Oblivion Mod:Q-Core/User Docs

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Oblivion Patch
OBSE v0015a
pluggy version 100


This is a BETA release ONLY. Q-Core adds a lot of features (see Details below), but most of what it does is provide a scripting framework for modders to create even more advanced mods -- with less work. If you are a modder, please take a crack at using the modder's resources provided in the mod, but DO NOT RELEASE ANYTHING YET. I cannot guarantee backwards compatibility with future versions at this point, and since this is the first BETA release, it's likely full of bugs. If you are not a modder, please take advantage of the features provided and try to find bugs. Please report bugs via the discussion thread on the official forums linked to from the main page.


Q-Core Root Menu[edit]

Once you load up a game with Q-Core active you can press the 'o' key on your keyboard to bring up the menu. The first time you do this a tip will pop up explaining how the menu works. Items listed under 'Books' lead to submenus. Submenus can be assigned to hotkeys also if you're too lazy to click through the root menu. Items listed under 'Keys' are system actions and cannot be assigned to hotkeys. As the help tip says, middle click configures an item, but not every item can be configured.

From the root menu you can access several things:

Default Controls
All of Q-Core's hotkeys (and hotkeys provided by client mods) can be re-assigned from the root menu, so I figured it would be handy to be able to see and re-assign the default controls from here as well. Not only that, but you can clear controls you don't use, and you can also assign multiple controls to the same key if you want. This menu also lists keys which are unchangeable in the normal controls menu, so if you don't like your hotkeys being bound to 1-8 go ahead and move them! Or just move the ones that are hard to reach to somewhere closer. whatever you want.
Console Commands
Here you will find some existing console commands which can be accessed from the menu. You can click the New Console Command to add more to the list, and you can also rename existing console commands by middle-clicking on them. These console commands are more like macros because they accept multiple lines, though only the first line will show in the menu. If you're a screenshot aficionado I highly recommend mapping the ToggleMenus and ToggleFlyCam commands to hotkeys for ease of access.
NOTE: You can type anything you want into these console macros, so if you're not careful you can easily crash your game!
Right now all you'll see is a debug action which does next to nothing, and an option to show the Action List, which shows all the hotkeyable commands, including normally invisible system commands which you shouldn't be re-assigning! Look but don't touch!
Q-Core Options
Brings up a nifty options menu to customize various stuff. The 'Show Ref Info on Middle Click' option will allow you to middle click on any spell or item in a menu window to see both the FormID *and* the filename of the mod that it's from.
Cycle Save
Cycle Save keeps a rotating list of savegames for each of your characters. It's kind of like Streamsave from Streamline, but you won't overwrite your saves of old characters if you make a new character -- each character gets their own set of cycle saves! Genius! You can set it up to auto save on a timer as well as allow saves even in menu mode (this saves to the Autosave.ess slot rather than an actual Cycle Save). In the future this will be able to link in to Streamline itself so that you can get the benefits of both versions.
Fast Quit
Quit the game. Instantly. Without crashing. Guaranteed.

Enhanced Interface[edit]

Q-Core also provides some additional functionality for the inventory and spellbook menus (and potentially any menu, depending on what is added by client mods). Right click in a menu and a Context Menu will (probably) pop up. It won't pop up if there is currently nothing to do for the selected item/spell/menu/whatever. Out of the box Q-Core provides two things:

Item and Spell Renaming/Deleting
Right click on an item in your inventory or a spell in your spellbook and you can select rename or delete.
Spellbook Sorting
You may already have a Spell Sorter or Renamer mod, but Q-Core's spellbook sorting is different -- it's invisible! Yes, by sheer willpower I have coerced Oblivion into letting me decide what order things should display in without adding any weird prefixes to things! Okay, actually it does add weird prefixes... they're just so weird you can't see them. Weird. To access Spellbook Sorting, just right click somewhere in the spellbook menu other than on an actual spell. From there you can choose how to sort the menu and some other options. It's not just magic -- it's magical magic.

