Morrowind:Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces

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Walkthrough: written by multiple users, not checked

Objectives: written by Benould, not checked

Reward: written by DrPhoton, not checked
Your first task is to visit seven shrines throughout the island.
Quest Giver: Any Quest Giver
Location(s): Fields of Kummu, Vivec, Gnisis, Koal Cave, Ghostgate
Next Quest: New Temple Quest
Reward: None
Reputation Gain: +20 (Temple)
ID: TT_SevenGraces (TT_PilgrimsPath, TT_FieldsKummu, TT_StopMoon, TT_PalaceVivec, TT_PuzzleCanal, TT_MaskVivec, TT_Ghostgate, TT_RuddyMan)
Required Rank: None
The Shrine at the Fields of Kummu

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to any quest giver to learn about the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces and receive the book The Pilgrim's Path. Then do the following, in any order:
  2. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Humility, at the Fields of Kummu, and offer a portion of muck.
  3. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Daring, at the Vivec Temple, and offer a Rising Force Potion.
  4. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Generosity, at the Palace of Vivec, and offer 100 gold.
  5. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Courtesy, at The Puzzle Canal. Nearly drown yourself in the Puzzle Canal, Central, to open the way to the shrine. Then give a Silver Longsword to the Dremora Krazzt.
  6. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Justice, at the Gnisis Temple, and offer Potion of Cure Common Disease.
  7. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Valor, at the Koal Cave, and offer some Dreugh Wax.
  8. Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of Pride, at the Ghostgate, and offer a soul gem.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces[edit]

Any of the Tribunal Temple quest givers will give you this quest just after you join. In order to receive any more quests from the Temple, you must first perform the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces, visiting seven shrines across the island. Though none of the quests are particularly difficult, a good deal of traveling throughout the western portion of the map is required. You must visit and activate each shrine, which require you to provide a certain item for each one. You should be given the book The Pilgrim's Path which has a rather thorough description of each shrine. The shrines can be visited in any order and their approximate location should be marked on your map.

Grace of Humility, Fields of Kummu[edit]

The Shrine of Humility can be found in the Fields of Kummu, on the north shore of Lake Amaya along the road between two trees. You need a portion of muck to activate this shrine (just north of the marker on your map). If you don't have muck, proceed south into the lake until you come across a small island where you can obtain some from a Muckspunge. Once you activate the shrine, you will be blessed with Feather 100 pts for 48 min.

The Shrine to Stop the Moon (Grace of Daring)

Grace of Daring, Vivec Temple[edit]

The Shrine of Daring, a.k.a. the Shrine to Stop the Moon, is one of three shrines in Vivec, found outside in the southwest corner of the Temple Canton. To activate the shrine, you will need a Rising Force Potion, which can be bought from Danso Indules in the Temple tunnel or from other vendors around Vivec (any quality of potion will do, though you cannot use one you made yourself). Once you activate the shrine, you will be blessed with Levitate 100 pts for 24 min. You can receive this high-speed, long-lasting levitation again and again by returning to donate another potion; this is useful for map exploration and semi-fast travel, e.g. to Daedric and Dwemer sites in the Ascadian Isles.

Grace of Generosity, Palace of Vivec[edit]

The Shrine of Generosity is one of three shrines in Vivec, found outside the entrance to the Palace. With a donation of 100 gold you can activate the shrine and be blessed with Fortify Mercantile and Luck 10 pts for 48 min.

Grace of Courtesy, The Puzzle Canal[edit]

The Shrine of Courtesy is one of the three shrines in Vivec and its entrance can be found on Level 3 of the Puzzle Canal in the Palace Canton (in the center of the level in the tunnel). Once inside you will find a shrine that will only give you the cryptic message of Breathe the Waters of His Glory and the Way is Made Clear. To "breathe the waters", you must stay underwater until your Breath Bar is depleted, at which point your health will begin to decrease; when your health drops below 10, you will black out for a second and be healed (If you are unable to drown because you have a permanent Water Breathing effect, damage your health to 10 while underwater, or unequip the item providing the effect). Once healed, resurface and head back up the steps and you will find there is now a bridge to a new part of the room.

Cross the bridge to the revealed area and talk to the Dremora Krazzt at the top of the stairs beside the shrine. Give him a Silver Longsword (get one from the chest to your left if you don't have one; if the topic is not available at the beginning, try to interact with the shrine behind him, and then talk to him again). You can now activate the shrine and be blessed with Water Breathing and Swift Swim 25 pts for 48 min.

The Ash Mask inside the Temple

Grace of Justice, Gnisis[edit]

The Shrine of Justice, a.k.a. the Shrine of the Mask, can be found at the top of the Tribunal Temple in Gnisis, next to the Mask of Vivec artifact. You need a Potion of Cure Common Disease to activate the shrine, which can be bought within the Temple (check the rooms near the entrance). Once you activate the shrine, try touching the middle panel again to reveal the true Vivec Ashmask. Touch the mask to be taught the spell Vivec's Touch (cheap but 100% effective Cure Common and Blight Disease on Touch).

