User:PsijicOrder/Skyrim Roleplaying Ideas/Lifestyles
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Vampire Hunter[edit]
You are a vampire hunter, after your lover was taken from you by those animals, you swore revenge on Molag Bal himself. ( This was my back story, if you don't like, feel free to use yours!) Any race will do, though I recommend Bretons because of their resistence to magicka. As a vampire hunter, you search the land to clean the evil. You may have ties to the Vigilants of Stendarr or the Dawnguard, but your way is your own. Eliminate vampires as much as possible, give no mercy for they will neither.
Fighting style anything will do really but if you use magic as a mage, remember : Vampires have 50% resistance to Frost but 50% weakness to fire. A warrior may have trouble with their fast pace, but getting up close to a vampire and simply crushing its head is always fun and easy. I played as an assassin myself, using Illusion and One-handed to kill the important or higher level opponents in a group of vampires before being seen ( Fight darkness with darkness, always fun ). At higher levels beware, occasionally a vampire group will come to hunt you after killing quite a few of their kind. Last word of advice here : Learn Cure-Disease recipes or buy tons of the potions, I don't think I have to tell you why, one ingredient is vampire dust ( irony ) which you will, of course, find a lot of.
Though you are against Molag Bal and his vampires, the other daedric princes are a good source of powerful artifacts or powers. A few examples are the Spellbreaker shield of Peryite, good for those annoying spellsword vampires, and the gift of lycanthropy from Hircine, because who doesn't enjoy a good vampire vs werewolf story?. Sun-damage can be DEVASTATING to them, so I would really recommend seeking out Meridia to recieve Dawnbreaker.
For the starting game, I recommend leveling a bit before heading to Morthal, the evil there is darkest and must be purged. Or you could start of with the companions, no need to finish the whole quest line mind you, just until you have the gift of lycanthropy and can move on to fight the vampires on even footing. Mid-game, Dawnguard quest line is a must. But if you think you aren't ready, then I'm sure Dengeir of Stuhn in Falkreath has a problem need sorted at the Bloodlet Throne.
added by Joruun Steel-Swing, 7/2/2014 ( 2 Years+ and this game still rocks ) Edited by Tamriel's Grammar Police
It is not necessary, but to be a werewolf you may want to be a Nord, because they are the main race of the Companions, which is the quest line you must progress in order to become a werewolf. You are going to want to make your character tough and hairy. Maybe even give them a blind eye, war paint and scars. You feel the urge to kill when you are a werewolf, but most werewolves are nice people when they are human. You should just be a regular person throughout the day or choose another role play to co-play with. In and out of werewolf form, you should be a big fan of meats, raw meats. They should be your main reason for killing anything. You may want to be talented in two handed weapons and smithing. Never carry around any silver with you. If you marry, keep your disease a secret and lie to your wife if you are going some where before the moon comes out. Maybe you could kill your spouse as a dramatic climax (unless your spouse is a werewolf). You should follow Hircine, and shouldn’t really have a home unless you are willing to risk the lives of your neighbors. Your wealth shouldn’t matter though you should do the Companion quets and Ill Met By Moonlight. When in werewolf form, attack everyone you see except for Companions. Change every night to become more in touch with the lore.
Also, the higher level you are the more control you have over transformations and you can keep your self from killing friends.
Description by justice knight and Imperialkhajiit 21:25, 11 January 2012 (UTC)
Any race will do in being a vampire. This is just like a werewolf in the sense being that you should have another role play then be a vampire through it. You could be a vampire by, well... fighting vampires. It would be smart to not carry around garlic or silver with you. You have options of which kind of vampire you should be. You could be a form of weak vampire, where you don't need to drink much blood everyday, but people don't notice your disease, or you could not drink much blood at all and only go out at night. You could live in a home or cave of somesort by day and be a bit mean to people. You could have skills and perks anywhere you want, but you may want to have a good amount of stamina for running, because you are a vampire. You could marry if you please, despite the lore of vampires unable to do holy acts, you must keep your vampirism a secret unless they are a vampire too. You should hail Sanguine, or anything you like, depending if you take vampirism as a curse or blessing. You can eat whatever you like besideds garlic and you can be of any social class. Just remember to either hide or drink blood often.
