This user is female. |
This user is from the United States. |
This user knows much, tells some. |
About Me[edit]
Hey y'all! I'm DoctorWhoDat219, but you can call me "Doc". I'm a Co-host of the UESPodcast, lover of all things ESO, and a Bethesda fangirl. My very first Elder Scrolls interaction was with Skyrim back in 2013(yes, I'm usually a couple years late to the party), and was instantly obsessed. I began writing Skyrim fanfiction for a time, until I was introduced to this little known video game series known as "Fallout"(have you heard of it?), and began spending hours in the Wasteland. But alas, once the Elder Scrolls Online was released, I found my new love and came back to Tamriel. Being a console girl at heart, I eventually moved on from my poor little non-gaming laptop(RIP)over to my PS4 once ESO was released for console--and that's where you'll find me primarily. I do occasionally show back up on PC(now that I have an actual gaming pc), so you can find me over there in the UESP NA guild. I'll occasionally stream, but my real passion has always been podcasting/radio and talking all things elder scrolls(and other fandoms)with you fine people! A proud member of the #ESOFam. <3
UESP Stuff[edit]
I've been using UESP ever since I got Skyrim for my Xbox 360 back in 2013, and have been using it ever since. I am brand spanking new to the whole editing role of the UESP wiki, but I'm legitimately excited to get started! You can find me in the Discord Server, and on Istagram and Twitter.