Tribunal:Ilnori Faustus

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Quests: not written

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Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar

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Unique Dialogue: written by Imperialbattlespire

Spells: written by Maroonroar
Ilnori Faustus (ilnori faustus)
Home City Mournhold
Location Craftsmen's Hall
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 10 Class Crusader
Other Information
Health 110 Magicka 100
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Ilnori Faustus

"Damn that cockered, scrib-sucking son-of-a-Hammerfell-whore."Bols Indalen about Ilnori.

Ilnori Faustus is an Imperial crusader who starts off as a simple apprentice to Bols Indalen in the Craftsmen's Hall and longs to go off on adventures. After you speak to him, Ilnori leaves his job and the smith needs a new apprentice.

He wears an expensive shirt, exquisite pants, steel gauntlets, and a pair of steel boots. He also carries a pair of exquisite shoes. Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


"Are you speaking to me, %PCRace? I suppose you want some armor or steel something-or-another, right? Well, why don't you take your sniveling looks and your ungrateful tone and talk directly to the smith? I'm "just an apprentice." I've got nothing to offer the likes of you. I don't belong here."
don't belong here
"Yes, just look at me. I'm the picture of perfection. Look at these nails. Do you know how much I had to pay those filthy Hlaalu manicurists for these? Look at my flawless complexion, the ideal proportions of my body. Do you think the gods created such an image of majesty for the purpose of blacksmithing? Certainly not, my very naive friend. Clearly I am destined to become an adventurer.
That's right. I'm too good for this place. Slaving over a hot forge is a job best left to the plebes. I mean, look at old Bols over there with his torn, sweat-and-saliva stained shirt, his head like a giant, corprus-infected melon, and that faltering gait of his like a guar with venereal warts. It's a wonder he even remembers to put his pants on in the morning, it really is. Now, compare him with me."
become an adventurer
"Do you mock me, plebe? I aspire to heights greater than you've ever dreamed of. Do you think monsters and evil men will stand any chance when they behold this majestic specimen of humanity striding toward them? No! They will quail and faint at the sight of me. I will wave their corpses aside with a swipe of my hand. My greatness is inevitable. In fact, I believe I will start on my adventuring just today. Mark my words, %PCRace -- next time you come around, you won't find me here."

If you ask him one of the questions above again:

"You heard what I said, you insignificant wretch."

If spoken to again:

"Don't be tiresome. I have no time for idle chatter with the likes of you."