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Location Apocrypha, Telvanni Peninsula, Varies
Species Watchling
Reaction Friendly
"I'd prefer to sit back and wait for entropy to claim us all, but I suppose we must do something."
—Scruut, speaking to the Vestige

Scruut is a Watchling in the service of Hermaeus Mora as one of his "examiners of contradictions". She will become entangled in your efforts to save Apocrypha and Nirn after you encounter her in Alavelis. Hermaeus Mora will then offer up her services to you aid you in your quest.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Fate's Lost Dream[edit]

After you agree to assist Leramil the Wise with her investigation, one of the places you will need to investigate is Alavelis. When you arrive at Alavelis, you can find Scruut hovering next to the dead body of Cipher Zanseth:

Scruut: "Mortal, why do you bear the mark of the Great Eye?"

Speak with her to see what is going on, soon she will ask for your assistance with her own work:

"Mortals. You scurry around obsessed with your petty affairs and then you die. But you bear the mark of Hermaeus Mora. Have you come to replace me in my task? That would be typical.
Wait. Were you sent to help me with these cultists? Before you die?"
Maybe. Tell me about these cultists.
"Not much to tell. I just arrived myself. This mortal served the Great Eye, but he died before he could tell me about the other Daedric cultists that scamper about.
They're creating an intolerable contradiction in reality. Makes my tentacles ache."
A contradiction in reality?
"Something here undermines a fate recorded by Hermaeus Mora. Likely foolish mortals trying to change what has already been written. To fix this, I could use some help.
Hmm. It's common knowledge that mortals prize gold. Aid me and I'll give you some."
All right, I'll help you. Where do we begin?
"I'd prefer sit back and wait for entropy to claim us all, but I suppose we must do something. Let's survey the town. See if anyone survived and try to determine what the cultists want here.
Oh, and despite my size, I'm good in a fight. You'll see."

She can be asked further questions:

Why are you here, Scruut? / Why are you here?
"As I said, divergences in the threads of fate call to me. My purpose is to correct those digressions, examine the contradictions and rectify them. I can't leave until I succeed.
Don't ask me why. There is no why. It simply is."
What exactly are you?
"I am Scruut! A powerful servant of the Great Eye. Creatures of my Daedric order call ourselves … it doesn't matter. Everyone else calls us Watchlings.
An insulting diminutive, but I expect nothing more."
Powerful? How powerful?
"Do you mock me? I detect a note of mockery. I should reduce your brain to rotten cheese for your temerity. But what's the point? What's the point of anything, really?
Just know that I can summon a mighty strike when fate requires it. Very mighty."
I thought Daedra had to be summoned to reach Nirn.
"Yes, but it's usually easy enough to nudge a mortal follower of Hermaeus Mora to summon me when the ripples of fate draw me here.
It's not my fault the fragile mortal got himself killed. Well, maybe it is. Who can say? Fate works in mysterious ways."
What can you tell me about this place?
"Alavelis? Or this tedious mortal plane? No, don't tell me. My answer's the same in either case. It's a dust mote, populated by delusional insects whose meaningless lives seem important to them.
I can't bring myself to care."
Then why would Hermaeus Mora care what happens here?
"I have no clue. When my master exerts his power in this plane, the consequences linger. Footprints in the malleable clay of fate that harden to stone with the passing ages.
I sense that events here run counter to something my master did long ago."
So there's something special about Alavelis after all.
"Something special about a mortal settlement? Hardly. Alavelis fails to stand out from the sheer mediocrity of a thousand similar places in this world. Until the followers of a Daedric Prince seized control of it, anyway.
Which may be something …."
What can you tell me about the cultists here?
"You mean besides the dead devotee of Hermaeus Mora? Hmm. They call themselves the Hidden Kindred. Since I could see them, the nomenclature must be ironic.
I also noticed some Daedra. Dremora of Clan Dreamcarver, sworn to serve Prince Vaermina."
Who's Prince Vaermina? (Appears if you haven't completed Keeper of the Fate)
"A rhetorical question? Must be. Very well. Vaermina is the Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares.
I also noticed Peryite followers among the Hidden Kindred. Before you ask, he's the Prince of Pestilence. Never heard of such an alliance before."
Do you know what they're doing here?
"The mortal who summoned me complained of terrible nightmares before he died. Beyond that, I was just about to begin my long and grueling investigation when you arrived.
If only you had more tentacles. It would make the work go faster."
The Hidden Kindred infiltrated the Necrom Necropolis. A Peryite priest called Blightcrown led them. (Appears if you have completed Keeper of the Fate)
"Peryite and Vaermina, working together? That could be the source of the disturbance in fate. The mortal who summoned me spoke of nightmares before he died. I was just about to start my inquiries when you arrived.
Pity you don't have more tentacles."

