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Pista Marillin[edit]

  • Midnight to 6am: sleeps (never does: because no bed in Editor Location?)
  • 6am to 7am: wanders home
  • 7am to 9pm: visits Arena
  • 6pm to 8pm: dinner at home (always skips)
  • Fredas & Loredas: 9am to 6pm: wanders around Market District (apparently doesn't do either?)
  • Midday on 28th: IC Express; Shuravi not dead
  • Midday on 4th: 24 hour travel to Three Sisters (no "Must Complete")


  • Pre:
    • Midnight to 8am: sleeps at home
    • 8am to 8pm: sits in chair upstairs reading (waits until 9pm if you're there in the room?)
    • 8pm to 10pm: eats dinner downstairs
    • 10pm to midnight: wanders
  • When bring statue, gets up and puts in cabinet
  • Stage 60 & X amount of days passed: waits outside Nenalata
  • Stages 70 to 90: follows you inside Nenalata
  • Stage 70 & near carving: goes to look at it
  • Stage 70 & near carving & you're nearby: activates it