Tribunal:Gavas Drin

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Quests: not written

Services: written by WoahBro

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Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Panda

Spells: written by Alpha Panda, checked by WoahBro
Gavas Drin (gavas drin)
Home City Mournhold
House Mournhold Temple: Office of the Lord Archcanon
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 50 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 431 Magicka 200
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Essential Yes
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 9(Patriarch)
Gavas Drin

Gavas Drin, a Dark Elf priest, is the Patriarch in the Tribunal Temple in Mournhold. He can be found in the Mournhold Temple's Office of the Lord Archcanon. He scorns Helseth and his royal guard, even more so than you would expect from a Temple patriarch as is evident from his dialogue. He asks you to help Urvel Dulni clean the shrine of the dead.

Gavas Drin wears an expensive shirt, a pair of expensive shoes, and an extravagant robe. He also wields an ebony mace and carries ten exclusive restore fatigue potions with him. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the spells Blood Despair, Second Barrier, Strong Reflect, and the unique spell Vivec's Wrath. He also possesses the unique ability Almalexia's Shield which grants him the following bonuses: 30% Reflect, 30% Resist Normal Weapons, 30% Resist Paralysis, and 30% Resist Poison.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

The Shrine of the Dead[edit]

"Hmmm...yes. You are the one that Hler mentioned. Interesting. You are to be of service to our Lady. It is essential, and all would be displeased were you to fail."
service to our Lady
"Yes. Beneath this Temple, there is a large sewer system, built around the ruins of Old Mournhold. You smell like may have spent some time there...Regardless, in these ruins, there lies a shrine. This shrine has been corrupted."
shrine has been corrupted
"The Shrine of the Dead was once a place of great power. It served as a channel to the ancestors, allowing the faithful to learn from harness their power. Over the years, it has forgotten, and it has grown sour. The power that radiates from the shrine has drawn hordes of the undead to it.. The Shrine of the Dead must be cleansed."
Shrine of the Dead
"As I said, it holds immense power to speak with the ancestors and harness their power. The Lady Almalexia wishes to use this power for the good of Morrowind. I realize that ancestor worship falls a bit...outside traditional Temple doctrine, but the Lady know best, and her will is law. To find the Shrine, enter the sewers through the Temple basement. Then head east to the ruined Temple Gardens, and south to the Shrine of the Dead."
must be cleansed
"No...certainly not by you. This task falls to one of Almalexia's chosen. You will escort this young priest, Urvel Dulni, to the shrine. Protect him well, %PCName. His experience is limited, but he is necessary to complete the ritual. The Shrine is protected by the Profane, powerful liches who feed from the power of the shrine. You must destroy them for Dulni to perform his duties. I stress again...protect Dulni at all costs. It is he who must perform the ceremony. If he is not able, there are no others."

If approached again:

"What is it? Have you settled that business with the Shrine of the Dead?"
Shrine of the Dead
"Take Urvel Dulni there and allow him to perform the ritual."

Once you return with the shrine cleansed and Urvel alive:

Shrine of the Dead
"Interesting. You've performed your duty well, %PCName. The goddess is very pleased. Take this Blessed Spear as a gift from the Lady Almalexia. It is good that you have been of service to our Lady."

If Urvel died but the shrine was cleansed:

"You allowed Urvel Dulni to die? Fool...but at least you managed to get the Shrine cleansed. He wasn't the best of priests, anyway. You were to be of service to our Lady, not get one of her followers killed. But, the Lady demands you be rewarded for your troubles. Her wisdom be praised. Take this."

If Urvel died and the shrine wasn't cleansed:

"You allowed Urvel Dulni to die? Fool! The Lady will not be pleased by this. And you did not get the Shrine cleansed. Pathetic. You were to be of service to our Lady, yet you have failed miserably. Pathetic and typical."

If spoken to again if Urvel died:

"Urvel Dulni is dead, and there is no one to cleanse the shrine. This is a disappointment."

