As you may have noticed I am a huge Oblivion fan as I would guess many of you are. I am off and on sites so often that I barely sign up for any sites and only really signed up for this one because I found something to add. I have played this game more than I can count but I never feel like I'm just wasting my time. I hope to become a video game designer one day and have some of you nice people play and go over my games. I really don't have anything else to say other than I am an Oblivion God and a Lord to you all, make sure you fall to your knees when you see me or well lets just say may god have mercy on your soul.
lol J/k or am I???
My Oblivion Character
My character is currently a level 28 although this is not my first character nor shall it be my last. This is my first humanoid character mainly because I enjoyed the abilities that came with being a ___ or a ___. I focused mainly on magic but I still love fighting with a sword in hand so my blade is almost at master, even though I tried to be an all magic character. I am done with the mages guild, fighter guild, black hand and the fighter's arena. Still have two more quests for the thieves guide. As of right now I am trying to get my weight of carrying up while I search for a spell in the shivering isles.
The Man behind it all
My name is Anthony Burke and I am complicated but at the same time very easy to figure out. I am a lazy genius and an energetic couch potato. I love playing games, going outdoors, working out and watching movies. I am dating a wonderful girl who is as I type playing Oblivion and about to pass up my character in levels. One interesting fact about us is that combined we own over 700 movies and upwards of 250 games for the Playstation 1 and 2, the Xbox orginal and the Xbox 360. I am 22 years old and have a degree in Graphic design, currently I'm working a new degree in Game Design and Simulation. I am very opinionated and I love to argue, so if you not willing to argue your point then don't bring it up!!!
Edits I have done to this site
None as of right now but look out I love to fix people's mistakes.
Closing Remarks
I would like to say that the word "BETTER" gets thrown around a lot these days and if you ask me all of you are about the same so stop trying to put each other down and just be glad you might be able to walk in my shadow one day.
--Militarysmoker 14:04, 29 May 2009 (EDT)