Scruut will then become your follower and can assist you in combat by using Apocrypha's Wrath. During combat, she will upon synergies to support you:

Scruut: "Mortal! Let me aid you!"
Scruut: "I am a vessel of the Great Eye. Call on me!"
Scruut: "Here, mortal. Let Apocrypha smite your foe!"

When you use the synergy:

Scruut: "Wasn't that amazing?"
Scruut: "That was a satisfying smack!"
Scruut: "Feel the power of fate!"

If you have Meln with you he will provide some commentary during this quest. When you approach the Green Glass Inn, he and Scruut will say:

Scruut: "Are mortal villages typically so broken and on fire?"
Meln the Mouthless: "Look what they did to this village. It's an outrage!"

As you search Alavelis, you will soon overhear Miner Sadalas:

Miner Sadalas: "No more dreams … no more nightmares …."
Scruut: "What a horrible noise you mortals make. Where's it coming from?"

Before you speak to Sadalas:

"A mortal, damaged by a glimpse of the meaninglessness of the infinite. You should speak with them. I don't want to get any of that on my tentacles."

Once you are finished speaking to Miner Sadalas, Scruut will say:

Scruut: "Nightmares. Sounds like Prince Vaermina, all right. We should investigate this Green Glass Inn."

If spoken to at this point:

"I'd like to learn more about this arch and statue the villager spoke of. But first, we should visit this Green Glass Inn. I would very much like to see a structure of that sort. And we might learn something about the cultists, too, I suppose."

As you enter the Green Glass Inn Scruut will say:

Scruut: "How disappointing. Another name that over promises and under delivers. Ah, well. We might as well look around."

If spoken to inside the Inn:

"I have read of places such as this. Mortals drown their wits in drink, rather than confront the crushing despair of existence.
Look around. Something here might provide a clue as to what happened."

You will then need to search the Inn for two letters, the first, On the Work at Alavelis is on the table at the back right. As you examine this letter, Scruut will say:

Scruut: "Master Shelreni? Are you familiar with this mortal?"

And if Meln the Mouthless is present:

Meln the Mouthless: "Bah! I should have guessed Shelreni Baro was involved in whatever happened here!"

The next letter, On the Purchase of the Alavelis Mine is upstairs on a bedstand. Once read, Scruut will say:

Scruut: "The Dreamcarvers plan to strike at Apocrypha? That must be the disturbance in fate that brought me here."

Once you have read both letters, you can speak with Scruut:

"I assumed this would turn out to be some pointless mortal delusion. A minor contradiction, easily resolved. But Oblivion gateways and Daedric shrines? And plans to invade Apocrypha?
Ugh. This might take longer than I thought."
What do you make of the two letters we found here?
"Clearly, the cult used the mine to construct a portal to Apocrypha for the express purpose of invading my master's realm. They also sent stone to restore a Daedric shrine, most likely one devoted to Peryite or Vaermina.
But who's Master Shelreni?"

If you already completed Spirit of Fate:

I met Master Shelreni at Tel Rendys. She has one of Hermaeus Mora's Black Books.
"Hmm. Black Books open doors to Apocrypha, so why do they need a gate? Still, Telvanni masters are powerful. That makes her dangerous and important to the Hidden Kindred.
But why go to all this trouble? It's impossible to sneak past my master's gaze."

And if you completed Keeper of the Fate:

The letter mentioned a relic and a rite needed to find a door. Blightcrown got the relic in Necrom.
"Blightcrown sounds unpleasant, but doors in Apocrypha lead to secrets. Something this Torvesard saw in a dream? Is that why Vaermina is interested? I suppose we should check the mine next.
I hope I don't get hacked up. Reconstitution is irritating."