The most fantastic location for a vampire roleplayer is Cronvangr Cave. Located just east of Mixwater Mill (south of Windhelm), this spider-infested cave seems rather straightforward. However, in the first room (the one with 6 frostbite spiders), check the walls. You will find a button. Push this button and a false wall lifts, exposing a huge cavern with a small house in the center and only 3 vampires guarding it. Look out for the pressure plate on the floor, and push the button on the inside to re-close the secret door. Now, from this "base of operations," you can swim across the river and feed on the unsuspecting owner of Mixwater Mill, returning during the day. The best part? If you get caught, lure whomever found you into your dungeon, pushing the button to open the secret door, and jump over the pressure plate. They will then step on the pressure plate, dying.
Or, if you'd prefer to be a more secluded vampire, leave the door open so that when someone chases you, you can slam it in their face with the button on the inside of your secret room.
With the coming of Dawnguard, Cronvangr Cave is the best choice for a vampire to wait out the days until the download of Skyrim's first DLC.
(Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 by slstone96)
Description by Imperialkhajiit 23:28, 11 January 2012 (UTC)
Diseased Patient[edit]
You could be any race besides an Argonian or Bosmer, unless you have the time to get a disease. You should be very weak and not have much of a life except trying to live by with what you got and what you can do. You can like or dislike whatever you would like and you shouldn't be very talented in restoration because that would be highly ironic. You can be either very positive or negative about your disease, it is up to you but your equipment should have things to keep you occupied when you cannot be out doing things. If you are married, your spouse would most likely always cook for you and follow you if you are sick, unless the spouse leaves you. You should do a lot of prayer and to resemble a prayer you could do the simple healing spell. You should live in a home because a sick person in the wild is a dead man, unless you are looking for a challenge. You should probably be a bit in the low class because you apparently can't afford a cure disease spell or potion, and shouldn't have much of a routine. Each disease should give you different effects. Here are the choices:
Ataxia: This disease causes you to not be able to stop fidgeting. You should not be good at lockpicking, pickpocketing, sneaking, archery, one and two handed weapons, and destruction spells. So, you may need to rely on others for your well being.
Bone Break Fever: This disease causes you to tire very quickly. You can be good at any spells you would like, but you should run, fight, and do normal actions at a very slow pace, relying on sneaking to get your things done.
Brain Rot: This disease causes you to be come very mentally tired. All magic, smithing, and speech shouldn't be used with this disease. You aren't the smartest no matter what you were before, but your strength has not been affected. However, sneak and tactics will not be correctly executed by a Brain Rot patient.
Rattles: This disease is basically a harsh mix between Ataxia and Bone Break Fever. You should not be good at lockpicking, pickpocketing, sneaking, archery, one and two handed weapons, and destruction spells. You should run, fight, and do normal actions at a very slow pace. So, you may need to rely on others for your well being.
Rockjoint: This disease is more forgiving than others. The only thing you cannot do very well is melee weapons. You should be careful when you do any form of attack. You may get stuck when you draw back your bow or throw in a stab.
Sanguinare Vampiris: Look up at Vampirism
Witbane: This disease is not as bad as Brain Rot, but it is fairly similar. You can still do magic, smithing, and speech activities and are okay at tactical warfare but you cannot do it spontaneously. You need to think for awhile before you are able to carry a thoughtful operation out.
Description by Imperialkhajiit 02:18, 12 January 2012 (UTC) Edited by Tamriel's Grammar Police
To be a beggar, you can be any race you would like, but it would be smarter to be a poorer race, like a Argonian, or a Dunmer. You may want to be weak, as you cannot go out and fight, because you have no money. You should scavenge through random barrels for food or try to grab fish out of water. Actually, begging is kind of difficult, I do not yet know how to do it. You could be a mean beggar or kind and grateful one. Your skills should be in speechcraft, or something that allows you to scrape by. You shouldn't carry to much around with you, as you are poor, or you are a rich beggar... It would be smart not to marry, knowing that you will not be able to support a family. Having a nice religon would be smart, or you could be more toward the hermit side, and hate all. You shouldn't have a home, but maybe just waiting in the slums of the gray quarter to by the water in most cities where houses are farther away from for sleep. Your food preferences shouldn't be to picky, keeping in mind you are most likely one of the lowest class people. Your life shouldn't have too much going on, you should always be trying to scrape by. If you get a large amount of money for some random reason, try storing it some where and starting of with a small amount of money.
