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Location Infinite Archive, Index Chamber
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Condition Spirit

Esalinwe is a High Elf spirit who can be found at the Index Chamber in the Infinite Archive. She requests you to kill Fabled and Marauder enemies.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Infinite Avenger: Fabled[edit]

"You're a warrior, like me. I assume you know something about how annoying it is to lose. I didn't even make a mistake. Those monsters just killed me!
Well, I'm not going to lie in my proverbial grave and let them get away with it."
Tell me how I can help.
"You could start by making those Fabled maligraphies wish they'd never crawled out of their books. I'd kill them myself, but the Index won't let me enter the archival wings.
Knowing that there are Fabled out there makes me want to punch a wall!"
Why do you want to kill the Fabled?
"Because I would still be alive if it wasn't for them. They severed my threads of fate. All my hard work … erased.
But you can do what I can't. Make them pay for what they did to me and I will pay you."
All right, I will kill Fabled for you.

She may say one of the following:

"If you lose all your threads of fate in the archive without fulfilling my wishes, I will be very inconvenienced.
I have all of eternity to see those abominations punished for what they did to me. But, I am not known for my patience."
"Are you ready to seek my revenge? You don't want to lose threads of fate just because you weren't prepared for what awaits you in the archive.
That is not what happened to me. Those creatures just got lucky."
"Stay on your guard in there and don't underestimate anything. All the enemies you defeat will only lure you into a false sense of confidence. That's when they get you."

You may ask her questions:

What are the Fabled?
"They're strong maligraphies created from the journals of the archive's old inhabitants. They'll look like Hermaeus Mora cultists, but they won't be friendly."
How can I find them?
"They usually take a little bit of time before they make an appearance in the archival wings. I thought it was because they were intimidated by my skills, but now I know better.
They're stronger than you expect. Don't underestimate them."
How long will I have to wait?
"I'm not sure. It usually took exploring a few different archival wings to find one.
Those bastards are probably waiting to see how much of a threat you are before revealing themselves. They see the archive as a challenge or something."
What happened to you in the archive?
"I heard that I could fight an entire army's worth of enemies here with no real mortal danger.
Imagine my surprise when the threads of fate I heard so much about didn't save me from death—like they were supposed to."
You keep mentioning threads of fate, what are they?
"As I understand it they tie all the living creatures and books here to the Index. I suppose the threads act as security against the dangers of the archive.
Dying severs a thread. Lose too many and you're returned to this chamber."
Then how did you die?
"Master Malkhest and the filers are too busy with the other troubles in the archive to look into what happened. But that is not what bothers me.
I am not upset about the Index's lapse. I am furious at the creatures who severed my threads."

After completing her task:

"You return. With good news, I hope."
Yes, I killed some Fabled for you.
"I wish I could have seen their faces when you trounced them! Were they surprised at how well you fought? At the pain of defeat?
I would say that I owe you for this, but I have enough keeping me in this plane. Accept this reward instead."

She may then say one of the following:

"I never considered that it would be difficult for the dead to gather the means to pay others for their services! I am unhireable as a ghost!
Come back later if you want to avenge me. I can't pay you now."
"These blasted filers, they know that I need rewards to pay you warriors with, but they keep moving them! I want to tear the tentacles from their sides!
Come back later, after I've had some time to find refiled rewards."
"I still want revenge, but it's going to have to be set aside for now. Your skill and your services deserve payment, which is something I cannot give you.
Come back when you're well rested and hungry for a fight."
"It takes a long time for the incorporeal to manifest enough energy to collect the necessary items for a reward. So, as much as I'd love to send you back into the archive, I can't just yet.
I won't have you doing unpaid labor to exact my revenge."

You may ask her questions:

What happened to you in the archive? (she will provide the same answer as before the completion of the quest)
You still want revenge?
"Want it? I need it. I live for it … in a matter of speaking.
The enemies in the archive, the ones that severed all my threads of fate, I know they are copies. Killing one, two, or even a hundred of them will not satisfy me."
Will anything be enough to avenge you?
"My vengeance comes from knowing those bastards are suffering and dying in the archives.
Don't worry, warrior. As much as this existence irks me, it is tolerable."
What is it like being a vengeful ghost?
"Have you ever had a melody stuck in your head? That experience would not be too far from what death is like now.
At times it's comforting to have something to think about. Other times it is the most aggravating experience in all of existence."

Infinite Avenger: Marauder[edit]

"I can't tell you how long I've been stuck here waiting for someone with skills and guts. No one else would go after my enemies. But, you're brave. You can help."
Tell me how I can help.
"Kill a Marauder.
I'd do it myself, but the Index won't let specters enter the Archival Wings. You're alive. You can enter the archive and exact my revenge."
Did a Marauder kill you?
"Kill me? One of those rotten ink bags slammed me into the dirt so hard it severed my tie to existence. I want to return the favor.
Help me. You'll get a reward for killing a monster you were probably going to fight anyway. You have nothing to lose."
All right, I'll kill a Marauder for you.
"Are you ready to seek my revenge? You don't want to lose threads of fate just because you weren't prepared for what awaits you in the archive.
That is not what happened to me. Those creatures just got lucky."
What's a Marauder? / What are Mauraders?
"If you hadn't already agreed to go searching for a Marauder to kill, I would warn you away from getting near one. They're powerful abominations who can and will hit you harder than a troll's club.
I hate them all. Kill any one you find."
Kill any I find? How many Marauders are there?
"More than I want to think about. I fought three before the fourth severed my thread.
They like to rudely invite themselves in your perfectly civilized fights and wreck any sort of plans you may have on the battlefield. Bastards."
Do you have any words of advice for beating the Marauders?
"Keep your eyes open and never be complacent in there. Marauders will join your enemies the moment you let your guard down.
Don't let them get behind you. Don't let them hit you. And for the light of the Eight, don't let them kill you."
What happened to you in the archive?
"I heard that I could fight an entire army's worth of enemies here with no real mortal danger.
Imagine my surprise when the threads of fate I heard so much about didn't save me from death—like they were supposed to."
You keep mentioning threads of fate, what are they?
"As I understand it they tie all the living creatures and books here to the Index. I suppose the threads act as security against the dangers of the archive.
Dying severs a thread. Lose too many and you're returned to this chamber."
Then how did you die?
"Master Malkhest and the filers are too busy with the other troubles in the archive to look into what happened. But that is not what bothers me.
I am not upset about the Index's lapse. I am furious at the creatures who severed my threads."

[verification needed — what does she say after quest is over]

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