Barilzar's Mazed Band[edit]

When first spoken to:

"Ahhh...Fedris sent you to me, did he? You would like to know more about Barilzar's Mazed Band? I suppose I can tell you something."
Barilzar's Mazed Band
"Yes...the Mazed Band. Barilzar himself was a powerful mage...quite powerful, in fact. He created the band sometime in the middle of the Second Era, and soon after disappeared. The purpose of the artifact is unknown to me, %PCName. All I know is that the Lady wants it. I can only assume it will allow her to better minister to her people, though I find that hard to imagine."

Once you return:

"You're to retrieve Barilzar's Mazed Band, are you not?"
Barilzar's Mazed Band
"You've been able to retrieve the Mazed Band? Amazing...Almalexia will want to hear about this immediately. You are to speak with her directly. I hope you realize what an honor you're receiving, %PCName."
speak with her directly
"Yes, the Lady requests your presence at once. It is best not to keep her waiting. You will find her in the High Chapel."


  • Greetings:
    • "Yes...have you come to be of service to our Lady?"
    • "What is it? I have been told of no tasks that you may perform in the Lady Almalexia's service."
    • "I'm afraid that I have nothing for you, %PCName. You will need to speak with the Lady Almalexia if you have further questions."

  • Almalexia:
    • "The Most Blessed Lady Almalexia guides and protects us all. We bask in her glory and are glad."
  • Barenziah:
    • "I've not had the pleasure of her company, myself. Perhaps I'm one of the few. I'll say this: she's much loved by the people of the city. They should remember who truly deserves their love and admiration. All praise to our Lady of Mercy."
  • Fedris Hler:
    • "Fedris Hler is the Lady Almalexia's Steward. You may find him in his office in the Temple Reception area."
    • "Fedris Hler has been found dead! This is a very sad time for us here at the Temple. But, by the Grace of Our Lady, we will find the culprit."
  • Gavas Drin:
    • "I am the Lord Archcanon Gavas Drin. The grace of the Lady be with you."
  • Helseth:
    • "Helseth is Morrowind's new king, replacing his recently deceased great-uncle, Athyn Llethan. This child king is a fool, raised by Imperials, educated by Altmer. He knows nothing of the Dunmer people. Have you seen his ears? He had them cropped to look more Imperial! He is a fool, and a dangerous one."
    • "So, the young king is dead. I'm sure there will be another to replace him soon."
  • High Ordinators:
    • "The High Ordinators keep the peace here in Mournhold. Only the finest and most devout are chosen to be of their ranks."
  • Royal Guard:
    • "Young King Helseth's handpicked thugs. Ridiculous that they are allowed to dispense justice in the Lady's city. The High Ordinators do a fine job of keeping the peace around here."
  • Sotha Sil:
    • "The Lord Sotha Sil is one of the Blessed Tribunal. He is a mighty wizard, and is a source of inspiration for us all." or "The Lord Sotha Sil is a great mage and a member of the Blessed Tribunal. He lives in his Clockwork City, and is rarely seen in Morrowind."
  • Talen Vandas:
    • "Oh, I knew young Talen. He was a fine young man. And King Llethan loved him like a son. I wonder if the truth about his death will ever be discovered."
  • Tienius Delitian:
    • "The soldier? I have little use for him. He is concerned only with the physical: how sharp is his blade, how polished his breastplate. True strength comes from within, by the mercy of our Lady."
    • "I heard Captain Delitian had been murdered. Such is the way of soldiers."

While Gavas Drin does not believe you about the death of the Tribunal either, he does have a unique response to the news too:

"[Anxious, but prepared and controlled.] I'm not sure you understand. The Tribunal are Living Gods -- but that doesn't mean you can come see them any time you want. In happier times, the Tribunal appeared before the people, just like us priests. But times have changed, and no one sees the Tribunal any more. So... of course... you could not have found Almalexia and Sotha Sil 'dead'. That's simply... impossible."