This could also be criminal beggar - when desperate for food say the barrels haven't respawned or your other source of food is gone,try stealing from an inn or shop.Eat as soon as you stole it,not worrying about guards.Your character is too hungry to care and will take the jail time just for a bite to eat.You could also join the thieves guild.After being poor for a long while you slowly grow out of poverty through a life of crime. You could even pickpocket people as a way to get money from "begging". Description by Imperialkhajiit 21:21, 12 January 2012 (UTC)
Drug User[edit]
As a drug user your entire life will revolve around getting your fix.
Picking a Drug
In Skyrim there are 4 different types of drugs.
- Alcohol: The by far, most common mind altering substance in the game. Not only is it common but there are many different variants expensive and cheap.
- Skooma: A narcotic made from refined Moon Sugar. Skyrim's Skooma is much less potent than in other parts of Tamriel. Some Bandit NPC's have called it 'Watered Down'.
- Moon Sugar: Much more expensive and potent than Skooma. If your character isn't satisfied just by Skooma, he/she may want to move up to Moon Sugar.
- Sleeping Tree Sap: This is by far the most potent drug in the game. Upon consumption, your character will trip nuts, having the screen blurred entirely for 45 seconds. It is also the most rare and expensive.
- Notes: You may even create your own drug! Find a plant/mushroom in the wilderness and begin experimenting with your own narcotic. Maybe Nirnroots are actually psychedelic narcotics! You could even make a backstory of how Sinderoin was searching for the most potent strain! You may even choose a certain type of potion for a drug resulting as increased attainability.
Getting Your Fix
When you start the drug game your character should first start with something minor. You shouldn't start right off the bat with something really hardcore. Maybe start with something small to get your fix such as Stamina Potions just to get a little adrenaline rush. Come up with a back story on how you got hooked. Maybe Sven took you out to his secret little hideout and gave you a dose of Skooma. Regardless, once you start, you'll slowly progress to a deeper level of needing your fix. At first you won't do it all the time, but soon, you may find you've become addicted to the feeling, and it may drive you to your breaking point trying to get your fix. You may choose to live any sort of life you wish. You could be royalty or a homeless person who has to steal his supply. Travel the roads to meet wandering Orcs who can give you your fix or make bargains with the Khajiit Caravans. Once a month you can go to Sleeping Tree Camp for a free bottle of Sleeping Tree Sap, as it is the most potent narcotic in the game. Besides getting your fix, you'll need to eat three meals a day. If you're wealth and can afford it, good for you! If you're poor.. You might have to steal for your food but remember, drugs come first.
Gettin' High
Once you've obtained your fix, it's time to get down to using it. When you use a drug you'll need to be away from the public or with an NPC you feel also uses. You can stay in your home, go out in the wild, or be with other users in their homes. The If anyone who does not do drugs sees you use or within 2hrs of using, you'll have to punch them and be detained by the guards or of course run. Look for beautiful spots all around Skyrim to enjoy your fix, being at one with nature and away from the bonds of society. Maybe have a follower who is your partner in crime. If you feel like partying, go to the Riften Skooma Den. There you can use to your hearts content and be around others who enjoy the same thing. Maybe your character is an alcoholic instead? Party hard at Inns and Taverns, make sure to do the Sanguine quest line when you're challenged to a drinking contest. You cannot wait while tripping you'll have to ride out the whole 2 hours until your sober. If you were getting drunk, you may drink too much and pass out right at the counter, waiting until the morning when the barmaid wakes you up.
If playing on the PC, there are several mods that will enhance this experience. "Skyhighrim" adds several drugs to the game with accompanying visual effects and in-game statistical effects. "Cannabis Skyrim", another mod, adds cannabis related items to the game with visual effects and an extensive list of items. "Cannabis Skyrim" is quite an extensive mod with a new shop, the ability to plant different strains of cannabis plants, the ability to use and create apparel and items for consumption and many other things related to it. These mods can be found on the "Skyrim Nexus".
