Tribunal:Marena Gilnith

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Quests: written by Croup shrunk (already there)

Services: written by Croup shrunk (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Croup shrunk

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Croup shrunk

Unique Dialogue: written by Croup shrunk

Spells: written by Croup shrunk
Marena Gilnith (Marena Gilnith)
Location Mournhold, Great Bazaar
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 20 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 153 Magicka 122
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Marena Gilnith

Marena Gilnith is a Dark Elf commoner who can be found in the Great Bazaar. She recently ran away from home and came to Mournhold hoping to find the man of her dreams. Sadly, things haven't turned out exactly as planned, but with a little help from the matchmaker, this story will have a happy ending.

She wears a common shirt with matching pants and skirt, and a pair of common shoes. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Voiced Greetings:
    • "A good man is hard to find. You always get the other kind."
  • Greetings:
    • "Hello, %PCRace. No time to talk, I'm afraid. There's much work to be done. Yes, much to do.. No time for silly fancies, like drinking, dancing... oh, but what I wouldn't give to meet someone new."
    • "Hello there, %PCName! Any luck helping me meet someone new?"
    • "Hello again, %PCName. The arrangements have been made, I take it?"
    • "%PCName, don't you have somewhere....else to be? You're making me nervous. We can talk tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me."
    • "Well, look who it is. Have I got a bone to pick with you, %PCName."
    • "There you are, %PCName! I have to thank you for helping me find Fons Beren/Sunel Hlas/Goval Ralen!"
    • "Ah, %PCName. My good friend!"
    • "You don't think I'm actually going to talk to you, do you %PCName? Don't think I've forgotten what you did. Now get lost!"
    • "I'm sorry, %PCName, but I don't think I'll be needing any more of your, ah, 'help'. Excuse me."

  • busy:
    • "Yes, there's much work to be done. Please excuse me."
    • "There's so much to do. I don't mean to complain, but I never have enough free time. And all I really wanted to do when I came to Mournhold was to meet someone new..."
  • Fons Beren:
    • "HIM? You must be kidding. Of course I know who he is. I've heard the stories... You'd really better be right about this, %PCName."
    • "Why do I feel like I'm making a mistake?"
    • "I really owe you an apology, %PCName. I didn't have faith in your choice. I listened to the rumors I heard, instead of believing you. But Fons turned out to be so polite, and so attentive. It was surprising, to say the least! So thank you. You've done so much for me."
    • "I can't BELIEVE I let you talk me into that. Of all the disgusting, arrogant, and vile men I've ever met in my life, none of them can even compare to Fons. I feel like I need to bathe for a week, and all he did was look at me! I swear, I will never forgive you for this, %PCName. I don't ever want to talk to you, or him, again!" Goodbye
  • Goval Ralen:
    • "He's not someone I'm familiar with. But you think I should meet him, %PCName, and I trust you."
    • "It's all arranged, then? Good."
    • "Isn't he wonderful? He's so idealistic and full of life. I'm so happy! I honestly can't thank you enough. You've done so much for me. For both of us, really."
    • "I just adore him. Don't you?"
    • "Ugh. I like flattery as much as the next girl, %PCName, but he really layed it on too thick. It got annoying after a while. If this is the kind of man you think I'd be interested in, clearly we've both wasted our time and energy on this. In fact, I think we probably shouldn't talk at all anymore. The last thing I need is a constant reminder of how badly this went. Goodbye, %PCName." Goodbye
  • Marena Gilnith:
    • "That's me."
  • Meet someone new:
    • "Yes, that's right. Believe it or not, I had no intention of working here when I came to Mournhold. It's quite a sob story; are you sure you want to hear it?"
      • I'm not interested right now.
        • "Just as well. There's much to be done. Please excuse me." Goodbye
      • Please continue.
        • "Well, it's mostly my fault, really. I grew up in a small village in the south of Morrowind. They cared for me a great deal, and only wanted the best for me. But when they arranged my marriage to a wealthy nobleman, I couldn't take it. He was disgusting, and I wanted nothing to do with him. So I ran away, and ended up here in Mournhold. I was convinced that I'd be able to find the man of my dreams. Only, it hasn't worked out that way."
          • What a silly girl. I've no time for this foolishness.
            • "Well then! If that's all you think I am, then clearly we have nothing more to say to one another." Goodbye
          • Go on...
            • "I was foolish about it, to be sure. I never considered that I'd need money to survive on my own. I was determined, though, not to go crawling back to the village and beg forgiveness from my parents and that loathesome man. I'd make it on my own, and only then would I contact my parents and let them know where I was. So I started working... and now it's all I do. I never have time to meet anyone. *sigh* Let me know if you meet any nice, single men, will you?"
    • "Oh? Have you met someone, %PCName? I have to tell you up front that I'm very apprehensive about all this. I'm taking a big risk here, not to mention that I need to leave work for a bit. So you'd better be right about this. If you've found someone who's all wrong for me, I'll simply never forgive you. You sure you want to do this?"
      • No, sorry.
        • "Okay, that's fine. I'll go back to work, and you just come back when you're sure you've found a good one. Hee, hee! I sound like I'm sending you off to go fishing; isn't that silly of me?" Goodbye
      • Yes, I'm sure.
        • "Okay, %PCName. What's his name?"
          • Fons Beren.
            • "That's funny, %PCName. I thought you said Fons Beren for a second. Wait...."
          • Sunel Hlas.
            • "Sunel Hlas, you say? Hmm... I think I've heard the name before, but can't remember where. Whew. Okay, I'm really trusting your judgment, %PCName. Tell him to meet me at the Winged Guar two days from now. I hope he's nice..."
          • Goval Ralen.
            • "Goval Ralen? Never heard of him. I do hope he's charming. And worldly... someone exciting. Well, if you're sure he's worth it, %PCName, I'll trust you. Tell him to meet me at the Winged Guar two days from now."
          • Nevermind.
            • "I'm serious, %PCName. Please don't joke around. If you meet someone, let me know, okay?"
    • "Yes, I made my decision. Have you talked to him yet?"
    • "I'm excited, and also nervous. I do hope you're right about him, %PCName."
    • "Oh, %PCName. There's no need to worry about that now. I doubt I'll need to think about such a thing!"
    • "Oh, %PCName. There's no need to worry about that now. I doubt I'll ever need to think about such a thing again!"
    • "I'm not going to get angry. It's not worth it. It's just that I feel like you wasted my time, %PCName. Nevermind. I don't want to talk about it."
  • Sunel Hlas:
    • "I don't think I know him. He's a nice man, right %PCName? He must be, or else you wouldn't be mentioning him."
    • "Oh, he's such a sweet man. At first, his attitude was a little off-putting. I felt badly about his wife... and a little awkward too. But as we talked, I really got to know him, and he's just so kind. He's had some bad experiences, but I know we can work through them. I just can't thank you enough, %PCName!"
    • "Isn't he so wonderful?"
    • "Ugh. What a wet blanket. Could he have talked anymore about his dead wife? I'm sure he's a....wonderful person, but I just couldn't stand him. Clearly, I shouldn't ask you to fix me up with anyone else. In fact, maybe we just shouldn't talk at all anymore. Nothing personal. It's just that I still have a lot to do, and I can't afford to waste any more time. Goodbye, %PCName." Goodbye
