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Location Senchal Waterfront
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Huntmasters

Selloe is the High Elf aide to Lady Ghisiliane, assisting with organizing her famous hunting expeditions.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After reading a half burnt note which mentions Selloe, you will need to find Selloe to see if you can learn something about kidnapper's plot. In Senchal she can be found on the docks, speaking with an Argonian.

Selloe: "A single hoarvor? Honestly? This is an exclusive gathering for Senchal's elite, not a Goblin petting zoo."
Jun-Jassa: "This scrapes no scales off my back, Selloe. I am not the one with the fussy mistress. Good luck You will need it, I think."

Speak with her after Jun-Jassa walks away. She will quickly dismiss the melted token you found but after some second thought, Selloe will make you a deal.

"Mara's mercy. More distractions.
I'm a little busy. So, unless you have a message from my mistress or a ferocious beast to sell, you should just be on your way."
I found this token. Someone said you might pay for it.
"Oh, hardy-har. A half-melted token? Where did you find this? In a dead mer's pockets, no doubt.
Our event only accepts the very finest nobility. Now bugger off before... Actually, I take it back. I can use someone like you. How about it?'
If I help you you'll get me into the event?
"Yes. Maybe. It really depends on Lady G's mood. I can promise a good word—nothing more. Now, the task.
I paid a Khajiit named Zurnash to deliver a token to Auberic Dufont. Auberic never received it. Find that lazy Khajiit and deliver the token."
All right. Any idea where I can find this Khajiit, Zurnash?

You will exit the conversation and she'll call out as you leave:

Selloe: "Zurnash is a shameless drunk. You'll find him near the inn, no doubt."
Selloe: "As for Auberic Dufont, he owns a residence not far from the inn. If you want a favorable introduction with Lady G, you won't keep Auberic waiting."

If you try and speak with her before successfully completing the delivery, Selloe will refuse to speak with you.

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Find Zurnash and make sure Auberic Dufont gets his token. Do that, and we can talk."

Once you've delivered the token to Auberic and found some clues, Skordo the Knife has the idea of tying himself up and presenting himself to Selloe as your captured prey. When she sees what you have brought, Selloe will be impressed:

"There you are! I certainly hope you delivered that token. My lady has a—! Wait, is that Orc yours?"
Yes. I delivered the token. As for the Orc, it's a gift for Lady G.
"A gift? My, oh my. How wonderful! We suffered a … mild setback recently and lost an Orc of similar proportions. Lady Ghisiliane will be overjoyed!
I will introduce you to my mistress at once!"
Fair enough.

At this point Lady Ghisiliane and her Hunt Master companion will walk on from the docks:

Selloe: "Lady Ghisiliane! Fivefold venerations, my lady!"
Lady Ghisiliane: "Selloe. Obsequious as ever. Tell me, is ceruval Auberic appeased? And who might this be? With an Orc, no less."
Selloe: "A recent acquaintance, my lady. They handled matters with Auberic. Under my watchful eye, of course."

After talking to Lady G and receiving an Exclusive Entertainments Token, the Lady will briefly speak to Selloe:

Lady Ghisiliane: "I'd almost think you were competent, Selloe. This Orc should provide a worthy challenge for my clients."
Selloe: "Oh, uhm … yes, Lady Ghisiliane."

If she's spoken to before heading off to the hunting ground, she'll say:

"Why do you linger? You got what you wanted. Be off!"

You won't see her again after this.