Oblivion Mod:Mod File Format/LSCR

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An LSCR record represents a loading screen. It contains:

  • The relative path to the DDS file containing the image to display while the area is loading
  • The informational text that often contains tips or historical tidbits
C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID Editor ID zstring

The ID displayed in the construction set

+ ICON Icon zstring

Path to the DDS file containing the image

+ DESC Description zstring

The info text to display while the area is loading

* LNAM LoadForm Indicating the locations that can use this as their load screen. Can be absent if the LSCR record can be used anywhere. Either the first word is used to specify the location or the two following words. Unused words are set to 0.
formID ID of WRLD if coordinates are used
int16 X coordinate of CELL, signed
int16 Y coordinate of CELL, signed