Oblivion talk:Falanu Hlaalu
Is it possible to open the 2 barrels found on the third floor of her shop? They can't be lockpicked. I 'borrowed' the key found in Falanu, but that key doesn't work either. Is it possible to find any evidence of her necrophilia thing? — Unsigned comment by Galarthir (talk • contribs)
- Nope, those barrels can't be opened. For some reason their lock level is set to 100 (requires a key) but there is no key to open them. You wouldn't find anything interesting inside, though, just a random collection of common ingredients. --NepheleTalk 12:46, 19 May 2007 (EDT)
Graveyard Outings?[edit]
While I have heard about Falanu's antics at the graveyard, whenever I wait for her there I never see her! Does she ever actually go to the graveyard, or is it just a rumor to add variety to the game? -C Garrison 12:17 17 November 2007
- This is one of many bits of dialogue where the thing described never happens. No, she doesn't go the the graveyard but it doesn't rule out the possibility that she may have done. It all goes towards adding some believable background to the game. If the only things that ever got talked about were things the player instigated, it would be a 'very' small world! --Rpeh•T•C•E• 16:14, 17 November 2007 (EST)
- Thanks again Rpeh. I will get the hang of this website soon. (Hopefully...)C Garrison 16:27, 17 November 2007 (EST)
- There is actually something in her AI routine that involves worshipping. In my current game she disappeared about a month ago (game time) and I've no idea where she's went. Her store is still unlocked and everything. Tried moveto using her FormID but get a message about GetStage instead. --Nixlplix 20:06, 3 April 2008 (EDT)
(I don't know if I am meant to post my question here, but here we go) How are you supposed to 'ask around' about Falanu Hlaalu as mentioned on the main page? --Weldo Rubin 9 April 2008
- Asking people for Rumors, overhearing their conversations and so on. "Asking around" is possibly not the most precise phrase but it does the job. Change it if it bothers you. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 11:50, 9 April 2008 (EDT)
Alright, I just thought it would appear as a topic in a discussion instead of just being a Rumour. Thanks. --User:Weldo Rubin 10 April 2008
Drops Dead?[edit]
I was just playing and as I walked into All Things Alchemical Falanu falls over, dead i suppose. I don't think my character did anything to cause this, is this apart of the programming or just a glitch? Has anyone else experienced this, should it be added to the article? PS3 version. Naufana 02:23, 2 June 2008 (EDT)
- Weird stuff happens from time to time. It probably indicates a slightly corrupt save game or something similar but glitches should only go on articles when it's something that can be repeated by many players, which doesn't seem to be the case here. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 03:35, 2 June 2008 (EDT)
- Something like that once happened to me, but with that person who paints the harbour in Anvil. She was walking up the steps towards to city gate, seemed to somehow get frozen in place (as if she fell through the floor a bit and then got stuck there) and suddely shot up into the air, dead. I dunno if it was the landing that killed, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Legoless 16:57, 24 June 2009 (UTC)
I'll get around to adding this properly at some point (or someone will), but for the moment suffice it to say that Falanu has no AI package that causes her to hang around Nerasterel's house. She might hang out there, but that's a coincidence and doesn't deserve a mention on the article. –rpeh•T•C•E• 16:54, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
- (originally posted at User_talk:Rpeh) On my PS3 version I have stalked Fanalu during 7:00am to 7:30am near the church and Nerasterel's house. I am not sure if any other versions would be different but for me during those times she has been waiting around there. I think Fanalu needs a little more research. Days may also play an important factor maybe she stays at her shop in the morning on certain days, while other days she free roams the town. (Lord Tony 16:49, 16 July 2009 (UTC))
edit guy: I was in her house around 7 and she got up and left randomly. I had to pick her door because she was somehow stuck on it, then quickly stealth out of sight. She didn't know I was automatically there, which made me like the game a bit more. Anyways, I took her key and tried the barrels, failing that I figured following her would lead to something. She walked over the bridge around the corner, to behind the chapel. Wasn't back there more than a second (I didn't see anything because I wasn't immediately behind her), then went back home. I didn't see anything odd, other than that mound where Glarthir (sp?) usually meets you. It made me think of buried bodies, but seems like nothing. Glarthir was also killed back there, and I didn't know if she somehow was interested in the body (stupid guard appeared from nowhere during our nonlethal fist fight, killed Glarthir).
I think I caught a bit of an accent in her greeting, when she says Hi, I'm Falanu. The actor prenounces Falanu oddly.--Arch-Mage Matt 23:02, 17 November 2009 (UTC)
Only Alchemist?[edit]
She says she's the only alchemist in Skingrad, but what about Sinderion? She obviously knows about him since she will direct you to him after showing her a sample of Nirnroot. -- 07:54, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
- Seems like Falanu suffers from a minor mistake in scripting - still, I don't think it warrants a mention on her page. --Krusty 11:19, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
answer from random guy who edited: Isn't she an alchemist, and the other guy a researcher? Though that technically makes him one too. He doesn't sell does he? So that would make her the only alchemist shop, and seeing as shop owners talk to customers, this suits her.
Falanu and the Count?[edit]
Excuse me for speculating... but you wouldn't suppose that her remarks about Necrophilia somehow imply she has a secret relationship with Janus Hassildor, would you? ... I mean traditionally (not entirely sure in TES) vampires are undead, and thus engaging in sexual relations with a vampire is generally considered to be necrophilia in some form or other. Consider the fact that of all the towns in Cyrodiil, the one with the necrophiliac in it is also the one ruled over by a vampire (might be considered an odd coincidence). Plus of course vampires are very much hated in Morrowind, and not half so much in Cyrodiil... which might likewise explain the curious details of Falanu's questions. Not sure it matters one way or another... but it was an amusing thought that just came to mind randomly ~ SotiCoto 18:50, 17 June 2010 (UTC)
- Personally, I think that's far too much of a stretch. --SerCenKing Talk 21:59, 17 June 2010 (UTC)
At The Graveyard[edit]
I have seen Falanu Hlaalu at the graveyard before, it was the one next to the chapel. Usually when everything opens at about 8am her shop is still closed because I think she is actually at the graveyardat that time . I've only witnessed this once so I can't be quite sure. 02:06, 4 October 2010 (UTC)
- At 6am every day, she will explore the city for 2 hours, so it's entirely possible for her to end up in the graveyard. – Robin Hood↝talk 04:24, 5 October 2010 (UTC)
All Things Alchemical[edit]
Isn't there a second All Things Alchemical in the game? If I remember correctly, it's roughly SE of the Imperial City, across the water on the mainland. It's nothing more than a burned-out wreck of a building, with a chest or barrel on the second floor. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:43 on 30 June 2011 (UTC)
Why the Falanu rumour refers to her as male[edit]
I think that they originally intended for Falanu to be male, but changed her to female without fixing the rumour. FokkerTISM (email) 11:30, 27 September 2011 (UTC)
- That's very probable, but not worth mentioning. I guess that would be the case for every NPC who suffers from this 'problem'. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 12:35, 27 September 2011 (UTC)