Links: Skyrim Nexus: Skyhighrim: Cannabis Skyrim:
In the DLC Dawnguard,there is a place called Redwater Den.In it,there is a new kind of drug,'Redwater Skooma'.You can buy some only before you complete the quest that lets you go within.However,before you drink some,try to buy all you can because once you drink some,then you can never get any again because the Redwater Skooma dealer disappears.
This part was added by [Anonymous]
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit, PsijicOrder and Choson
Mad Man[edit]
Although not many people with schizophrenia have it as severe as this, it can be quite fun to roleplay as. He's normal during the day. Eats and drinks and talks to people. He can have a wife (or a husband). He could be a peasant or a noble... however, at twelve, he sleeps for one hour and then an entirely different person appears and murder people secretly. At five, go home and sleep for another hour. You are now normal again. Alternatively, you can be normal during the night and crazy during the day. For some unknown reason, you have lots of hearts in you house (human, daedric and briar). When you go crazy, eat some as you feel it makes you closer to Sheogorath.
Idea by POMC S117 Description by POMC S117 & Wereman
- Edit: Actually, schizophrenia is more likely to be manifested with hallucinations, hearing things, and paranoia (paranoid schizophrenia, that is). What this bit is talking about sounds more like a violent case of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or Multiple-Personality Disorder. This usually means that the individual has dual or more personalities living within them that manifest at different times, usually as the result of a trauma. To play as a schizophrenic, attempt to talk to inanimate objects or animals, strike at things that are not there, go into sneak mode and look at the skies (convinced that the dragons are watching you), and the like.
You can make your own backstory, it could be you were born that way or you could have had an accident later in life. You may buy a house and follow a religion, you cannot marry as you are to disfigured you must wear something over your face at all times or a hood. You only go out early or late as shops are about to open or close and you can spend most of your time away from towns if you want. It's a good idea to join the Dark brotherhood or Thieves guild or you can live in the wilderness. You can be any race and you may kill anyone whom you feel must die for shunning you! Any build or race is acceptable. You also may be an adveturer and do the main quest so then people will accept you.
- I have a slight variation on the the 'outcast' theme. I play as a Khajit who wanders around, usually with the caravans, and who sometimes goes off and does a bit of exploring and trading. Instead of a home, I keep all my belongings in the Treasure Chest (Treasure Map#1) in the hollow log outside Riverwood. This character avoids cities and any major quest lines except the Thieve's Guild, though even there I stopped before doing Goldenglow Estate and just wander around doing odd jobs for Delvin and Vex. Emma of Falkreath (talk) 00:29, 19 December 2017 (UTC)
You can be any race. But be a race revelant to where you live. If you live in Windhelm or Dawnstar, dont be an Argonian or Bosmer, or Khajiit, be a Dunmer, Nord, or Imperial. In Falkreath, be a Nord, or Imperial. Either live in a house, or rent a room in an inn. If you have a house, sleep, rest, and eat there. You can even have friends stay there for a while. Try to be just a normal citizen. You have a wide range of histories you can pick or make. From a retired soldier, to a politician, or even a Retired Jarl! Pick your class, like a Beggar, to a Peasant, or even a Noble! Just make it more realistic.
- If you must have a Weapon, Only use a Small Knife ( Dagger ) for self defense.
- Avoid combat, your not a fighter.
- Be normal, don't suddenly become dragonborn when Guards arrest you for pickpocketing.
- Get yourself a job, earn yourself a humble pay, spend it on a dinner in an inn!
- Remember by pressing and holding 'A' on an object (for Xbox) you can move objects, as if you had hands; use this to bring your character alive and do your commoner activities!
Lost Emperor/Empress[edit]
You are the last living descendant of the Septims. An Imperial would be good for this, but you can also choose a Nord, or a Breton. You should also do the Civil War quests as well. You should try and complete all Faction and Guild quests, just like your great ancestor, The Hero of Kvatch. Also, try and Master each combat skill before you fight Alduin, as training.
During the Oblivion Crisis, there had been a small, secret and unknown romance between the Hero of Kvatch and Martin Septim. After the Crisis, the Hero found out she was pregnant - the child obviously being Martin Septim's heir. The Blades soon found out about the heir, and swore to protect the unborn child and the Heroine. None noticed the Hero of Kvatch's disappearance, for they were too busy with normal life. Under the watchful eye of the Blades, the heir of Martin Septim lived an ordinary life, and bore children of her own, who in turn, also had children.
