
Online:Morbid Observer

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Morbid Observer
Location The Sidereal Cloisters
Race Dremora Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ciphers of the Eye
Morbid Observer

The Morbid Observer is a shadowy Dremora who is the Overseer of the Sidereal Cloisters, she is unable to interact with the world and few can hear or see her.

The Observer is the only resident aware of the trap that has been triggered, and has been forced to watch the hapless Meenai-Shai fail again and again to return some books.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Under Malign Stars[edit]

After you agree to help Meenai-Shai return a collection of books that were removed from the cloisters without permission, you quickly see something is going when Meenai-Shai is abruptly killed in the main hall:

Meenai-Shai: "We should first visit the Calamitous Gallery. Come this way."
<Meenai-Shai runs forward a bit before a trap kills him. A spectral figure appears.>
Morbid Observer: "He didn't even make it past the Main Hall this time. Pitiful. And it seems he has dragged a newcomer along as well. Poor soul."

You can then speak with the Morbid Observer, who will first talk to herself until she realizes you can see her:

"And now this mortal is staring at me like they can actually see me … like they recognize I'm here. Wait, can you actually see me? You know I'm here?"
Yes, I can see you. What's going on here?
"Astounding. Mortal, I'll speak plainly. I am the Morbid Observer, an overseer that presides over the Cloisters. I'm afraid you've stumbled upon a trap in motion. Both myself, and all those within the Cloisters, are stuck in a never-ending cycle."
A trap? Is that why Meenai-Shai died?
"Yes, though soon he'll return. Just know that when he does, he will not be able to see me. I've been kept separate from the others. Unseen and unheard. I believe someone tried to steal from the Cloisters and this triggered a magical countermeasure."
Is there a way to free you?
"I assure you that a trap set by Mora himself won't be easy to undo. My best guess is to find the root of its cause. The crime that Meenai-Shai participated in, though he doesn't seem to remember. But enough talk, the Argonian returns."

She is right, Meenai-Shai will get up, no worse for wear and welcome you to the Sideral Cloisters.

The Morbid Observer can provide more details about the Sidereal Cloisters and her role:

"You should keep him close. Don't want him to die again. Well, that's likely inevitable, but let's hope he doesn't die too soon."
Why are the Sidereal Cloisters so important?
"The Cloisters represent centuries of fate-scribing perfected. The magics at play here translate the very stars above us. Primordial predictions that, should they be misinterpreted, could cause dire consequences across all the planes."
Is that why Mora set this trap?
"To protect the planes? Or, to covet the knowledge for himself? It makes no difference. Though, I am certain there is a way to release us. After all, even Mora would not want to lose the Cloisters to an endless loop. It'd be a waste."
What is it you do here?
"I ensure that no tome leaves the Cloisters without my master's permission and that the ciphers are able to continue their work unimpeded. An interruption such as this is troubling to say the least. Being unable to act does not suit me."
You can't touch anything?
"No, and it vexes me to no end. Being forced to observe Meenai-Shai's endless stumbling is a torture more potent than I could imagine. Perhaps with your help I'll finally be freed from this blasted cycle."

If you speak with Meenai-Shai, you learn he does not remember what just happened, afterwards you can follow him to the Calamitous Gallery:

Meenai-Shai: "Meet me in the Calamitous Gallery. It's this way!"
Morbid Observer: "He's spirited to say the least, but he'll grow on you. Or not. He comes back either way."

After you guide him through the Calamitous Gallery, you will reach where the Portents of Celestial Bodies is normally kept. Meenai-Shai will comment:

Meenai-Shai: "We made it! We just have to place the book back in its proper spot and— Wait, what's that? I've never seen that in here before."
<As he moves forward, he is hit by another trap and killed. The Morbid Observer will appear once more.>
Morbid Observer: "Struck down once again. Though, he did mention that something seemed different. Come, let us speak."

Talk to the Morbid Observer she will remind you to complete what you came here to do before investigating:

"Thanks to you, Meenai-Shai actually made it through the Calamitous Gallery. It's almost cause for celebration, though admittedly the bar is low.
Since I am unable to lift the books I ask that you complete the task before we investigate."
Will the trap try to stop me?
"I'm sure it would have already, but yet you still stand. You don't happen to have a pact with the fathomless Prince, do you? Regardless, return the book to its proper spot. 'Portents of Celestial Bodies' should sit right over there."

