User:HalsburyBlackstone/Sandboxek/Orgnum Events

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Orgnum Events[edit]

All Elder Kings Orgnum events, found in Elderkings\events\ek_orgnumevents.txt

Orgnum Events[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects
  • Gain 10 Piety

Death of Orgnum[edit]

Trigger Event text Effects
  • Orgnum is dead
  • Pyandoneaic becomes a heresy of Post-Orgnumic
  • High Fane at Abbarbas is destroyed
  • Orgnum's capital:
    • Is flagged orgnum_tomb
    • Is saved as global_target_orgnum_tomb_holding
    • All holdings gain the Orgnum's Tomb building
  • Event orgnum.2 happens


Trigger Event text Effects


The Death of Orgnum

Orgnum, the [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] of the Maormer, is dead. On [her/his] death, the hold [she/he] had on the inhabitants of Pyandonea has all but crumbled. Many of [her/his] former subjects are converting to a new school of thought that theorises that Orgnum was never a god as [she/he] claimed.

Available if:

  • Heretic of Post-Orgnumic

Orgnum is no more. The worship of Orgnum should die with [her/him].

  • Religion becomes Post-Orgnumic
  • Every courtier:
    • Religion becomes Post-Orgnumic
  • Every realm province owned by a Post-Orgnumic character:
    • Religion becomes Post-Orgnumic

Available if:

  • Heretic of Post-Orgnumic

Orgnum persists yet � [She/He] has ascended to Aetherius!

Available if:

  • Religion is not Maormer religion

How does this concern us, exactly?



Trigger Event text Effects
  • Orgnum:
    • Orgnum died in a duel
    • killer is alive
  • Event orgnum.11 happens to Orgnum's killer in 1-5 days


Trigger Event text Effects


The Godslayer

The Maormer of Pyandonea are still in shock after the death of their [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor]. Some rejoice, and some are devastated, but all agree on one thing: [first name] slew [her/him]. For better or worse, [her/his] actions led directly to the death of Orgnum.

From now on, [she/he] will be known as the Godslayer, and [her/his] actions will be remembered for all eternity.

Orgnum is dead, Orgnum remains dead, and I have killed [her/him]!

Gods List Refresh Due To Bug Thank You Paradox Smh My Head[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects
  • Any of:
    • Global flag meridia_removed_pyandoneaic_pantheon has been set
    • Global flag hircine_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon has been set
    • Global flag dragon_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon has been set
  • Pyandoneaic gods update

Orgnum the Necromancer[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects
  • Orgnum:
  • Global flag meridia_removed_pyandoneaic_pantheon has not been set

MTTH: 14 days

Orgnum the Necromancer

We have mastered the art of Necromancy and the manipulation of the dead, but this directly conflicts with a critical part of our faith: the worship of Meridia.

The Lady of Infinite Energy is in a perpetual battle against the undead and those who command them, which now includes us.

The faith of our people stands in danger when their divine leader and a core tenet of their faith clash. We must make a choice.

Our people will listen to their god.

  • Loses 250 Piety
  • Any Maormer Religion character following Meridia:
  • Every other player character:
  • Sets global flag meridia_removed_pyandoneaic_pantheon
  • Pyandoneaic gods update

If we abandon Meridia, when will our people abandon us?

  • Gains 100 Piety
  • Loses Necromancer


Trigger Event text Effects

Orgnum the Necromancer

Our Divine [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] declared today that the teachings and orders of Meridia, the Lady of Infinite Energy, were in direct conflict with our faith, and [She/he] has decided to remove her from our pantheon! We have no choice but to stop worshipping her and find another patron deity to worship...

The will of Orgnum is sacred.


Trigger Event text Effects

Orgnum the Necromancer

Orgnum, the [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] of the Maormer, has officially announced that Meridia is not to be worshipped anymore. Some say it is no mere coincidence that Orgnum made this decision so soon after declaring mastery over the dead, a practice most violently loathed by Meridia and her faithful...

Interesting changes...

Orgnum the Dragonborn[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects
  • Orgnum:
  • Global flag dragon_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon has not been set
  • Global flag refused_dragon_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon has not been set

MTTH: 14 days

Orgnum the Dragonborn [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] of the Maormer. High Fane [sic] of the Pyandoneaic faithful. And now Dragonborn.

As proof of our divine essence, the other gods blessed our mortal form with the aspect of the Dragonborn, Master of Dragons, and rightful ruler of Tamriel.

Dozens of dragons already flock to our side, and it is said that some of our people have started seeing them as saints and heralds of our divine will.

Do venerate the dragons, but don't forget they answer only to me.

  • Loses 250 Piety
  • Every other player character:
  • Sets global flag dragon_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon
  • Pyandoneaic gods update

I am their sole master.

  • Gains 100 Piety
  • Sets global flag refused_dragon_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon


Trigger Event text Effects

Orgnum the Dragonborn

Orgnum, [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] of the Maormer, has been blessed by the gods and given the powers of the Dragonborn. Some say [she/he] always has several dragons by [her/his] side, following [her/him] and those [she/he] deems worthy in battle.


