Oblivion:Lake Arrius Caverns

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Lake Arrius Caverns
(view on map)
# of Zones 4
Mythic Dawn Members
Ruma Camoran, Harrow, Mankar Camoran
Important Treasure
Mysterium Xarxes
2 boss-level Chests
1 Sneak Skill Book
2 Illusion Skill Books
Console Location Code(s)
LakeArriusExterior02, LakeArriusCaverns, LakeArriusShrineAntechamber01, LakeArriusShrineDagon, LakeArriusShrineAntechamber02
Jerall Mountains
North of Cheydinhal, North of Lake Arrius
Lake Arrius Caverns

Lake Arrius Caverns is a large cave north of Cheydinhal containing NPCs (quest-related). It contains four zones: Lake Arrius Caverns, Shrine Antechamber, Dagon Shrine, and Shrine Living Quarters.

Related Quests[edit]


  • If the quest has not yet begun, you can enter the cave and proceed as far as the door to the shrine, where you can kill the Doorkeeper and steal his Mythic Dawn robes, but the door itself is locked and the Doorkeeper does not have the key.
  • Even after Light the Dragonfires is completed, you can still find Mythic Dawn enemies in this cave.


Key to Maps
Lake Arrius Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 26, 28
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Lake Arrius Caverns (editor name LakeArriusMapMarker). The entrance door is NNW of the marker, 30 feet away.
  • 1 Wilderness Creature (Mountains variety) is near the entrance
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 39 Clouded Funnel Cap plants, 11 Motherwort plants, and 28 Tinder Polypore plants

Zone 1: Lake Arrius Caverns[edit]

Lake Arrius Caverns
The entrance to the shrine

After walking down the first corridor, you will reach a small room with a key-requiring door (H) in the northern corner. Next to it is the Doorkeeper, who will unlock it for you during the related quest. Just beyond it is a small corridor, where you will be greeted by Harrow, who will have quickly entered from the Shrine Antichamber. Whether you hand over your items and follow him or decide to fight him and the Doorkeeper, your next move is to enter the Antichamber via door C.

When returning from the Shrine Living Quarters via door D, you will arrive in a small room with a cooking pot over a campfire, a bedroll (b), a locked minor loot chest, two minor loot crates and some Mythic Dawn clothing. The nearby turn handle (cyan dot on map) lowers the rock wall at I.



  • 1 A Battered Crate (contains 25% chance potions, 10% scroll)
  • 1 Chest 01 (locked)
  • 1 Crate (contains 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% potion, 10% scroll)
  • The following plants will always be found: 3 Cairn Bolete plants

Doors and Gates:


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map

Zone 2: Shrine Antechamber[edit]

Shrine Antechamber
Dagon's Shrine, Shrine Antechamber

Once you enter, door C will be locked behind you with a key-requiring lock. All the Mythic Dawn members in this zone will not be hostile if you are with Harrow and hostile if you are alone. They will also be hostile should you return to this zone after having stolen the Mysterium Xarxes. There is one guard in the first chamber, another patrolling the nearby corridor, and a third in front of the door (E) to the Shrine proper.

There are two passages branching out west from the main corridor. The first leads to two rooms: the northwestern one hosts a candlelit shrine to Mehrunes Dagon and another guard, while the second is a sleeping area with two bedrolls (b) and an acolyte. In this room, at H, you will also find a copy each of the first three books of the Mythic Dawn Commentaries (including the third volume, an Illusion skill book) and a crate with some minor loot.

The second passage is blocked by a hard-locked wood door (K), behind which is a storeroom with a boss chest (B), a number of other minor loot crates, a filled lesser soul gem and some items which may be useful if you handed over your possessions to Harrow: an iron mace, an iron shortsword and an iron shield (at I). The door at K can also be opened by the Storeroom Key, which you can acquire in the final zone (Shrine Living Quarters).

When returning from the Shrine Living Quarters you will emerge from door F, and can use the nearby lever (cyan dot on map) to raise the gate at J. However, door C will still be locked, so to return to the first zone you should head back to the Living Quarters.