Before you place the book:

"See if you can return that book. I'm curious as to what the outcome will be."
Is there any particular significance to these tomes?
"All tomes kept within the Cloisters hold significance to our master. I cannot yet glean the connection between these, but they appear to revolve around the forecasting of the future or the interpretation of omens. Perhaps you're onto something."

After you have placed the book, a sigil will appear in the air and the lighting becomes green. Projections of figures can be found near the bookcase:

Morbid Observer: "The Sigil of the Great Eye! So this is a trap of Mora's making. Quickly traveler, investigate what the eye has revealed."

Before you examine the objects:

"Remarkable. The Sigil of the Great Eye is Mora's magic made manifest. It seems I was correct. The sigil is holding us captive, but returning the book seems to have undone one of its magical locks. And now, a vision? Or, perhaps a memory."
What do you think this means?
"My master revels in the search for knowledge. It befits him that undoing this trap would slowly reveal what tripped it. We should investigate this vision and see what we can learn from it."

As you observe the figures and examine various objects, the Morbid Observer will comment on them:

Examining the Strange Pendant:

Morbid Observer: "I do not recognize that pendant's sigil. Moreover, ciphers are not permitted personal trinkets while within the Cloisters."

Examining the Scrap of Cloth:

Morbid Observer: "Fabric? Torn from a robe perhaps. Though not from one worn by the ciphers here in the Cloisters."

Examining the projected footsteps:

Morbid Observer: "Strange. Are those footsteps leading to the bookshelf? Wait, no, they seem to pass right through it."

After examining the vision:

<Mora's voice is suddenly heard, and a portal appears nearby.>
Hermaeus Mora: "Do you feel the pull? The spiraling loop of the cycle. Delve deeper if you wish to resolve its unending trial."
Morbid Observer: "A mysterious cipher? How intriguing. Traveler, use this portal to return to the Main Hall. I'll meet you there shortly."

Before you return to the Main Hall, you can talk to the Morbid Observer for her thoughts:

"Portents and clues. A trap befitting the Cloisters. There is no questioning it. Mora has trapped us in this cycle and these visions are beginning to reveal why. Meenai-Shai was aiding a new Cipher, one that said he worked for Mora himself."
You think this mystery cipher was lying?
"A strange cipher bearing an unrecognizable pendant and fabric that does not match the robes of the Cloisters? This cipher fooled Meenai-Shai into unsealing protected tomes and we've been paying the price this whole time. I'm certain of it."

When you return to the main hall, Meenai-Shai will be alive and waiting for your assistance to return some books. Speaking with him, he will not recall a new cipher but asks you to follow him to the Loggia Infinitum:

Meenai-Shai: "Strange, seems I have fewer books to return than I remember. Don't you love when that happens? Onwards to Loggia Infinitum!"
Morbid Observer: "There he goes. Again. Keep an eye open for any new details that may reveal the identity of this mystery cipher."

Speaking with the Morbid Observer here:

"You should catch up with Meenai-Shai. I will think more on this situation, and hopefully there will be more answers than questions soon."
Do you believe that Meenai-Shai is a traitor?
"I've always known Meenai-Shai to be a dedicated cipher, but he isn't without his faults. For instance, it seems he is extremely gullible."

You then enter the Loggia Infinitum and fight your way to the pedastal where the Encyclopedia Praedictionem is kept. When Meenai-Shai goes to place the book, the following happens:

Meenai-Shai: "Ah yes, right here. Just need to return the book back to the correct place. Wait, a moment. Traveler, something is wrong here—"
<A tentacle emerges from the ground and strikes, killing him.>
Morbid Observer: "I believe you are starting to understand what I have endured for countless cycles. Return the Encyclopedia Praedictionem to its pedestal and see what the sigil will reveal to us."

Talking to the Observer before placing the book:

"As before, I believe we should return the book. Perhaps then we will learn more about this strange cipher and this blasted trap."

Placing the book makes a new scene appear which needs investigating:

Morbid Observer: "The sigil has revealed more projections. Including one of myself. Interesting."

Speaking with her at this point:

"There is a plot here to undermine my Prince and somehow Meenai-Shai found himself in the middle of it all."