You are the last, living descendant of the Septim Dynasty, after your parents had been killed in an unknown accident. Living on your own, you were forced to travel to Skyrim, in search of a better life. No one knows about your lineage other than you, most Blades were killed in the Great War, and even your name has been filtered through generations of marriages, that no one would guess you were the Lost Heir.
Idea by Phoeniix. Decription by Phoeniix
this part is by rjrilly (not an Account just name i made up)
I read This and thought of a good idea: maybe your character is angry at Emperor Titus Mede for taking his birth right So he joins the dark brotherhood in a hope somone will give him a Contract to kill him then after he has killed him he goes and takes the throne for himself Ex: walk around solitude and castle dour maybe join the empire and complete that questline If on the pc Add your self to the penitus occulatus faction(not sure if that makes db attack you) so that your bodyguards dont attack you and summon them using the console.
This part is by a random person.
Ok this is a bit unfriendly to lore (since Alduin only takes over once the Septims have vanished), so to make this more lore friendly you can say that your bloodline has run to its end with you and therefore, through generations of Septims, you have become almost unreconizable as a Septim and it is a shock you were born with the dragonblood.
First you should choose your favorite hold. Preferably one with a house. You should do just enough to become thane your a noble not a warrior unless of course you believe in honor and chivalry. Wear Fine Clothes or Radiant Raiment Finery if you are thane of Solitude. Eat 3 expensive meals a day and maybe sleep late if you are the lazy type. If you are honorable you should do every Misc. quest your hold has to offer maybe even the civil War but remember you are loyal to the jarl. If you are a corrupt thane be a back stabber and maybe make illicit deals. You can even have ties in the Thieves guild. If you are thane of Whiterun you can join the companions. For Role Play sake don't be thane of more than one hold.
By: Akatosh7
Holy Werewolf Vampire Hunter[edit]
Dawnguard Plug-in Required
BIO: Your name is Draven Crofft, a once proud Nord from the small town of Roriksted. You spent your days huntig vampires, undead, werewolves, and the like for years out of dedication to your Daedric deity Meridia, who commanded you to do so. You were not rich and your acts were not recognized or rewarded. One night, a werewolf hunt went terribly wrong, ending in the death of your greatest friend and ally, and the transformation of yourself into a werewolf, strengthening your hatred of the undead, now not only slaying for your god, but also for the hatred you vowed to harbor for the rest of your life. You kept your lycanthropy a secret from your hometown until one night you forgot to take your potion and you transformed into a werewolf, unconciously slaughtering an entire family. You were cast out of the town and branded an eternal outcast from society, eventually leading you to become a strong alcoholic causing a decrease in your sanity and physical prowess. You kept on hunting the unholy creatures of the night, as was the calling of Meridia, yet you were always hating yourself for becoming one of them. In time you heard of a new organisation forming called Dawnguard, a place were you could go for fellowship and a fresh start on life. You joined them and slowly nursed yourself back to health with the help of your new Dawnguard allies, however you still have drinking problems. There you spend your days going on hunts, doing what you were born to do.
GAMEPLAY: Major Skills: One-Handed, Archery, Restoration, and Light or Heavy Armor. Minor Skills: Enchanting, Smithing, Sneak, and Block. Do not get married, do not adopt, do not own a house (live in castle Dawnguard), do not become a thane, and do not get non-Dawnguard followers.
RP GUIDE: As a werewolf you have supernatural strength even outside of your werewolf form (plus stamina, stamina regeneration, and unarmed damage), you also maintain a very strict diet of purely raw meats. Also as a werewolf you must transform every night at twelve, and while in werewolf form you must at least attempt to kill everything in your path. This twelve O' clock transformation can be avoided by drinking one "potion of cure disease" before sleeping at night. Seeing as your character does not want to be a werewolf (and for our purposes we are pretending there is no cure) you must never willingly change unless you are in the most dire of situations. You must eat two or three meals a day and get drunk regularly and you must try to sleep somewhere everynight. Do not use potions to heal yourself but only use Restoration magic, if you are playing on PC, I would recommend using he console to give youself zero health regeneration (player.forceav healrate 0)for increased realism and difficulty. Do not take money off of corpses to maintain a feeling of poverty. Do not fast travel and avoid using carriages because of your werewolf-murderer status in society, instead obtain, by means of stealing or buying, a horse to get around on. Seldomly walk amongst normal people in cities or towns, and when you do, where a hood of some sort and rarely speak to people to conceal your identity. Do not join the companions, even though you are a werewolf, werewolves are still evil and unholy creatures of the night.
