General:The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Launch Cinematic

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The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Launch Cinematic
Medium/Format Online Video
Date 6 June 2022
Creator(s) ZeniMax Online Studios
Length 3:03
Hosted By YouTube

The cinematic starts with the banners belonging to the major factions of the Three Banners War being burned. On the streets, the Ascendant Order is doing battle with Systrean guards. Up on top the central castle, a green blast opens up a hole in the walls and launches the Ascendant Lord back. Out emerges the High Elf Hero, Breton Hero, and Nord Hero to confront him.

Outnumbered, the Ascendant Lord focuses on disabling his opponents and keeping them on one side. He knocks the Elf down, nearly overpowers the Breton off the roof, and knocks the Nord back. During the conflict, he deflects the Elf's magical blast and sends her flying, after he gets disarmed, he breaks the Nord's axe and manages to beat all three down. In a final push, the Elf attempts to restrain her enemy, but he breaks out of the magical chains. The Nord stabs the Ascendant Lord with his own sword, but he pulls it out and he remained determined to go on. Finally, the Breton slashes at his legs, and the Elf pulls down a stone structure directly above him, causing the Ascendant Lord to crash into the floor below. After the fight, Mount Firesong erupts in the distance The camera pans back to the presumed dead Ascendant Lord, who curls his hand into a fist.