Tribunal:Meryn Othralas

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Quests: written by Croup shrunk (already there)

Services: written by Croup shrunk (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by Croup shrunk

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Maroonroar

Unique Dialogue: written by Croup shrunk

Spells: written by Maroonroar, checked by Croup shrunk
Meryn Othralas (meryn othralas)
Home City Mournhold
Location Great Bazaar
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 5 Class Savant
Other Information
Health 59 Magicka 115
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Meryn Othralas

Meryn Othralas is a Dark Elf savant who can be found by the stage in the Great Bazaar. As the director of a play (The Horror of Castle Xyr), he has a bit of a problem, since his lead actor is "sick." Perhaps you can step in and play the part. He is wearing an extravagant shirt with matching pants and shoes. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Voiced Greetings:
    • "It's never easy, is it?"
    • "Relax. You'll be fine."
    • "Could it get any worse?"
    • "Not bad for an amateur."
  • Greetings:
    • "Greetings, %PCRace! I'm Meryn Othralas, founder of the Mournhold Players. I'm sure you came here to watch our production of "The Horror of Castle Xyr." Well, I'm very sorry to inform you that we won't be putting on the show today. The troupe has its own drama to worry about at the moment."
    • "You're right on time, %PCName. But what have you done with the script? I'll need it back from you before we go any further. Let me know when you've got it." Goodbye
    • "Good job, %PCName. You're right on time. Unfortunately, it seems that someone has killed Gureryne Selvilo, our leading lady, so there won't be any play today. It's never easy, is it?"
    • [The Horror of Castle Xyr has been removed from your inventory.] "Good job, %PCName. You're right on time. Let's get this show on the road. All you have to do is head out there through the door, hit your mark in the center of the rug next to Gureryne, stand still, and deliver your lines. Move quickly through the door -- timing is everything. And be careful, the audience knows the play well, and I'll be counting your mistakes. Break a leg!" Goodbye
    • "You're late, %PCName. I am not pleased with you, but the show must go on. All you have to do is head out there, stand still, and deliver your lines. There's not a whole lot of action in the play, so don't get too caught up in moving around. And be careful, the audience knows the play well, and I'll be counting your mistakes. You've already got one strike for being late. Good luck!" Goodbye
    • "Get out there right now, %PCName!" Goodbye
    • "Oh my, yes, I saw what happened, %PCName. I hope you can forgive us, but we knew that an assassin would attack sooner or later."
    • "Unfortunately, it seems that someone has killed Gureryne Selvilo, our leading lady, so there won't be any play today. It's never easy, is it?"
    • "I'm very sorry to inform you that we won't be putting on the show today."

  • assassin would attack:
    • "Yes, well, you see, our lead actor, Tarvus, recently had a somewhat indecent tryst with the daughter of a Telvanni diplomat. The diplomat caught him in the act, and vowed revenge. Since Tarvus changes residences frequently, we knew an attack would come during his performance, when the diplomat could be sure of Tarvus' location.
Go on.
Hopefully, since you were able to dispatch the would-be assassin, the diplomat won't try again. I know that the services of the Morag Tong are very expensive to enlist. I apologize for using you in this manner, %PCName, but I hope you understand why it was necessary.
Continue Note: The following response varies, based on your amount of mistakes and if you were late.
[2000 Gold has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Verbosity has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well. I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play I didn't count a single mistake. Very impressive, %PCName, but your acting skills could definitely use some improvement [sic] Here, take this gold and this amulet that will improve your acting abilities whenever you need it. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[1800 Gold has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Verbosity has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play you only made one mistake. Impressive, %PCName, but your acting skills could definitely use some improvement. Here, take this gold and this amulet that will improve your acting abilities whenever you need it. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[1600 Gold has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Verbosity has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play you only made two mistakes. Impressive, %PCName, but your acting skills could definitely use some improvement. Here, take this gold and this amulet that will improve your acting abilities whenever you need it. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[1400 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play you made three mistakes. Not quite up to the standards of a professional troupe like the Mournhold Players, but not too bad, nonetheless. Here, take this gold as payment. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[1200 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play you made four mistakes. Not quite up to the standards of a professional troupe like the Mournhold Players, but not too bad, nonetheless. Here, take this gold as payment. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[1000 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play you made five mistakes. I suppose I should have waited for a professional actor to come along, huh? Well here, take this gold as payment, anyway. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[800 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you in full. Let's see, during the play you made six mistakes. I suppose I should have waited for a professional actor to come along, huh? Well here, take this gold as payment, anyway. Thank you again, and I hope you can forgive us."
[600 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you. Let's see, during the play you made seven mistakes. Seven! You only had eight lines before you were attacked. That's horrible! You should be ashamed of yourself. Here's hoping the Mournhold Players never have to associate with the likes of you again. Here, I'll pay you for defending our lead actor, but please, get out of my sight." Goodbye
[400 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah, yes, well, I do intend to pay you. Let's see, during the play you made eight mistakes. You got every single line wrong! I can't believe it! Here, I'll pay you for killing the assassin, but that is it. lease, get out of my sight immediately!" Goodbye
[100 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Ah yes, well I do intend to pay you. Let's see, during the play you made NINE mistakes. NINE! You got every single line wrong, AND you were late showing up! I can't believe it! Here, I'll pay you for killing the assassin but that is it. Please, get out of my sight immediately!" Goodbye
  • its own drama:
    • "Yes, well, wouldn't you know that the very day we're supposed to debut our show, our lead actor, Tarvus Beleth, comes down with collywobbles. We can't find anyone to take over his part. I would do it, but my expertise is desperately needed backstage. So now I've just got to stand up here and try to drive people away from our heavily promoted production. I just wish we could find someone who looks like Tarvus..."
  • looks like Tarvus:
    • "Hmmm.... Wait just a minute there, %PCRace. You know, you kind of look a little like Tarvus. I think this might work. What do you say, %PCRace? Would you like to take on the part of Clavides, Captain of the Imperial Guard, in our production?"
      • Yes, I'd love to help. [The Horror of Castle Xyr has been added to your inventory.] "Fantastic. Here, take a copy of the script. As you can see, people are already starting to gather, so we need to get this show started. I'm sure you know "The Horror of Castle Xyr" quite well, don't you? Of course you do, so there's no need for a lengthly rehearsal. Review the script for the next two minutes, then talk to me again. Make sure you come back within two minutes, as our play requires exact timing to pull off correctly." Goodbye
      • No thanks, I don't have time. "Oh, that's too bad. Well, maybe another Tarvus look-alike will come along sooner or later."