, you are struck by intense fear:

Lord Hollowjack: "Fool! All you've done is postpone his torment. The blood he's shed will always stain his soul. His fears will always lead him back to me. I reject your intrusion. Begone!"
<Your vision goes black, and you appear back in Stormhaven.>

Farvyn Rolas's version of the Seat of Detritus resembles a twisted version of a Dark Elf crypt, reflecting Farvyn Rolas' fears of disappointing his family. When you find the Letter from Farvyn's Mother, Lord Hollowjack will appear in the corner of the room:

Lord Hollowjack: "You may dredge forth some hope for that Dark Elf, but his fears will always bring him back to me. Your fears will do the same."
<Your vision goes black, and you appear back in Deshaan.>

When you return to Priest Maxien Roudille in Olyve's Brewery, he is shocked to find you are neither dead nor appear to be tormented by Lord Hollowjack. Speaking with the priest you learn the horrid truth, he is the eldest of the Haunted and he made a deal with Lord Hollowjack to free himself from torment. He would lure heroes to Detritus for the Daedra Lord to corrupt, but now Priest Maxien has hope that you and your friends can challenge him.

At this point, the priest will hear something and there is a loud noise as a large portal to the Seat of Detritus appears nearby:

Lord Hollowjack: "I'll take great pleasure snuffing out the hope you've rekindled in my Haunted. I'll be there soon to drag every last one of you back to Detritus—for all eternity!"
Priest Maxien Roudille: "He spoke through our amulets! Soon he'll gather enough strength to come for us!"

Once you are ready to challenge Lord Hollowjack you can enter the Seat of Detritus, where you will find what appears to be the three Haunted you saved. These figures are executed by Pumpkin Spectres as you approach, but Priest Maxien will advise they are just illusions:

Lord Hollowjack: "My Haunted can never escape. You have failed them!"
<The three Haunted die and their bodies dissolve.>
Priest Maxien Roudille: "They are illusions! Don't be shaken by them!"
Lord Hollowjack: "They all come back to me. You've failed! Give up now!"
<The three Haunted die and their bodies dissolve.>
Priest Maxien Roudille: "They're not real! Your eyes can't be trusted in his realm!"

Lord Hollowjack will then appear and mockingly bows before you. The fight can now be begun.

Combat Dialogue[edit]

After bowing to you, Lord Hollowjack will say one of the following as the fight begins:

Lord Hollowjack: "Nothing tastes so sweet as the fear from a broken hero!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Welcome! Let the fear of my power wash over you!"

When he summons a Hollowjack Strangler or Whipvine:

Lord Hollowjack: "Just to you this shall appear. The sum and total of your fears!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Face your failure, face your doubt. Your fears within will now come out!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Cowardice suits you so well. Embrace it!"

Summoning a Patch Wraith:

Lord Hollowjack: "My fingers seek and sense your doubt. Pierce your heart and bleed you out."
Lord Hollowjack: "Pumpkins seed, and thorns will bloom. From there my patch wraith pets will loom."
Lord Hollowjack: "Let my fingers find your fear. They will stab you, I will cheer!"
The Stealth Phase

The phase starts:

Lord Hollowjack: "Ah, time to feast on your fears!"'
Lord Hollowjack: "And now the main course. Get ready!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Let's see if we can't break you now."

During the stealth phase, Lord Hollowjack will become invulnerable and will begin to search for his foes:

Lord Hollowjack: "Your pounding heart betrays you!"
Lord Hollowjack: "I will find you!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Worry, scurry, hurry."
Lord Hollowjack: "Here I come!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Am I getting warmer?"
Lord Hollowjack: "I can smell your fear!"

If he detects a player during the hunt:

Lord Hollowjack: "Found you!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Now you're mine!"
Lord Hollowjack: "There you are!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Run, little rat, run!"

After the first stealth phase ends:

Lord Hollowjack: "Oh, that was fun! Let's do it again!"
Lord Hollowjack: "And now the main course. Get ready!"
Lord Hollowjack: "A mere practice round. Do you feel overconfident?"

When the second stealth phase ends:

Lord Hollowjack: "After all this effort, what if you fail?"
Lord Hollowjack: "It would be awful to fail now, having come so far."
Lord Hollowjack: "Do you have delusions of outlasting me?"

Casting Kicking and Screaming:

Lord Hollowjack: "Kicking, screaming, meet your fate. Help, I fear, will be too late."

Summoning Scarecrows:

Lord Hollowjack: "Scarecrows rise to sap your strength, drain your fortitude at length!"
Lord Hollowjack: "I'll pick your bones, I'll blind your eyes, I'll sap your strength, let scarecrows rise!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Your weakness grants me strength!"
Lord Hollowjack: "Ah, time to feast on your fears!"'

Using his Jack-o'-lantern attack:

Lord Hollowjack: "Let my Jack-o'-lantern fly! Now unleash their blazing eyes!"

Upon defeat:

Lord Hollowjack: "Fear itself can't be killed!"

When he defeats the party: (?)


  • Lord Hollowjack can also be found on friendlier terms where he is disguised as an NPC named Khal H. Hughez (an anagram for Hha-Lugh-Zhek, Hollowjack's true name), a random encounter found in set locations around Tamriel during the Witches Festival.


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