Online:Niben River

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Niben River
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Southeastern Cyrodiil,Eastern Blackwood
Niben River

The Niben River is the largest river of Cyrodiil. It is made of two parts, the Upper Niben in southeastern Cyrodiil and the Lower Niben in eastern Blackwood, separated by the large Niben Bay

The Upper Niben is running between Dominion and Pact territories in Cyrodiil. It drains from the Lake Rumare. The river is swarming with slaughterfish, meaning it is not feasible to swim directly across it. Instead, three bridges span the river connecting the territories; Alessia Bridge in the north, Bay Bridge in the south, and Niben River Bridge between them. With the introduction of destructible bridges in Update 20, a ramshackle crossing was also added at Lunar Fang Docks which cannot be destroyed, and the river was widened and banks steepened in some areas to further inhibit crossing elsewhere. Slaughterfish Warning notices can be found all along the river. The upper Niben ends in the Niben Bay near Bravil where it meets the Corbolo river.

The Lower Niben is running between trough the Niben Forest in eastern Blackwood. Immediatly after the Niben Bay, it is met by the Panther River. The western bank, north of Borderwatch is unreachable, its access beeing locked by a closed gate. A large bridge span across the river between Borderwatch and Redmane. The river flows into the Topal Bay at Leyawiin. The river split in two arms before the city. the western arm flows through Leyawiin. Two urban bridges link the west bank to the island where Leyawiin's castle is located. Outside the city walls, a bridge allows to reach the east bank from the castle's island.