One-time Setup[edit]

Q-Core options settings and hotkey assignments are stored across all characters, so you'll only need to set things once -- no need to redo your whole control scheme every time you start over. (There is one exception: settings for dynamically created hotkeys, such as new console commands, are stored in the save game as there is no way to store these properly across characters.)

Savegame Resume[edit]

For the atrociously lazy (or impatient): If you press the spacebar in the main menu screen it will automatically start loading your most recent savegame.

Known Issues and Bugs[edit]

  • You can't drag the scroll bars in Q-Core menu containers -- the menu will just close! There is no potential fix for this -- just use the mouse wheel. If you don't have a mouse wheel and it's really a problem then post on the discussion thread and I'll see about enabling scrolling via the keyboard.
  • Some UI mods bind the 'Take All' button on container menus to the UP ARROW key on the keyboard. DO NOT PRESS THIS KEY in a Q-Core container menu! If you do it will be a pain to fix!
  • Currently you can't just disable specific tips (there are only two), so once you've seen it you can just click either of the disable options to stop it from popping up. In the future you will be able to disable individual tips so that you don't miss seeing other tips because the first ones you saw annoyed you so much. But there's only two for now and you can read both of them in the Q-Core Tips.ini file if you missed one of them.
  • Sorting the spellbook by spell school and mastery level at the same time with the Show Headers option enabled doesn't quite display right: only the first main header will have subheaders. Spells are still sorted properly, bu this will be fixed in future versions
  • If you sort the spellbook and then rename a spell via the Context Menu you might mess stuff up by accidentally deleting some of the invisible characters that do the sorting. To fix it just uncheck both sorting options and confirm, then rename the spell to what it should be. You can then re-sort the spellbook and everything should be magically delicious.
  • The sections headers in the sorted spellbook say you can click on them to expand or collapse. This doesn't actually work yet.
  • Occasionally clicking on actions that deal with dynamically created actions (such as console commands) will fail to work because of a bug with GetBaseObject. Click on it again and it will work.
  • Sometimes automatic debug text toggles debug text twice on startup, thereby turning it off. This should get fixed in the next release.


  • Q-Core IS compatible with your UI mods. Q-Core adds all of its UI features through scripting.
  • Q-Core IS compatible with your hotkey mods. All of Q-Core's hotkeys can be re-assigned quickly and easily from the root menu.
  • Q-Core IS compatible with Streamline. Q-Core includes a Cycle Save feature similar to the Streamsave feature in Streamline 3.1 but with cycles specific to each character. In the near future I will make an optional compatibility plugin that will link the Cycle Save feature to use Streamsaves so that users can get the benefits from both. A link to that mod will be found on the Homepage when it's released.

Potential Conflicts[edit]

  • The Spellbook Sorting option may be incompatible with other mods that sort and rename spells. Q-Core's spellbook sorting doesn't add any visible prefixes to do it's sorting, so even if you are a devoted fan of another mod, try Q-Core's spellbook sorting anyway because it's super cool! If you don't like it, just right click to bring up the sorting menu and disable both sorting options -- that's it!
  • Q-Core provides additional functionality to the inventory and spellbook menus via right clicking on items/spells or in the empty parts of the spellbook itself. If other mods also use right clicks in either of these menus then there may be conflicts. If so, tell the creators of those mods to update them to use Q-Core! Q-Core provides an extensible Context Menu which is brought up by right-clicking in any menu mode, and client mods can add things to the menu dynamically so there is no more need for conflicts!
  • Q-Core incorporates spell deletion (and item deletion) via the context menu. If you are using a separate spell delete mod (such as Spell Delete.esp), you will no longer need that.


Installing is simple:
Extract the files to the Oblivion/Data/ folder, then enable the .esm in your load order.

To uninstall just do the opposite:
Disable the Q-Core.esm in your load order, then delete the files (they all start with 'Q-Core').