Tribunal:Residential Ruins

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Residential Ruins
# of Zones 1
Goblins, Durzog
Console Location Code(s)
Old Mournhold: Residential Ruins
Old Mournhold, Battlefield
A view of the Residential Ruins

The Residential Ruins is a cave in the Battlefield of Old Mournhold connecting to Teran Hall and the Tears of Amun-Shae.

You can reach the Residential Ruins through a locked (100) door from the City Gate. The northern door leads to the Tears of Amun-Shae with the two Goblin Warchiefs. A path from the fork leads to Teran Hall with the two Altmer trainers.

The level is guarded by a rat, a durzog, and nine goblins. On a raised area to the southeast is a bottle of sujamma and several crates and barrels. The only other treasure is a copy of 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 19, an Enchant skill book, which can be found in another raised area, this time in the southwest.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Goblin Army: Investigate the rumors of a Goblin army being gathered by Lord Helseth.


Map of Old Mournhold Residential Ruins