If you are born under the atronach birthsign, touching the true Vivec Ashmask can be an infinite, though tedious, source of magicka.

Grace of Valor, Koal Cave[edit]

The Shrine of Valor is a little more difficult to reach, being found inside the Koal Cave just south of Gnisis along the shore (it is marked on your map, under the stone arch). You will need some Dreugh Wax to activate the shrine just inside the entrance. You can buy wax in the Gnisis Temple, or just find and kill the Dreugh Warlord found further inside the cave (the Warlord might be very tough for lower level characters). Activate the shrine to receive the blessing of Fortify Unarmored, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor 10 pts for 48 min. If you have killed the Dreugh Warlord in the cave, you'll also receive an enchanted Dreugh Cuirass.

The shrine inside the Ghostfence

Grace of Pride, Ghostfence[edit]

The Shrine of Pride is the most difficult shrine to visit, mainly due to its remote location. You might want to pick up a Petty Soul Gem before you head out since you need a soul gem to activate the shrine. Any type of soul gem, filled or not, will be acceptable. Head towards the Ghostgate, which should be marked on your map, by traveling roughly southeast of Ald'ruhn or taking a long walk northwards through Foyada Mamaea. Once you reach the Ghostgate, look for the pillars with switches on their sides. You will need to activate two switches to be able to pass northwards through the tunnel. Once inside the Ghostfence, travel north a few paces and then follow the path northeast. You will find the shrine at the end, in the little dip between two trees. Activate the shrine with a soul gem to receive a blessing of Fortify Magicka 50 pts and Shield 25 pts for 48 min.

One note of warning: The shrine here will take one of each type of soul gem you have, which might be distressing if you were saving them for your next visit to an enchanter. However, you can prevent this happening by dropping all but the cheapest gem before activating the shrine. It will not, thankfully, take Azura's Star.

Also, in the temple accessed from the two Ghostgate towers, you will find numerous shrines that provide various stat buffs, if you are low-level and uneasy about going inside the Ghostfence, where you may encounter Ash and Corprus Creatures, even not far inside the gate.


Once you visit and activate all seven shrines, return to any Tribunal Temple Master (not necessarily the quest givers) to notify them that you've finished the pilgrimages, selecting the "Seven Graces" conversation topic.


  • You can start the quest without joining the Temple. Simply read The Pilgrim's Path - you will receive a journal entry, and the locations of the shrines will be marked on your map. However, even after visiting all seven shrines, the Seven Graces dialogue option that completes the quest will not appear until you join the Temple.
  • There are actually two identical shrines on either side of the door at the top of the stairs to the Palace. You need to donate to only one of them.
  • You may have to activate the Shrine of Courtesy several times to make it work.
  • If you are in the Temple faction, you do not actually have to open the book The Pilgrim's Path. Its quest TT_PilgrimsPath, which is also named Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces, is never checked anywhere. The same locations are marked on your map when you are given the book by a Temple steward. If you are not in the faction, the quest will be (probably inadvertently) triggered by opening the book.
  • Drowning in the Puzzle Canal waters is not technically necessary—you only need to be underwater with your health below 10, whether your breath bar is depleted or not.


  • Teleporting to the temple can prevent the script from checking what shrines you have visited. If this occurs, walk out of the temple, and maybe walk out of town, then walk back in. Then talk about seven graces to get the journal entry, allowing you to continue. ?
    • The problematic script is called templeStewards and is located on Temple Masters.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces (TT_SevenGraces)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 %Name gave me a copy of "The Pilgrim's Path" and asked me to make the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces.
100 Finishes quest☑ I have completed the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces.

Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces (TT_PilgrimsPath)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I have read "The Pilgrim's Path" and marked the location of each shrine on my map.

Grace of Humility (TT_FieldsKummu)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Pilgrimage to the Fields of Kummu and read the Grace of Humility.

Grace of Daring (TT_StopMoon)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Pilgrimage to Stop the Moon and read the Grace of Daring.

Grace of Generosity (TT_PalaceVivec)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Pilgrimage to the Palace of Vivec and read the Grace of Generosity.

Grace of Courtesy (TT_PuzzleCanal)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
50 I spoke with Krazzt and gave him a longsword. I should read the inscription on the shrine to complete the Pilgrimage.
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Pilgrimage to the Puzzle Canal and read the Grace of Courtesy.

Grace of Justice (TT_MaskVivec)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Pilgrimage to the Mask of Vivec and read the Grace of Justice.

Grace of Valor (TT_RuddyMan)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Ruddy Man Pilgrimage and read the Grace of Valor.

Grace of Pride (TT_Ghostgate)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
100 Finishes quest☑ I made the Pilgrimage to Ghostgate and read the Grace of Pride.

Prev: None Up: Tribunal Temple Quests Next: New Temple Quest