Orgnum the Lycanthrope[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects
  • Orgnum:
    • Is a known Lycanthrope
  • Global flag hircine_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon has not been set
  • Global flag refused_hircine_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon has not been set

MTTH: 14 days

Orgnum the Lycanthrope

The people of Tamriel have forgotten the strong bond they once had with nature and the wild. The land blesses us with its fertile soil, the waters house our sacred sea serpents, and the winds guide our sails.

To return to our roots, we have shown the world the powers of the lycanthrope.

Some of our people are already making shrines to Hircine, while others are waiting for us to officialize the Father of Lycanthropy's entry into our pantheon...

The Prince of the Hunt will show us how to reunite with nature!

  • Loses 250 Piety
  • Every other player character:
  • Sets global flag hircine_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon
  • Pyandoneaic gods update

This privilege should remain exclusive.

  • Gains 100 Piety
  • Sets global flag refused_hircine_worship_pyandoneaic_pantheon


Trigger Event text Effects

Orgnum the Lycanthrope

Orgnum, [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] of the Maormer, officially announced that Hircine, Daedric Prince of the Hunt and Father of Lycanthropes, has joined the Pyandoneaic pantheon.

Some speculate that this is because [she/he] recently revealed [her/his] lycanthropy to the world, and this announcement is simply to avoid being hunted down by [her/his] followers or the neighbouring realms...

Interesting changes...

Orgnum, God-King of All the Maormer[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects


[GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] of all Maormer

Pyandonea was drowning in flames. Daedric cultists, former Altmer traditionalists, and other dangerous heathens plagued the land and its people. It was said that countless storms hit every coast of the island, sea serpents hunted and destroyed fishing ships, and the shrines erected by our people would be destroyed at nightfall.

We had no choice but to crush all those that threatened our people, showing our loyal subjects that their [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor] would not abandon them.

Pyandonea is safe. Our people are safe. The streets are chanting my name, and the land is grateful for their [GetOrgnumGodKingEmperor].

Pyandonea is reunited under my divine will.

  • Gains 250 Prestige
  • Gains 100 Piety
  • Sets global flag orgnum_god_king
  • Sets Orgnum's custom title
  • All the provinces in Pyandonea receive a prosperity bonus.
  • If the Kingdom of Abbarbas is claimed:
    • Claim on the Kingdom of Abbarbas is removed
  • If Kingdom of Pontu is claimed:
    • Claim on the Kingdom of Pontu is removed
  • If Kingdom of Pyrrahn is claimed:
    • Claim on the Kingdom of Pyrrahn is removed

Claiming Alinor[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects

Orgnum, God of War

Remember a time in eons long since passed when our own kin, the hated Altmeri, cast us from our hearth and home. Our people came to this once cursed land divided, but together we pierced the mists that sought to blind and deceive us, tamed the beasts of land and sea that sought to devour us, and broke the backs of those that sought to defy us. Now our land, this Pyandonea, stands united, but it is not enough to simply survive. To flourish, we must look back into our past. We will have our vengeance, we will reclaim our birthright, and we will retake that which we were denied!

Summon our serpents, those titans of the waves! Summon your soldiers, don your armors and gather your arms! Soon we will sail for the Eternal Isle and the Maormeri will rise triumphant!

To war!

Took control of Alinor (the county) and converted it => can give title_temple_orgnum_sacristan[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects

Orgnum, God of War

For a moment, peace surrounds you. Alinor, the greatest city of the Summerset Isles, is firmly under your control, and its population deeply loyal to their new god. The task is not yet done, as some parts of the island still don't accept your rightful authority.

But you can rest for now, knowing you have done more in the last couple of years than your people ever thought possible.

We aren't done yet.

  • You are now able to delegate your �YTemple�! to a �YSacristan�!, should you wish to move your capital. To assert total control over the Summerset Isles, you will have to �Ycompletely control the region�! and build a �YRuler Statue�! in the county of Alinor.

Total control over the Summerset Isles + big-ass statue built in Alinor[edit]


Trigger Event text Effects


Orgnum, God of War

It is finally done. Millennia after being expelled from Alinor, we finally were able to come back, and with great force. The Altmer have been forced to proclaim us their rightful overlords, and our hegemony over both Pyandonea and Alinor is total.

Our people can finally rest, their thirst for vengeance satisfied.

None can stand up to us now.

The Maormer stand triumphant!

  • With your authority over both Pyandonea and the kingdom of Alinor uncontested, you will be able to take on the title of �YGod-[Emperor/Empress]�! should you form the Maormer Hegemony or any other title.
  • If character's real tier is Emperor:
    • Sets global flag orgnum_god_emperor
    • Sets Orgnum's custom title


Trigger Event text Effects
  • Orgnum:
    • Real tier is Emperor
    • Global flag orgnum_god_emperor has not been set
    • Global flag orgnum_alinor_controlled_part_2 has been set

As [Title] of [Primary Title], after achieving total victory over the Altmer, your people have started to call you God-[Emperor/Empress].

  • Sets global flag orgnum_god_emperor
As it always should have been.
  • Sets Orgnum's custom title

The Great Temple of Orgnum[edit]

Getting it orgnum.200[edit]

Trigger Event text Effects