Skyrim talk:The Lost Man's Reprieve

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Helgen Homestead via console commands[edit]

There is something very strange and wrong here. Using coc HelgenHomestead you are transported to a barren windowless room as described in the note but it looks nothing like Helgen Homestead. Do a Map command and you will find that your marker is in exactly the same place as though the room had been moved to you, rather than you to it. Opt for a local view and all that shows is this little windowless room. You cannot fast travel out of this little room. Exit its door. If you are lucky you are loaded onto the porch of the real Helgen Homestead, turn around and there is the first floor as described in the article, but no door to go back through. If you are unlucky you are loaded "off the map". In short Helgen Homestead is part of the Helgen exterior cell(s) and not this poorly connected cell accessed by the console.

My speculation is that this little room is left over developer trash that was not cleaned up and that the location name HelgenHomestead pops out of the game file when searched. It was therefore included in the Wiki map as a door. However, it is a door that no player can find in game, or on the in-game map, no matter which platform PC, PS3, or Xbox. It is a door and room that can only be accessed through a console command or by using the Creation Kit. Using the console to work around bugs has been a legitimate precedent, but noting the use of a console command to enter into problems seems dubious.

Now there seem to be at least two choices: remove the page as not a true location or clarify the situation in the note. I have done the latter.

PS The room might make the basis of a beginning tutorial for connecting one's mod to the Tamriel world. Substitute a ladder for the door in the little room, lower the bed, and add a trap door on the porch. Presto your first connection mod! Kalevala 21:01, 22 June 2012 (UTC)

Even if the interior is inaccessible, I still think there should be a page for this location. It is still a structure that the player can enter, use, and loot. --Xyzzy 22:31, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
I thought as much. Looked at from the perspective of the player the described Helgen Homestead is useful even though there is no door locator on the Local map. So I changed the note with the implied warning about going off the map. But the note itself is still troubling in that it points a way into problems rather than out of them. Kalevala 22:37, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
I agree. I didn't like the note that was added about that, but didn't dislike it enough to make an issue of it. --Xyzzy 22:48, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
I do not see that a function of the wiki is to verify or explore the coc console command's use with every location. Since this is the only location that I know of that comments on its use, I would be in favor of removing the Note. However, I will await the consensus of others. Kalevala 22:54, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
I have seen a few other locations that have a note about an unreachable location, the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary page being one. I'm a bit torn about their value on the page, as they may be of interest to some users of the wiki. --Xyzzy 23:06, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
I went and read that note and corrected it. The room is quite reachable on all platforms when the time is right in the DB quest line. Reaching it early, involves turning off collision detection to walk through the wardrobe. But I digress. Can you point me to any others, especially where there is a location name variable (like HelgenHomestead) in the console? I have enjoyed our colloquy. Thanks! Kalevala 01:00, 23 June 2012 (UTC)
I went through my watchlist, but couldn't find any more. I know for sure there was one other, but can't recall which one. Sorry :( --Xyzzy 05:50, 23 June 2012 (UTC)

Bug removed[edit]

XYZZY Removed "bug", as it may not be a bug (could have been brought by bandits), and is so minor that it shouldn't be mentioned.):

  • The Mead with Juniper Berry bottles do not show up with the other objects during the initial dash through the building.

However, this MQ101 object is missing its Enable. It is mentioned during the initial carriage ride. And it was made by a town resident, not brought by bandits.
--DayDreamer (talk) 21:14, 6 September 2012 (EDT)

What he means is that the bandits that appear later could have brought it with them, even though it was made in the town, or the bandits could have brought it up from a hidden cellar, etc. If the mead shows up later and not during the first quest, then it might be on purpose that that happens. So I personally think it is not a bug. It could go under notes, though. Vely►t►e 21:37, 6 September 2012 (EDT)
If there is evidence that the mead with juniper berries should be present, but is not due to missing script, then I agree that this would qualify it as a bug. However, even if that were true, I still don't believe it should be listed in the article because, IMO, it's simply not noteworthy. --Xyzzy Talk 23:59, 6 September 2012 (EDT)
The MQ101 indicates it is/was part of the quest. The missing Enable probably means the quest itself wasn't properly finished by the developers. Anyway, will be fixed in USKP 1.2.1.
--DayDreamer (talk) 09:11, 10 September 2012 (EDT)


Is this categorized as a home by the game? It's an inn, and is called such by Ralof. I think it should be called an inn in the intro sentence? --JR (talk) 04:32, 12 January 2013 (GMT)