UESPWiki:Oblivion Houses Redesign Project

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The Oblivion Houses Redesign Project (OBHRP) is an effort to create new, standardized pages for individual houses in Oblivion to provide more complete and consistent information within the Oblivion namespace.

Project Overview[edit]

The main aim of this project is to create and provide new, individual pages for each individual house that exists in-game as currently the information is either virtually non existent, or spread out across the various NPCs' pages. By creating the new pages, this will allow us to only put relevant information on the respective NPC's page, rather than how it is currently — having half the page itself being taken up by "house contents" as per one of the requirements for the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project. If you wish to help out, add your name to the Project Members list, and please make sure to observe the guidelines below.

Project Guidelines[edit]

To achieve consistent quality in terms of information and layout, the OBHRP guidelines should be followed as closely as possible. There are several aspects to the project itself; mainly requiring information to either be written onto the article itself or to be checked for final review. Below are different aspects that this project requires, along with a respective description on what is expected to be done.

Task List[edit]

Here is a general overview on what is expected and required on each respective article:

  • The opening sentence should describe the location and list any NPCs who live primarily within the residence.
  • The following paragraph should contain the specific location of the house within the city, any neighboring buildings or items nearby of any significance (stores, houses, ingredients), and a general overview of the house itself.
  • The next one and/or two paragraphs should detail the interior of the house and its contents therein, and also the schedule of NPCs that reside here. If the house contains multiple zones (such as the house itself and a basement), separate into two different sections.
  • A section containing a table of who resides at that house.
  • A section on any related quests pertaining to the given location or NPCs.
  • Finally, there should be a ==Notes== and/or ==Bugs== section to note down safe containers, ownership of the key, and also if the entrance is locked or not.

For more specific information on a particular aspect, see either the in-game work section, construction set work section or wiki work section.

In-Game Work[edit]

This section of OBHRP consists of taking the correct pictures of all houses with their own pages and descriptively documenting the houses with the necessary information needed.

House Summaries[edit]

This involves writing a brief one or two sentenced summary about the general location and residency of the house itself. If the house also contains multiple zones, it is appropriate to list each one in its own separate section of the page. This will also include filling out the necessary details in the Place Summary template accordingly.

House Inventories[edit]

Most of the house inventories have already been written as per the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project and can be found on their respective NPC pages. Because of this, the information is already provided, but needs to be moved and also shortened or extended depending on the context. This aspect involves describing the contents of the house itself, generalizing any particular items (food, general books), while also noting any particular item of importance or interest within the house. (nirnroot, quest items, skill books)


Because the majority of pages covered under the project itself are newly created, a lot of the articles will require in-game shots of both the exterior and interior zones of each individual house. If you are unsure of what particular type of image to contribute to a particular article, feel free to check out the wiki's image guideline page or leave a message on the project talk-page.

Construction Set Work[edit]

This section of OBHRP is only for people playing the game on PC, as you need the construction set, which is only available to PC players. In general, most of the information that can only be gathered from the construction set has already been added to the wiki, so this section mainly consists of checking that information added by the in-game work section, above, is accurate. Specifically whether if any containers within the house respawn is of particular interest within this project and should be listed within the ==Notes== section of the article itself.

Wiki Work[edit]

This section of OBHRP is ideal for people who don't own Oblivion at all, though anyone who wants to can help out. Grammar, format, and linkage all need to be verified. While this is a very general thing, and hopefully will be mostly fixed by expanding the pages in the above sections, there are some things that will likely stay the same from the current pages, and will need to be checked over by someone.



These categories have been created specifically for this project and contain lists of pages that need improvement.

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Adding Information[edit]

Pages Needing Cleanup (206 left)

Checking Information[edit]

Pages Requiring Final Review (16 left)

Project Members[edit]

If you are participating in the project, please add your name here in alphabetical order (keep Project Leaders at the top). Next to your name, provide some information on what types of tasks you are working on or would like to work on.

Project Ribbon[edit]

Anyone taking an active part in the project may use the project ribbon:


This user performed with distinction in the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project