  • 1 boss-level Chest (Necromancer variety; locked) at location B on map
  • 1 Illusion Skill Book: Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3
  • 1 Chest 01
  • 1 Chest 03
  • 1 Chest 04
  • 2 Crates (contains 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% potion, 10% scroll)
  • 1 Small Crate (contains 25% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% scroll, gold)
  • The other following items will always be found: 1 lesser soul gem with lesser soul, 1 Iron Shield, 1 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1, 1 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2, 3 Apples, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Iron Mace, and 1 Iron Shortsword
  • Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
    • At B: 1 Iron Mace, 1 Iron Shortsword, 1 boss-level Chest (Necromancer variety; locked), and 1 filled lesser soul gem
    • At H: 2 Apples, 1 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1, 1 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2, 1 Illusion Skill Book: Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3, and 1 Small Crate (contains 25% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% scroll, gold)
    • At I: 1 Chest 01, 2 Crates (contains 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% potion, 10% scroll), and 1 Iron Shield

Doors and Gates:


  • 2 bedrolls at locations b on map

Zone 3: Dagon Shrine[edit]

Dagon Shrine
The Shrine of Dagon

Upon entering you will find yourself on the upper level of a large chamber, overlooking a shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. Climb down the stairs to the shrine and you will find Mankar Camoran preaching in front of a stone altar hosting the Mysterium Xarxes (Q). He is flanked by his daughter Ruma, while four acolytes listen intently just in front. Jeelius (J), the intended sacrificial victim, lies unconscious on a stone altar underneath the large statue of Dagon.

As part of the related quest you will eventually need to grab the Xarxes and fight the Mythic Dawn cultists mentioned above (minus Mankar, who teleports to his Paradise after his sermon via the portal at P). In addition, you will also have to contend with three Mythic Dawn guards who patrol the area. The gate at I will close once you take the Xarxes, trapping you in this zone.

Once you've defeated all the enemies, head to the northeastern corner of the zone, where the previously closed gate at H has now been raised, allowing you to access the Shrine Living Quarters via door G.



Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors in/out of this zone
  • 1 Gate (opened remotely) at H
  • 1 Gate (initially open; closed by script) at I


  • Paradise Portal at location P on map

Zone 4: Shrine Living Quarters[edit]

Shrine Living Quarters

After entering from door G and dispatching a Mythic Dawn Guard, you will arrive in a small room containing a minor loot crate and - at location H - scrolls of Bound Dagger and Minor Heal Other, a Weak Potion of Nighteye, a Potion of Personality and empty lesser and petty soul gems. While here you will likely attract up to seven other Guards, who tend to cluster in the rooms just to the southwest and northwest after wandering in from other areas of the living quarters.

The southwestern room hosts a bedroll (b), a boss chest (B), three minor loot chests and crates and copies of the second and third volumes of the Mythic Dawn Commentaries (the latter of which is an Illusion skill book). The northwestern room contains three bedrolls (b), five minor loot chests and crates and a Weak Poison of Paralysis wedged inbetween some of the crates and barrels. From here, follow the corridor until you emerge into the lower level of a large chamber. In front of you is a stone altar and two stone beds (b), patrolled by two guards.

Head to the upper level and to the eastern corner. Follow the corridor, dispatching a guard along the way, until you arrive at the dining area of the zone. This is complete with multiple tables laden with food and drink, food barrels, a minor loot crate, a guard and an acolyte. From here you can immediately return to the Shrine Antechamber via door F, but there is not much point as the door back to the first zone will remain locked. Instead, head up the western corridor towards door D, which leads directly to Lake Arrius Caverns. Along the way you will encounter a regular guard and the Mythic Dawn Storeroom Guard, who carries the key to the storeroom in the second zone. In the westernmost room you will find a bedroll (b) and a locked chest (I) containing the Sneak skill book Sacred Witness as well as some jewelry and potions.



Doors and Gates:


  • 5 bedrolls at locations b on map