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(RefID: 000CAB2E)
Location Angi's Camp
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 10 Class Ranger
RefID 000CAB2E BaseID 000CAB2F
Other Information
Health 150 Magicka 50
Stamina 50
Primary Skills Light Armor, Archery, Block, One-handed
Morality Any Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type FemaleNord
Faction(s) WIGenericCrimeFaction
Angi outside her hut

Angi is a Nord ranger, and from what little information she gives, is also an outlaw. She lives in her camp, which she states she built, and can be found south of Falkreath, high upon a mountain ridge. As her story goes, she lives there because her family was killed by two drunken Imperial soldiers, upon whom she then exacted her vengeance. To reach the camp, you will have to travel far to the east, then double back to the west as you ascend the mountain. She wears a belted tunic and boots, and wields a hunting bow with fifteen iron arrows.

Angi also offers practice in Archery and each task completed will increase Archery by 1 (up to 6 levels); she is willing to give you a free hunting bow and practice arrows; both of them are outside, to the left of the door to her cabin. This bow can be a valuable asset for her archery challenges due to its rather high draw speed. Upon completion of her training regimen, and assuming you interact with her in a positive and friendly manner, she will give you her bow.

Note that in the bedroom of her cabin you will find the Archery skill book The Gold Ribbon of Merit on an end table, and Treasure Map V inside it.


Upon approaching her for the first time she will introduce herself:

"Name's Angi and if you try anything stupid I won't hesitate to put an arrow in your head."
Let's see about that. Time to die!
"You chose the wrong girl to mess with." (Turns hostile)
Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you.
"Sorry, a girl can't be too careful out here. Like I said, name's Angi and I've been living out here for a couple of years now."

Her normal greetings:

"Looking to practice, stranger?"
"Great job hitting those targets. You definitely surprised me with your speed and composure."
"Ready to practice some more?"
"It's not often I get visitors out here. You lost, stranger?"
"Lost, stranger?"

When spoken to:

Why live out here all by yourself?
"I moved here from Helgen after my family was killed. At the time I couldn't stand to be around anyone. They all felt sorry for me and I didn't want them to. It was my problem, not theirs."
Who killed your family?
"Two Imperial drunks who thought they were above the law."
Want me to take care of them?
"Already did. Part of the reason I'm living out here now. Thanks for offering though."
I'm sorry about your family.
"Don't be like them. Don't feel sorry for me."
What are those targets for?
"I set up those targets a long time ago. I shoot at them from time to time. Don't want to get rusty with my bow."
Are you any good with your bow?
"That I am. You know how to use one?"
No, not really. / Probably better than you. / Let's just say Hircine would be jealous.
"Well let me know if you ever want to practice. If you need a bow, there's one on the rack to the left of the door."

Her goodbyes:

"Take care, stranger. Be careful out there."
"Remember, composure and speed. You don't need to see your arrow hit before moving onto your next target. Trust your shot is true."
"It was nice to spend time with someone who enjoys archery as much as I do."

Archery Practice[edit]

Test of Accuracy[edit]

Located just outside of Angi's cabin is an archery target area. Angi can provide you with several Archery practice sessions, resulting in a total of 6 level increases. Angi will reveal more of her past and offer her advice during each session. The first test is to hit the closest 3 targets with an arrow. In this first practice round, 1 skill point is provided for each target you hit (3 points total):

I'm ready for some practice.
"Excellent. Follow me to the targets and we'll begin."

She will then walk down to the target area while saying:

"My father was rarely home, so it was my mother who actually taught me how to use a bow. She always said composure was the key to a successful archer. If you can remain calm, even in the midst of chaos, your arrow will most likely find its target."

After she has finished demonstrating:

"OK, let's see what you can do. Remember to stay within the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. I have some if you don't have any. Aim for the middle target."

If spoken to at this point:

I need some practice arrows.
"Here you go."
What are the rules again?
"It's easy - stay inside the boundaries and only use the practice arrows."

If you only have 1 training arrow left she will give you 9 more and say:

"Here, take these. Looks like you're running low."

If you leave the boundary area:

"You need to stay inside the boundaries."

Hitting the middle target:

"Nice shot! Right on target. Now hit the target to the left."

Hitting the left target:

"Great shot. Now hit the target to the right."

Hitting the right target:

"Nice shot! Right on target. Let me know if you want to practice some more. Next time we'll make it a little more challenging."

Test of Speed[edit]

Hit the closest 3 targets in 8 seconds. Angi will count down from 3 and yell "Go," at which point you have 8 seconds to hit the 3 closest targets. Completing this challenge will get you 1 additional skill point.

I'm ready for some more practice.
"Excellent. Follow me to the targets and we'll begin."

