Online:Magdelena's Haunt

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Magdelena's Haunt
(view on map)
Group Boss
Discoverable Yes
Completion Kill the Boss
Westmark MoorRivenspire
East of Hoarfrost Downs
Crafting Stations
  • ON-icon-Cooking Station.png Cooking Fire
Magdelena's Haunt

Magdelena's Haunt is a camp in Rivenspire. A hag named Magdelena resides here. A heavy sack can spawn by the cooking fire. If not already collected, the lorebook Modern Heretics can also be found on the ground near the fire.


Kill the hag, Magdelena, at Magdelena's Haunt.

To clear this location and mark it as complete, you need to kill the following bosses:

ON-misc-Boss 3.png Magdelena


There is one achievement associated with this location:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-head-Harpy.png Hag Hunter 5 Kill the hag, Magdelena, at Magdelena's Haunt.
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