I'm not sure, but her letter to Kynreeve Ryl mentions a relic and a rite they need to find a door.
"Doors in Apocrypha lead to secrets and knowledge. Something this Torvesard saw in a dream? Is that why Vaermina is involved? I suppose we should investigate the mine next. Just make sure I don't get mutilated.
Reconstitution is so unpleasant."
Let's go to the glass mine.

She can be asked further questions:

"Most of the time, the research I undertake is wasted, but my study of the area indicated that the mine runs underneath the village. The entrance lies to the east.
Hmm. Why do you bear the mark of my master, mortal? You don't seem to be a devotee."
I made a deal with Hermaeus Mora to save Apocrypha and Nirn. He called me fate's chosen.
"Of course he did. Mortals always get the special titles. But who winds up doing all the work? Usually, that's me. Well, as long as we're both here, we might as well work together. What's the worst that could happen?
Never mind. I already know."
Any idea who this Torvesard is?
"Hmm. Never heard of him. The letter we found claims he's an unaligned Dremora working with Vaermina and Peryite. And with Master Shelreni, too. It's highly unusual for a Dremora not to be dedicated to a clan or a Prince.
That mention of a dream …."
What about Torvesard's dream?
"Another contradiction in a flood of discrepancies. Daedra don't normally dream. Not like mortals, at any rate. Not even the Dremora, who consider themselves above the rest of us.
I may need to look into this Torvesard when I return to Apocrypha."

You can then head to the glass mine for further investigation. As you enter the mine:

Scruut: "No arched gateway here. I suppose we'll need to go deeper inside."

Speaking with Scruut while in the mine:

"A place where mortals pass their pitiful lives breaking large rocks into small rocks. How depressing.
The arched gateway must be in here somewhere. I suppose we should keep looking."

Further in the mine, she will make note of the mine's minerals:

Scruut: "Malachite, volcanic glass that absorbs magicka under the right conditions. A good choice for building a gateway to Oblivion."

As you pass the dead bodies, near the entrance the gateway chamber:

Scruut: "Some of the missing villagers. Mortals should have the decency not to leave their empty husks lying about. It's untidy."

Once inside the chamber, you will find it empty, Scruut will have you look for clues:

Scruut: "An arched gateway. It's inactive, but I can detect the lingering energy of Apocrypha in the air. It must have closed recently."
Scruut: "Look around, mortal. We need more information before I attempt to activate this gateway."

Speaking with Scruut at this point:

"We're too late. It seems the Hidden Kindred and their Dreamcarver allies have already used the gate. They're probably stomping through my master's realm now, causing all sort of contradictions. How rude of them! Look around and see what you can find."

As you examine the Artisan Tools:

Scruut: "Contradictions cling to those tools like void-ticks adhere to a Watcher's tentacles. Leave them for now. We need to deal with the gateway."

As you read the Oblivion Gateway Instructions:

Scruut: "This is bad, but at least we have the invocation needed to activate the gateway."

And if Meln is present, he will comment:

Meln the Mouthless: "An obscure invocation. Where did Shelreni dig it up, I wonder."

Once you have search the area, you can speak with Scruut:

"I suppose we have no choice. We need to activate the gateway and follow Hermaeus Mora's enemies to Apocrypha. Such heroics aren't usually part of my duties, but so it goes.
I'll open the portal, then in we go."
You want me to accompany you to Apocrypha?
"Did I use the wrong words, mortal? My investigation is incomplete. To find out what the Hidden Kindred seek in my master's realm, I must follow them. And since you agreed to assist me, you must follow me.
I like it less than you, believe me."
What should I expect in Apocrypha?
"Hmm. Apocrypha can be overwhelming for mortals. You may find power or despair, knowledge or madness. Still, you bear the mark of Hermaeus Mora. I think you're meant to go there. And, damn it all, I think I'm meant to go with you."
All right, activate the gateway.

She will then approach the gateway and invoke:

Scruut: "Ready yourself, mortal. Now what was that invocation? Ah. By Seventh Umbra and the Dismal Name, I bid thee open, Cephaliarch's fane!"
<A beam of green light shoots out of her main eye and the portal opens.>

Speaking with Scruut before entering the portal:

"I followed a disturbance in the threads of fate to this location, mortal. Now we hover over a precipice. Enemies of my master have invaded his realm. As much as I hate the idea, we need to follow them and protect Apocrypha.
Now, enter the portal."

