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The Enemies in The Elder Scrolls: Castles are a combination of NPCs and creatures that the player fights in Quests or Sheogorath's Gauntlet. The damage and vitality of enemies depends directly on the difficulty of the individual quest, and is not fixed per creature.


Bandits are NPCs enemies. They can have any kind of equipment (except robes), depending on their type and quest difficulty, and their equipment is strictly fixed for each quest. Race and gender are not fixed and will be chosen randomly each time you select a quest. Their armor will always be iron, so it does not reflect their actual vitality.

Special ability — taken from the weapon they hold.


  • Bandit
  • Bandit Acolyte
  • Bandit Axe Warrior
  • Bandit Archer
  • Armored Bandit Archer
  • Bandit Chief CT-icon-Mini Boss.png


Dragons is the boss type enemy. They serve as the main enemy of the final quest of each map. Their set of attacks is strictly fixed and the same for all Dragons. Have 2 phases, so after the Dragon's health drops below 50%, it will receive 2 more attacks that it will not use before.

Attack set[edit]

  • Bite - highlights a small area under the target, and then attacks thos area after a short interval. The attack can be avoided by moving the subject away from this area.
  • Stun - raises its head, and after a short interval, stuns one of the subjects, with causing damage. This attack can be avoided by moving the Subject, but the game does not visually show whom the Dragon is going to stun.

The following attacks will be used only if the boss's health drops below 50%:

  • Wing stroke - highlights a small area under the target, and then attacks thos area after a short interval. The attack can be avoided by moving the subject away from this area.
  • Breathe — highlights a large area around the target, and after a some interval, deals a large amount of damage in the area for a few seconds. The attack can be avoided by moving the subject away from this area.


  • Fire Dragon CT-icon-Boss.png
  • Frost Dragon CT-icon-Boss.png
  • Storm Dragon CT-icon-Boss.png



Flame Atronach[edit]

Flame Atronach is a creature enemy with an attack pattern similar to Firebolt Staff. With a some chance, it can inflict a burn CT-Icon-Stats Fire (darkmode).png debuff with its attacks.

Special ability — same as CT-Icon-SpecialAbility Staff Fire.png the Fire Totem ability.




Ghost is an undead enemy. They cannot be physically damaged. They can have any weapon which is strictly fixed for each quest.

Special ability — taken from the weapon they hold.


  • Ghost
  • Ghost Enforcer CT-icon-Mini Boss.png



Giant Skeever[edit]

Giant Skeever is the boss type enemy. Can only be encountered in Sheogorath's Gauntlet or certain themed Event quests. Have 2 phases, so after the Giant Skeever's health drops below 50%, it will receive 1 extra attack that it will not use before.

Attack set[edit]

  • Bite - highlights a small area under the target, and then attacks thos area after a short interval. The attack can be avoided by moving the subject away from this area.
  • Spit - highlights a small area under the target, and then attacks thos area after a short interval. The attack can be avoided by moving the subject away from this area.

The following attack will be used only if the boss's health drops below 50%:[verification needed]

  • Breathe — highlights a large area around the target, and after a some interval, deals a large amount of damage in the area for a few seconds. The attack can be avoided by moving the subject away from this area.




Goblin is a humanoid enemy. Therefore, they can use any weapon, but they do not possess armor, only differences in appearance. Their weapons and appearance are fixed for each quest, but are independent of their type, so goblins of different types can have the same appearance and weapons in different quests (except for goblins whose type directly defines the weapons they have).

Special ability — taken from the weapon they hold.


  • Goblin
  • Goblin Enforcer
  • Goblin Archer
  • Goblin Skirmisher
  • Goblin Assassin
  • Goblin Chief CT-icon-Mini Boss.png




Troll is a creature with an attack pattern similar to Battle Axes.

Special ability — simillar as CT-Icon-SpecialAbility Axe Physical.png Mighty Whirlwind ability. However, depending on the difficulty of the quest, it may have additional elements of Battle Axes abilities of different materials.


  • Troll
  • Troll Chief CT-icon-Mini Boss.png




Mage are NPCs enemies. They always wear robes and staffs, depending on their type and quest difficulty, and their equipment is strictly fixed for each quest. Race and gender are not fixed and will be chosen randomly each time you select a quest. Their robes will always be brown, which is why it does not reflect their actual vitality.

Special ability — taken from the weapon they hold.


  • Mage
  • Arch-Mage CT-icon-Mini Boss.png
  • Necromancer

Nether Lich[edit]

Nether Lich is an undead enemy. They cannot be hurt by elemetal damage. They use staves, and the type of staff is fixed for the quest.

Special ability — taken from the weapon they hold. [verification needed]


  • Nether Lich
  • Nether Archlich CT-icon-Mini Boss.png




Ogre is a creature with an attack pattern similar to Battle Axes. They have a different appearance in relation to their gender, but unlike bandits and mages, their gender is fixed to the quest.

Special ability — simillar as CT-Icon-SpecialAbility Axe Physical.png Mighty Whirlwind ability. However, depending on the difficulty of the quest, it may have additional elements of Battle Axes abilities of different materials.


  • Ogre
  • Ogre Chief CT-icon-Mini Boss.png
  • Ogre Enforcer CT-icon-Mini Boss.png




Skeleton is an undead enemy. They can use any weapon, but they do not possess armor, only differences in appearance. Their weapons and appearance are fixed for each quest.

Special ability — taken from the weapon they hold.


  • Skeleton
  • Skeleton Archer
  • Skeleton Warrior
  • Skeleton Fighter
  • Skeleton Enforcer CT-icon-Mini Boss.png




Spriggan is a creature enemy with pattern similar to Healing Staff. Because of this, Spriggan mostly restores the health of its allies, and only engages in combat if it is the last remaining enemy.

Special ability — same as CT-Icon-SpecialAbility Staff Heal.png Healing Circle ability.



Wispmother / Wispfather[edit]

Wispmother (or Wispfather) is a creature enemy with an attack pattern similar to Daggers. With a some chance, they can inflict a frost CT-Icon-Stats Frost (darkmode).png debuff with their attacks.

Special ability — similar as CT-Icon-SpecialAbility Daggers Ice.png Frosty Strikes ability. [verification needed]


  • Wispmother
  • Wisp Matriarch CT-icon-Mini Boss.png
  • Wispfather
  • Wisp Patriarch CT-icon-Mini Boss.png



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