Like before, the Morbid Observer will comment as you examine things:

Examining the Strange Idol:

Morbid Observer: "An idol of some sort? Though, I'm not sure why someone would worship a rat."

Examining the projection of the Morbid Observer who watches as Meenai-Shai unlocks the seals to the books:

Morbid Observer (Projection): "So Meenai-Shai is the one undoing the seals on these tomes. What is this fool up to?"

After you have examined everything, Mora's voice is heard again and portal to the hall is created:

Hermaeus Mora: "The cycle churns ever forward until all that was stolen is returned."
Morbid Observer: "It seems I had a chance to stop him, but acted too slowly. Is this my fault? Onto the last book, traveler. Let us end this."

Speaking with the Morbid Observer before entering the portal:

"It seems I knew of Meenai-Shai's transgressions and yet acted too slowly. Why did I hesitate? Did I suspect more at play. Perhaps this is why I've been cursed to observe. A reminder of my inaction. Regardless, we have one more book to return."

Once you return to the main hall, Meenai-Shai is waiting for you so you can return the third book to the Empyrean Ascent. You can speak with the Morbid Observer before you continue:

"Help Meenai-Shai through the dangers of the Empyrean Ascent. I hope that returning this final book will free us all from this trap."
I'm starting to understand how sprawling this library is.
"Such is the nature of this place. To contain knowledge and keep it out of the reach of those who may try to steal it. A pity though. The Sidereal Cloisters are a work of beauty.
If only you could experience it free from this cycle."

After speaking with Meenai-Shai, he will then head towards the Empyrean Ascent:

Meenai-Shai: "You are in for a treat! Onwards to the Empyrean Ascent!"
Morbid Observer: "With the final book returned, we should finally get the answers we seek."

For the third time, fight your way to the pedestal where the Fathomless Gaze is kept and Meen-Shai is killed once more:

Meenai-Shai: "Thank you, Traveler. Now all that is left is to return the book. Wait, this looks odd. I've not seen this in here before."
<A tentacle appears and kills Meenai-Shai the Morbid Observer then arrives.>
Morbid Observer: "You should have the honor. Not that I could return the final book myself."

Placing the book, does not end the cycle. Instead a new scene appears with some new figures, the Morbid Observer walks towards it:

Morbid Observer: "More projections? I was certain returning this book would end the cycle."

Speaking with her, she will be disappointed:

"Blast this endless cycle. I was certain returning this book would end it. The sigil taunts me with even more projections."
You're in this one too.
"Yes, I am. Along with the mysterious cipher whose echo we've been chasing. At least the final book revealed who we can blame for this mess."

She will make comments as some of the figures are examined:

Examining the projection of the Morbid Observer:

Morbid Observer (Projection): "Meenai-Shai can't possibly know about the Divinatory Forums. What is he doing here? And who is that cipher?"

From what you can see Meenai-Shai was given a List of Books which he collected and brought to the strange cipher Clagius Lampronius.

After you examine everything, you will hear Mora once again, and he has a clear idea of who he blames:

Hermaeus Mora: "A cipher deceived into welcoming in vermin, and all under the nose of a blind observer."
Morbid Observer: "The Great Eye speaks harsh truths, but he is right. Come and speak with me."

Talk with the Morbid Observer to see what she wants to do:

"This mysterious cipher mentioned the Divinatory Forums, a hidden wing of the Cloisters only known to overseers like myself and a privileged few ciphers.
It seems our best course of action is to follow in their footsteps."
So, how do we follow the mysterious cipher?
"In order to access the Divinatory Forums, a cipher must tap into the sigil magic that pulses through the Cloisters. You'll have to trace the Sigil of the Great Eye and pray that my presence, however tenuous, still allows us access to its halls."

Before you trace the sigil:

"Go ahead and trace the sigil. Unfortunately I cannot do it for you."

You then can trace the sigil near the bookcase which opens a passage to the Divinatory Forums:

Morbid Observer: "It worked! Let us continue into the Divinatory Forums."

You can speak with her once you enter:

"The Divinatory Forums are a closely kept secret. All magical portents from the Cloisters' orreries first travel through the Divinatory Forums. This is where pure, unrefined predictions are scryed and sorted. This intruder should not have access."

Search the area for another book that was mentioned in the above list, but was not with Meenai-Shai:

Morbid Observer: "Of course. A fourth book, and one more potent than the rest. We must return it, Traveler, and stop this intruder at all costs."