Once you are in Apocrypha, she will give you a warning before noting the trail of the invaders:

Scruut: "Behold, Apocrypha. Don't look up, mortal. I understand your kind find our sky disturbing. Let me see … head south! They went that way."

Speaking with Scruut before moving on:

"It's almost imperceptible. If I didn't know what to look for, I would have missed it completely. It's sort of like an absence carving a path through the realm. No wonder the Great Eye hasn't noticed the intrusion yet.
We must hurry, mortal!"

Head to the south and you will find a dead Watcher:

Scruut: "Poor Watcher. The invaders can't be too far ahead…the husk hasn't dissipated yet. The trail continues to the west, mortal."

Continue to follow her directions, and you will find more of the missing miners:

Scruut: "Alavelisians, mortal. The contradiction they were compelled to create hangs heavy in the air. The trail continues west."

Continue west as before, until Scruut realizes their destination, The Tranquil Catalog.

Scruut: "The trail leads directly to the Tranquil Catalog. Oh no! Pick up the pace, mortal."

Unfortunately your opponents had a great time advantage, and you will find that Mora's local forces have already been defeated. However, the wounded Cipher Mukheesh is still standing at the entrance, and threatens you under the assumption you are with the Hidden Kindred.

Speaking to Scruut will have her discuss how bad this situation is, and ask you speak to the injured Cipher:

"This is a terrible development. If the Hidden Kindred know about the Tranquil Catalog, then they know it contains an index of every secret and bit of knowledge stored in Apocrypha.
Question the scribe and find out what happened here."

The Cipher will reveal the Hidden Kindred are heading for the Pool of Inquiry. With the invader's next goal known, Scruut will speak up:

Scruut: "The Pool of Inquiry? I know the way, mortal."

Before entering the Catalog, you have the option of speaking with Scruut:

"Only Hermaeus Mora's most trusted followers and scribes are allowed access to the Tranquil Catalog. But if the Hidden Kindred and their Dremora allies know about the Pool of Inquiry ….
We must hurry, mortal."
What should I know about the Pool of Inquiry?
"It's an index of sorts. Whatever the Hidden Kindred seek in Apocrypha, they must not know where to find it. So they've come to the Catalog to get an exact location.
The Pool of Inquiry contains such information—if they know how to retrieve it."
How do we stop them?
"If they escape before we catch up to them, then we do what they did. Use the Pool of Inquiry to find them. The waters contain a record of everything in Apocrypha—which now includes these enemies of the Great Eye."

Inside Scruut will comment on the state of the catalog:

Scruut: "Invaders in the Tranquil Catalog? What a calamity."
Scruut: "The way to the Pool of Inquiry is straight ahead."

Conversation at this time will result in this comment:

"What a mess. These dead mortals will just lie around and smell until someone removes them. Why can't your kind dissipate graciously the way Daedra do?
But let's keep moving. The way to the Pool of Inquiry is straight ahead."

As you continue on, Scruut will make note of the strange alliance that has invaded Apocrypha:

Scruut: "Blightcrown serves Peryite, but orders the Hidden Kindred to work with Vaermina? Strange allies indeed."

Continue through the hallway until you reach a portal, with a broken Portal Seal. Scruut will comment on this when you find the shard of the Portal Seal:

Scruut: "The invaders shattered the portal's seal. We need to follow them to the Pool of Inquiry."

If you speak with her:

"The invaders broke the seal and entered the Pool of Inquiry. As much as it pains me to say this, we must follow them, mortal."

On the other side you can find the Pool of Inquiry, but you are once again too late. The pool has been used, and if you wish to use it yourself you will need to replace the tears needed for it. Scruut will comment on this:

Scruut: "I was afraid of this. The invaders used the sacred tears. Look around. Without them, we can't use the pool."

Speaking to her at this point:

"The Pool of Inquiry's waters of scrying won't function without the sacred tears of Hermaeus Mora. The invaders left none behind, but search the chamber anyway.
It's hopeless, but maybe you'll find something useful."

Thankfully, the Ciphers left a note nearby explaining how to replenish the tears. You will need to visit nearby shrines of Hyrma Mora, Herma-Mora, and Hermorah. Even more conveniently, there are also portals to each shrine to make the trip faster. Scruut will also point out the portals to you, and Meln will also chime in if he is present:

Scruut: "These portals lead to the shrines where we can find more of the sacred tears."