Written by and original idea by ElementalDud (talk)
Note: you will still have to do some of the companions questline in order to become a werewolf in the first place.
Frontier Dunmer[edit]
The Frontier Dunmer requires you to have the Dragonborn DLC. First you MUST be a Dark Elf, and reach Solsthien. From their you must do a lot of questes and earn a house. DONE.
Daedric Priest[edit]
You need to be a race that doesn't shun daedra worship (Elves and Bretons). You can make your own back story but this is an example: When you were a kid other people thought you weren't normal so they bullied you. One day your Daedra worshiping friend says that you should seek help from the Daedric princes you go out into the woods (choose which one you worship here) set up a small shrine to which ever daedric prince you chose and try to summon them you succeed because the Daedra thought there was something different about you. You tell them about your problem and they agree to help you in their own way (For example, if its Sheogorath he would make them all crazy and make them think you're God) In return the Daedra asked for you full loyalty and you pledged your life to them.You should be very strong since your a Daedra's champion. Maybe be a vampire or werewolf to further your ties to the Daedra. Join the DB or TG. Always have your Daedra's summoning supplies with you (Note: at Helgen the guards took your summoning supplies so you must get them back). Have a house in a city where you think people worship Daedra. Every night pray to the Daedra. At 12:00 every night the Daedra takes control of your body and does whatever they're supposed to do (if its Sheogorath he will act crazy throw parties and collect wine and cheese). If your in a dungeon when the daedra takes control they will leave your body but once you get out they'll take control. Remember you love the daedra so you don't mind whenever they enter your body and you always try to please them. The Daedra sent you to Skyrim on a mission (For example, if its Sheogorath he wants you to make Skyrim as crazy as possible so he can finally bring the Nords into the shivering isles). You always try to spread your religion. You can be any class and have any amount of wealth.You can have a house or you can live in a gutter but you need to be the best at what you do because the Daedra you worship will allow you to be his successor.(Note:You can combine any other role play with this one for more immersion.) You could even hate non believers. The Tamriel Terror (talk) 05:26, 22 February 2013 (GMT) Edited by Stervatory 02:37, 30 December 2014 (GMT) _
Devout Follower of Arkay[edit]
You live to devote yourself to Arkay, god of the dead. You can be of any social class, but ideally you should be lower/middle class. Live a commoner life, buy a house in a city near a temple or hall of the dead and get married, and if you have hearthfire installed, start a family with your spouse. Maybe you aren't so rich, but you pray to Arkay in the hope that one day you will be blessed and have wealth and comfort at your disposal. You should be up early every day to pray at an altar, and you should wear an amulet of Arkay to show your devotion. When you pray, you should ideally wear black robes, to signify Arkay's ties to the process of death. You could also do with having cropped, tidy hair.
Praying for a smooth transcendence into the afterlife for all in existence, you do your best not to cause long-lasting physical harm to anything, be it mer, man, animal or monster. If you feel threatened or are under direct attack, you should try your hardest to escape, making stamina a necessity. You should concentrate on learning the alchemy skill, firstly in order to heal the sick, but more importantly to protect yourself in combat. You should carry a low power weapon, so you don't badly injure another living thing, but also to paralyse or slow hostile entities with the poisons you make.
In the event that you do need to end a life, you should honor their death by placing a flower or two on/around the corpse. Straighten them out and say a little on their behalf next time you pray at an altar. If possible, only source ingredients from plants or merchants. Do not, under any circumstances, use reanimation spells, as this is defiling the dead, a blatant form of necromancy, something which should be shunned by all followers of the Nine.