She will then walk to the target section while saying:

"My older brother took me out hunting a lot when I was little. At the time, it was difficult to keep food on the table, let alone have enough left over to sell at the market. So whenever we came across more than one deer in a single location, it was imperative we kill as many as we could. If you can learn to keep your composure and trust that each shot is true, then you should be able to quickly handle multiple targets. When I tell you to, try and hit each of the three closest targets in eight seconds. I'll count to three and then say "go." You have eight seconds to hit each of the three targets. Draw string and get ready. One, two, three... Go!"

If you don't manage to do it under eight seconds:

"Time's up! Better luck next time."

If you do manage to hit them under eight seconds:

"You did it! All three targets in eight seconds. Nice job. Let me know if you want to practice some more. Next time we'll make it a little more challenging."

Test of Precision[edit]

Hit the farthest target, located in the middle of and far behind the three closest targets. Again, 1 skill point is awarded for completing this task.

I'm ready for some more practice.
"Excellent. Follow me to the targets and we'll begin."

She will then walk to the target area while saying:

"We've talked about speed and composure. Now we'll go over precision. Often times you won't be able to get as close to your prey as you'd like and you'll have to settle with a long shot. However, with such a long shot, it's more than likely that's the only shot you'll be able to take before your prey runs off. If you find yourself in such a situation, then you need to make your shot count. Don't rush your shot. Crouch down, get comfortable, and take aim. OK, your turn. Try and hit that target way in the back, far behind the other three. Remember to take your time and make your shot count."

If you hit the target:

"Nice shot! Right on target. Let me know if you want to practice some more. Next time we'll make it a little more challenging."

Final Test[edit]

Hit all 4 targets within 10 seconds. Note that this round can be challenging to complete. As before, 1 skill point is awarded upon completion of the task.

I'm ready for some more practice.
"Excellent. Follow me to the targets and we'll begin."

She will then walk to the target area while saying:

"We've talked about composure, speed, and precision. Now it's time to use all three at once. I'm warning you now, this challenge will be quite difficult. Just remember everything I've taught you and you should be able to complete it. It may take you a couple of tries, but that's what practice is all about. When I tell you to, try and hit all four targets in ten seconds. I'll count to three and then say "go." You have ten seconds to hit each of the four targets. Draw string and get ready. One, two, three... Go!"

If you don't manage to do it under ten seconds:

"Time's up! Better luck next time."

If you do manage to hit all four under ten seconds:

"You did it! All four targets in ten seconds. Nice job."

Upon completion of all of these tasks:

I'm ready for some more practice.
"I think I've taught you everything I know. You might even be as good as me now. Kind of scary if I think about it."
Thanks for helping me out.
"It was my pleasure. It's not often I get visitors out here. Let alone friendly ones."
Maybe I can teach you a thing or two about using a bow.
"Very funny."
Looks like you're no longer needed. Time to die.
"You chose the wrong girl to mess with." (Turns hostile)

If either of the first two options are picked she will continue with: "Thanks for sticking around and keeping me company. It was nice to finally meet someone out here who doesn't want to rob you or take off your head. I know it isn't much, but here, take this bow. It was given to me by my family. It's special to me, but brings back too many painful memories."

She'll give you Angi's bow.


  • The trajectory of arrows in Skyrim works much like in real life, as demonstrated by the four targets:
    • For the closest target, the trajectory is flat; aim at or just below dead center.
    • For the target on the left, the arrow lofts or sails; aim at a point about half a target's width on the post below.
    • For the farther target on the right, the lofting is at its highest; aim a full target's width down the post.
    • For the farthest target, the arrow drops back into trajectory; aim about a full target's width above the top of the target.
  • To familiarize yourself with arrow trajectory, aim at a post, where the arrow will normally stick, at varying distances noting where you hit. The only thing missing in Skyrim archery is drift and distance drop. The arrow tends to stay aloft, disobeying trajectory, much farther than they would in real life. With a little practice, you can shoot targets several hundred yards (paces) away.
  • If you can't see the farthest target, try increasing the object detail and view distance in the options menu.
  • You will get six skill increases regardless of your starting Archery skill. Therefore to get the most out of it, you may wait until your Archery skill is 94 and then use Angi's practice to raise it to 100.
  • The Slow Time shout helps with completing the quest.[verification needed — see talk page]


  • If a dragon attacks while Angi is walking to the training area for practice, she will not resume walking there after the dragon is killed, and the dialogue option to train with her will be removed.
  • Feeding on Angi as a vampire with the Vampire's Seduction power can result in the Dragonborn clipping several meters in a random direction while the animation occurs, even into the nearby mountainside depending on position. ?
  • This quest can glitch, especially during the fourth challenge, making it impossible to complete. If Angi says "Watch it!" or similar chastising remarks when you fire at a target, the targets or quest may be glitching. Leaving the area and staying away for a few days in game can resolve this so the quest can be completed. ?