Before picking up the Atlas Obscurum:

"The Atlas Obscurum. A dangerous item in the wrong hands. The magic of the Cloisters flow through these pages. Inscribing and storing unsorted and unrefined predictions. To read this time is to swim in the waters of celestial portents."

After picking up the Atlas Obscurum:

Morbid Observer: "The Atlas Obscurum? Of course this triggered Mora's trap. My Prince would never risk this tome leaving the Cloisters. Quickly, we must return it."

You then must locate the Divining Overlook to return the book. If you talk with the Morbid Observer, she will say:

"There's an overlook I think, we need to go and find it."

Further in when you reach the hall with the Overlook she will comment:

Morbid Observer: "There, by the Divining Overlook. That is where we must return the Atlas. I'll meet you in there after I ascertain the extent of the cult's damage."

The Morbid Observer will be waiting for you by the pedestal:

Morbid Observer: "There, that pedestal! Return the Atlas to its protective ward."

Speaking with her here:

"Return the Atlas Obscurum to its pedestal. Doing so will hopefully undo the harm this infiltrator caused."

Once you have placed the Atlas Obscurum on the pedestal, a final scene will appear:

Morbid Observer: "This is it, Traveler. The moment the cycle was triggered, trapping us here."

Speaking to her while examining the scene:

"This is it, Traveler. The moment before Hermaeus Mora's trap was triggered."

It shows the Morbid Observer racing towards Meenai-Shai and Clagius Lampronius, as Meenai-Shai realizes his mistake and Clagius gloats to his master Peryite. When you observe the Morbid Observer's projection you hear her say:

Morbid Observer: "Meenai-Shai, wait! We can't allow him access to the Atlas!"

After you observe all three figures, you will learn what happened next. Multitudes of tentacles struck all of them down, you then hear Mora's voice:

Hermaeus Mora: "None escape my eye nor my judgment. Deceiver and deceived alike."
Hermaeus Mora: "With knowledge secured and lesson learned, the cycle is broken. The faithful are made whole."
<At this, the green light disappears, and Meenai-Shai and the Morbid Observer stand there, both alive and whole.>
Meenai-Shai: "The books! They're trying to steal— Wait. Is it over? Were the books returned?"
Morbid Observer: "Yes, Meenai-Shai. They've been returned. Come, let us speak in the main hall where it is safer."
<The pair run out of the Forums to the main hall.>
Her appearance after being freed from the cycle

You can find the pair of them near the entrance where they talk about their recent experiences:

Meenai-Shai: "Wait, I died? And you were conscious the whole time? This is a lot to take in. How long were we trapped in this cycle?"
Morbid Observer: "I'm unsure how long the cycle lasted. It could have been an eternity. And yes. You died. A great many times, in fact."

Speaking with the Morbid Observer before Meenai-Shai:

"You should speak with Meenai-Shai. He's very energetic for someone who was just released from an endless cycle of deaths."

Once the quest is completed, you can speak with Morbid Observer who is getting used to being able to interact with the world once more:

"Meenai-Shai is back and I'm whole again. This may take some getting used to.
I have grown quite used to speaking my thoughts out loud and going unheard. But, silence is a virtue in a place like this."
What will you do now that you're free from the cycle?
"It might sound strange, but I think I'd like to read. I was surprised by how torturous it was to be surrounded by this knowledge and be unable to access it.
Yes. That's what I will do. I'll sit down and read. How … comforting."

As you leave, you will hear the following conversation:

Morbid Observer: "Strange. I had forgotten the smell of dusty divinations. In fact, I can't remember the last book I read. It's been ages since I could pick one up."
Meenai-Shai: "If you would like, I could offer a few suggestions? Some of my favorites, perhaps."
Morbid Observer: "That would be appreciated, Meenai-Shai. Though, perhaps, let me collect them this time."

Chronicle of Fate[edit]

"Greetings, adventurer. Having spent so long trapped away unseen, I'll admit to having been somewhat anxious about attending this ceremony. But, not long ago, someone showed me the virtues of everyday courage. Thank you for that."
What will you do now?
"Meenai-Shai and I are tending to the Cloisters. There is a great deal of upkeep that we must catch up on now that the cycle has been broken."