Morrowind:Sanctus Shrine

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Sanctus Shrine
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Llirala Sendas
Console Location Code(s)
Sanctus Shrine
Sheogorad, [1,21]
Sanctus Shrine

Sanctus Shrine is a shrine sacred to the Temple located on a medium-sized island in the Sheogorad region, due west of Dagon Fel.

The Sanctus Shrine is marked on your paper map. It is a Holy Ground of the Temple where Archcanon Tholer Saryoni wrote his popular sermons. You can buy the book at any bookstore and it is found in many Dunmer homes.

You will visit this shrine on one occasion if you are in the Temple faction. Once you accept the quest, you are bound by a vow of silence which makes travel a little difficult.

There is a hut next to the shrine, occupied by the Temple monk Llirala Sendas.

Related Quests[edit]

Tribunal Temple[edit]

  • Silent Pilgrimage: Take a vow of silence to perform a pilgrimage to the Sanctus Shrine, west of Dagon Fel.