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The Siege of Vastyr

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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written

ON-qico-Zone Story.png Battle for Vastyr.
Zone: Galen
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Quest Giver: Sir Stefan Mornard, Dhulef
Location(s): Castle Mornard, Galen and Y'ffelon, Vastyr
Prerequisite Quest: Seeds of Destruction
Next Quest: The Dream of Kasorayn
Reward: Count Leonard's Greatblade
Very High Leveled Gold
1 Skill Point
XP Gain: Very High Experience
ID: 6859
Crew ready to sail towards Vastyr.
The Firesong and their Dreadsails allies are about to begin the siege of Vastyr. Sir Stefan needs my help to defend the city and defeat the invaders.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Dhulef.
  2. Speak to Sir Stefan
  3. Free the The Mad Maiden and her Crew.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Talk to Dhulef[edit]

Near the Vastyr Wayshrine you will hear Dhulef shout out to you: "There you are! I've been looking for you, mate!" Although Dhulef is the court magician, he is obviously a warrior as well, boasting that he has prepared a number of surprises for the enemy.

To start the quest, talk to him and see what he wants. He says Sir Stefan has something urgent to discuss with you, and he was just leaving the city. You are surprised he left the city as there is an impending attack. Ask Dhulef where you can find Sir Stefan. Dhulef says Sir Stefan is in Glimmertarn, a village north of Vastyr, which is where he was planning to meet with you. Dhulef also requests that you try to convince the druids to join in the defence of Vastyr while you are in Glimmertarn.

The fastest way to reach Glimmertarn is to use the Vastyr Wayshrine and travel to the Glimmertarn Wayshrine in the far north of Galen.

Speak to Sir Stefan[edit]

Sir Stefan Mornard and a House Mornard Knight

You can find Sir Stefan west of the Glimmertarn Wayshrine up some steps. He says he wanted to see if he could convince Archdruid Rahval to bring his druids in defence of Vastyr. He says he spoke with Captain Siravaen to enlist her help as well, which she agreed to but only if she can recover her ship, The Mad Maiden and her crew, the Gilded Blades. He said Sealord Nalos siezed Siravaen's ship and her crew fled.

You are unsure why Sir Stefan has asked you to help her, but all he knows is that she asked for you specifically. He tells you to go to Castle Tonnere docks, and he stresses that it is cruicial that you succeed in recovering her ship because they need her help in Vastyr.

Free the Mad Maiden and Her Crew[edit]


You'll find Captain Siravaen stading on the cliffs overlooking Westport, presuamably keeping an eye on her ship. When you speak to her she tells you that the Dreadsails have already set sail for Vastyr and she will help only when she gets her ship and crew back. Her plan is for you to cut the mooring lines and drop the harbor chain to the Mad Maiden while she rescues her crew. She said there are some "slimy eels" guarding the ship that you will have to deal with.

You will need to take the platforms down to the dock. Head south to a path that leads down to the platforms where a guard is leaning against the rocks. After dealing with her, follow the wooden platform around the cliffs, and be aware of bear traps that have been set along the way. If you see a trap, you can disarm it. When you get down to the dock there is a small raised platform with the mooring that the ship is tied to. Destroy it and the other three around the ship. After you have cut the moorings, cross over or go around the ship next to the Mad Maiden to the far dock, turn left and release the harbor chain.

Run around the dock and get back on the Mad Maiden. Captain Siravaen wants to confirm that you have released the harbor chain. You confirm that it is done and ask her if she thinks they can get back to Vastyr in time. She's quite confident that you will, and orders her crew to set sail for Vastyr. She orders you below deck for the voyage, and you end up in the Vastyr Cathedral District with Sir Stefan Mornard.

Find Count Leonard Mornard[edit]

Sir Stefan lost his father during the attack and wants you to help find him. Work your way through the Cathedral District to the circled area on the map. Be aware: if you step in one of the large red circles on the ground you will be hit with a barrage of arrows. When you find Count Leonard Mornard he tells you that the Sea Elves have outnumbered them and he wants you to find the archdruids because he thinks the Dreadsails are hunting them. You need to find Archduids Rahval and Ellic and keep them safe.

Continue on the path until you get to a door which is the opening to the Vastyr Old Druid Tunnels. Work your way through the tunnel freeing prisoners as you go. You'll get to another door that leads you back to the Cathedral District. Directly in front of you are several guards around a green glowing cage holding Archdruid Ellic. Kill the guards and he will be released. He tells you he wasn't able to keep the Dreadsails from taking the sacred seed. You now must find Rahval to keep the Firesong from getting all three sacred seeds.

Follow the path around the corner and Captain Siravaen runs to you offering her help. You will come to a set of stairs that lead to a cage door and courtyard. Go into the courtyard and defeat Sealord Nalos. Go through the next gate where you will see Archdruid Rahval on being held by



  • The quest name for the Siege of Vastyr was originally called City Under Siege but it was changed later. It was probably altered to avoid confusion with another quest of the same name: City Under Siege in Stonefalls.

Quest Stages[edit]

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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