Your choice of races should ideally be limited to:
- Breton (for their healing ability)
- Nord (for their ties to the afterlife)
- Imperial
- High Elf (for their arcane ability)
- Wood Elf (for their tendency to preserve nature)
You should try and spend time with your family, provided you have one, and for work you should do something simple like farming, woodcutting or trading. Try to stick to meals like bread, cheese, vegetable soup and apple cabbage soup, and treat yourself to mead and wine. Travel by carriage from hold to hold spreading the faith of Arkay, and don't forget to give a coin to a beggar once in a while.
Note: You can do this with any Aedric/Daedric deity, but what is aforementioned is most accurate (lore-wise) to Arkay.
Idea by AcE x EPiiCzZ
Written by AcE x EPiiCzZ (talk) 18:08, 21 April 2013 (GMT)
The Lord[edit]
You are born of noble blood, and have decided to move to Skyrim after fleeing the troubles of home. Like the many lords in Oblivion you must live away from the cities, in an estate of your own, but not too far. You must first look for a Fort or Bandit camp you wish to call home, it must have a respectable distance from a city, and look fancy or well fortified (e.g. Faldar's Tooth, Morvunskar). You must clear the place and use it as a home. You must go to the cities for supplies and return to your estate every night to avoid respawns. You should also try to be the thane of your chosen city, so it will seem like the guards know you. Wear the finest clothes and focus on your swordsmanship as all lords do.
Note: though this can be done with any race you should prefer to the more "civilized races" like Imperials, Bretons, Altmer. --Avignon (talk) 19:55, 14 October 2013 (GMT)
Or if you have the hearthfire DLC you could build a house in one of the holds (ideally Falkreath) and live there.
You are a Farkem ( Breton/Nord/Kahjit/Woodelf ). A quite humble and free spirited Race. Rules: - Eat at times were you usually would eat. For example: Breakfast ( 6:00am ) Lunch ( 1:20pm ) Dinner ( 5:00pm ) - Food will be either Gathered or Caught ( Most Farkems are Vegans ) - Weapons: Dagger, Bow. - You may NOT buy a house, When you stop into town, Gladly enter the Inn and rent a room ) - Kill Wildlife to earn Money for different occasions. - Magic is not a priority, But the only magic you may have is Restoration and Natural Power. - Stealth is a BIG priority when dealing with Farkems. - Archery is another BIG priority - Only pickpocket Bandits and if you have to, Humans ( But only once every 2 days ) - Horses are forbidden due to the superstion of them. - Orcs are a Companion to Farkems - Argons are Enemys at all cost avoid. - Entering peoples house is only permitte if you have the stealth of a 100. - Farkems do go rouge at times due to Paranoia - If you see a town stop by! Sell and Buy things like ingredients to make Enchantments.
You are a man-eater, an insane cannibal who is also a werewolf or vampire. Man-eaters are very feared and have been cast out of the cities, banished from all cities and must live outside the walls. They live in a camp in the wilderness or in an abandoned shack. Although it's not necessary, you should be a Nord who is very muscular, with dark hair and many scars to look more scary and like a man-eater. To enter a city you have to go in the daytime, dressed normally or with your face covered with a cowl or mask. You act normally in the daytime, but at night you go insane. You sometimes don't wear any armor at night so you just wear the loincloth, and you wield very dangerous weapons. When you kill someone you cannibalize them and feast on their bodies when they're dead. Otherwise you could turn into a werewolf or vampire and wreak havoc on the cities. When you are finished wreaking havoc you return to the wilderness, waiting until the next night to destroy the cities again.
Cursed Wolf[edit]
A cursed wolf is a werewolf, who is stuck as a werewolf forever and almost never changes back. As a cursed wolf, you live only in the wilderness, staying completely out of cities unless it's completely necessary that you must go in. If you go into cities you only stay as a human for a very short time, and when you leave you immediately change back into a wolf again. You live deep in the wilderness, in a forest or shack far from the cities. You have to be a member of the companions, and your loyalty is only to the werewolves in the companions. If you get married, you can only marry another werewolf like Farkas or Vilkas. If you want things to be a little more extreme you could marry a non-werewolf and then stay as a human when you're around them, and then turn into a werewolf and kill them. The same thing goes for followers, your followers have to be werewolves. You might want to get the ring of Hircine so you can shift as many times a day as you want. You could also go insane at night and attack cities. You absolutely hate the Silver Hand and you will kill them on sight.