User talk:Daric Gaersmith/Templates/PlotIdea

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(RESOLVED) Using variables / parameters[edit]

I'm not sure why this is not working properly. When I try to use this template, the resulting link is created, but the part after the hashmark is always wrong. The resultant link always displays as...


...which is to say...


I assume that this has something to do with {{#inherit}} but I'm not sure how to use it properly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Darictalk 10:53, 11 January 2013 (GMT)

The problem here was that I had used a {{#define}} to encapsulate the PlotIdea call into. The simple solution is, when calling this template, use {{{pathtotemplates}}} by itself, as follows...
{{{{{pathtotemplates}}}PlotIdea|Title of the idea}}