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Location Northeast of Dusk Keep
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 133,844
Reaction Friendly

Ingarlas is a High Elf who can be found at his garden northeast of Dusk Keep.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Perils of Art: Gather some exclusive painting supplies for an artist in Lillandril.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you come to him before starting the quest, he'll say:

Ingarlas: "Please, be careful where you step. The plants I've cordoned off here are both rare and fragile."

As you approach him during the quest, he'll hail you:

Ingarlas: "Another one? You there, come here."

Speak to him and he'll say:

"I bet you've come here for an aurialis bloom. Well, tough luck. Fresh out. Last one was nabbed a fortnight ago.
Come back in about a year. Maybe I'll have another one by then."
How did you know I came to collect aurialis?
"Why else would you come here? The view?
You know, once you could get an aurialis anywhere. Now it's all but gone, blotted out of existence by the greed of artists."
"You heard me. Soon as they learned it made a pretty paint, that was it. Didn't care that it takes over a year to grow, and that only with proper care.
No, they had to have it. And so they took, and took, and now there's nothing left."
Do you mind if I look around for one anyway?
"What are you, deaf? Or just scared to go back empty-handed? Look, I told you, that plant is gone. Go-go find another bloom for your fancy painting!
Off with you now. Just leave me and my garden be."

If you try to speak to him again, you can intimidate him:

"Off with you now. I have a lot to do, and you're not helping by stomping about my delicate plants."
[Intimidate] I think you're hiding an aurialis. Show me where it is, or I'll rip your garden apart.
"What are you, some sort of monster? Can't leave a plant on the brink of extinction alone? Can't let the rest of Summerset enjoy its natural beauty, all for some paint?
Fine. I have one left, under that basket there. But you can't take it!"

Another option is to search for the bloom among his cultivated plants. As you do so he'll become more and more agitated:

Ingarlas: "Would you leave that alone? You'll damage it!"
Ingarlas: "What are you doing? Stop that!"
Ingarlas: "Are you mad? You're damaging my plants!"
Near his tent is a box covering a bed. Remove it and discover the elusive plant:
Ingarlas: "Hey there! Leave that alone!"

Speaking to him before attempting to take the aurialis:

"Now, you leave that bloom alone! It's very fragile!"

He begs you after you attempt to take the bloom:

Ingarlas: "Please, leave that aurialis alone! You can't take it!"

Speaking to him afterward:

"What is wrong with you? Why couldn't you just continue on your way?"

Either through intimidation or snooping, you can confront him:

You lied about there being no aurialis.
"Of course I did. Why would I let you have one of the last, if not the last, surviving blooms? If you take that plant, the species may be wiped out for good.
Did you ever, in your obsession with paint, think about what you're taking from Summerset?"
This might be the last aurialis?
"Yes! That's what I've been saying all along. You're about to uproot what could be the last aurialis on Summerset and grind it up for some painting.
How could you do something so horrible?"
This can't be the last aurialis plant on Summerset.
"You really want to take the chance? I'm telling you, I've searched all over this island. This is the only one I could find. In less than a year it will spread seeds. I'll nurture them, help rekindle the species.
Please. Just … don't do this."
I agreed to collect an aurialis. I'm keeping my word.
"Oh, your word is it? Well, I suppose I'm honored then. To think I'd meet someone whose word ranks higher than an entire species!
You're no better than Vaerelel. Just take your foul harvest and leave."
Conservation is important. I'll spare the plant.
"Finally, someone who sees reason! Thank the Stars. And thank you too, kind traveler. After the last visitor, I was just about ready to give up hope that I'd ever meet a kindred soul.
Oh, but damn that Vaerelel. I'd have two blooms, if not for him!"
"Yes, Vaerelel! The blasted artist who took the last aurialis I cultivated. That's why I was so desperate to save the only surviving plant."

If you speak to him after the quest is completed, he says:

"The day artists stop tromping out here to steal Summerset's rarest of plants is the day I'll retire. Sadly, it seems I won't be retiring any time soon."