Oblivion:Mankar Camoran's Paradise

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Mankar Camoran's Paradise
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 3
Daedra, Kathutet, Anaxes, Medrike, Eldamil, Orthe, Raven, Ruma, Mankar Camoran, Ascended Immortals, Deer, Spectral Mud Crab, Slaughterfish
Important Treasure
Mankar Camoran's Robe
Mankar Camoran's Staff
Console Location Code(s)
Paradise01, Paradise02, Paradise03, Paradise04, ParadisePlayerStart, ParadiseStart, ParadiseGazebo, ParadiseGrottoEntrance, ParadiseHilltop, ParadiseMiddle, ParadiseMinotaurCaveExterior, ParadiseRespawn02, ParadiseRespawn03, ParadiseEnd
Forbidden Grotto:
ParadiseGrotto01, ParadiseGrotto02, ParadiseGrotto03
Carac Agaialor:
Anaxes Cave:
A portal in Cloud Ruler Temple
The entrance to Mankar's Palace

Mankar Camoran's Paradise is a Daedric plane created by Mankar Camoran using the Mysterium Xarxes (quest-related). It is also known as Gaiar Alata. Mankar's palace, Carac Agaialor, is located here.

The portal to Paradise

Camoran's Paradise consists of one exterior zone, and five interior zones: the Savage Garden, The Flooded Grotto, the Lair of Anaxes, The Forbidden Grotto, and Carac Agaialor.

Related Quests[edit]


Savage Garden[edit]

The Savage Garden, sometimes called the Eternal Garden, encompasses most of Paradise's exterior. It is where the Ascended Immortals are tested by the Daedra who roam free across the island. You will arrive here when you emerge from the portal. The sky here is unique, and everything is picturesque. The Garden is very large, with direct paths, both dirt and Ayleid. It is populated by Ascended Immortals and leveled Daedra. The Ascended Immortals are not hostile to you, but they are to the Daedra. The Daedra will attack both you and the immortals.

When you enter, Mankar Camoran's disembodied voice will begin talking to you.

"So, the cat's paw of the Septims arrives at last. You didn't think you could take me unawares, here, of all places, in the paradise I created? Look now upon my paradise, Gaiar Alata, in the old tongue, a vision of the past, and the future."
"Behold the Savage Garden, where my disciples are tempered for a higher destiny, to rule over Tamriel Reborn. If you are truly the hero of destiny, as I hope, the Garden will not hold you for long. Lift your eyes to Carac Agaialor, my seat at the pinnacle of paradise. I shall await you there."

As you progress through the Savage Gardens, you will come upon Kathutet. He offers you a choice. You may either fight him and take the Bands of the Chosen or you may free one of his fellow Xivilai. For the latter, you must defeat several Ascended Immortals. When you return to him, he will give you the bands.

The Flooded Grotto[edit]

This is a small cave accessed from the Savage Garden, containing the entrance to the Forbidden Grotto. It is populated by a few ascended mortals and two daedra.

Lair of Anaxes[edit]

Lair of Anaxes is a small cave where some Ascended Immortals managed to capture their Xivilai tormentor, Anaxes. He is trapped behind a boulder supported by two logs. You are sent here optionally by Anaxes' master, Kathutet, to free him.

The Forbidden Grotto[edit]

The Forbidden Grotto is a medium-sized cave inhabited by Daedra, Dremora, and Mythic Dawn agents. This is where Ascended Immortals who were ungrateful for the gift of everlasting life are sent to be tortured by daedra for all eternity. Here you will also be approached by one of Mankar Camoran's earlier chief lieutenants, Eldamil. You need the Bands of the Chosen to enter, but must have them removed before you can leave. This cave system leads from the Savage Garden up to Carac Agaialor.

Carac Agaialor[edit]

Carac Agaialor is Mankar Camoran's palace. Built in the Ayleid style common to Paradise, this is where you will kill Camoran and reclaim the Amulet of Kings. When entering this area, you will not be able to get back outside. The only way to leave is to kill Mankar Camoran, which teleports you back to Cyrodiil. Ruma and Raven Camoran will follow you inside, and if you kill them they will instantly respawn.


  • Paradise is the only place where Mana Blooms grow, unless the Wizard's Tower official download is loaded.
  • The daylight in Paradise does not affect vampires.
  • The sun is always rising in the Paradise, regardless of the in-game hour, meaning that the place never features nighttime.