Each of the shrines are in a small area with a few Hidden Kindred guarding them. If you speak to Scruut before finishing your collection she will say:

"Handy that the ciphers left those instructions. Each portal must lead to the shrines mentioned in the note. You can replenish the sacred tears at each of those shrines.
Know that the pool will reveal nothing until we add the tears."

As you visit each shrine, Scruut will comment randomly on the invaders and the aspect of Mora the shrine represents:

Scruut: "Ugh. More of the invaders! It will take forever to put the Catalog back in order."
Scruut: "Never did like Spider Daedra. Cruel and deceitful creatures. I'm not surprised to find them among the Dreamcarvers."
Scruut: "Be careful. Dreamcarvers and Hidden Kindred lurk around every corner."
Shrine of Herma-Mora
Scruut: "The mortals of Skyrim know the Great Eye as Herma-Mora. Gather the sacred tears."
Shrine of Hermorah
Scruut: "Hermorah is the Great Eye's name among the Khajiit. Gather the tear, mortal."
Shrine of Hyrma Mora
Scruut: "The Ayleids called my master Hyrma Mora. Pity they're long gone. I found them interesting."

After you have gathered all three Sacred Tears:

Scruut: "Hands. I'm not jealous at all. Now take the tears and place them in the pool."

Speaking with Scruut:

"Oh the terrible burdens that bring tears to the many eyes of the Abyssal Cephaliarch. Place them in the pool, mortal."

Head back to the Pool of Inquiry and pour the tears into the pool:

<Pool fills with black ink and near overflows. A portal appears in the middle.>
Scruut: "See how the pool reveals our goal? The Tranquil Archives. Enter the pool and it will take us there."

Speaking with Scruut: before leaving:

"The pool opens a portal to the place we need to go. We will find whatever the invaders seek through that gateway."

The portal will take you into the Tranquil Archives, and within sight of Torvesard. Before you advance:

"The Tranquil Archives hold many of Hermaeus Mora's oldest and most cherished secrets. They are tabulated in glyphics—stones of crystallized knowledge that endure for eons.
Look for the intruders. They must be close by."

Scruut will begin to speak about finding the intruders, but Torvesard speaking up will instantly reveal their location:

Scruut: "The Tranquil Archives. One of the main repositories for Hermaeus Mora's glyphics. We need to find the invaders, mortal."
Torvesard: "This is the glyphic! Now I know where to find the memory of the dream your Prince helped me remember, despite your predilections, Ryl."
Kynreeve Ryl: "Prince Vaermina commands me to punish Mora's servants, clanless. So I do."
Torvesard: "Excessive and pointless, but I have what I came for. I'm leaving."
<Torvesard leaves>
Kynreeve Ryl: "Do what you will. I'll deal with our eavesdroppers."

Before you fight Ryl:

"Kynreeve Ryl stands in our path. I'll help you defeat him so we can examine the glyphic that Torvesard opened."

This will begin a battle against the Ryl, who will use Vaermina's power to entangle you. Scruut will summon tentacles to aid you, and Ryl will summon a Night Terror and mind-controlled Lurkers in return:

Kynreeve Ryl: "You will beg me to kill you, mortal."
Kynreeve Ryl: "Vaermina's nightmares fight beside me, mortal!"
Scruut: "Closer, mortal! A smack from fate's tentacle can free you!"
Kynreeve Ryl: "You survived? Perhaps this will be a challenge after all."
Kynreeve Ryl: "Let us see how you handle a night terror!"
Scruut: "Let me hit you with a tentacle, mortal!"

With Vaermina's Dremora defeated, the glyphic that the clanless Dremora was after is your next objective. Thankfully, he left it behind for you. Scruut will open a path to it for you:

Scruut: "I suppose I need to activate this bridge for you. It would be easier for both of us if you could just float."
<Scruut activates the bridge>
Scruut: "Torvesard has already accessed the knowledge preserved in this glyphic. We should find out what it contains."

If you speak to Scruut she will ask for your help with the glyphic:

"Torvesard went to great lengths to reach this glyphic, but it refuses to reveal its contents to me.
Examine the glyphic, mortal. Perhaps you'll have more success."

Activate it, and and three tomes will suddenly appear. Scruut will insist that you read them:

Scruut: "Three tomes emerged from the glyphic! Read them, mortal!"

Speaking to her will have her more calmly explain:

"Ah. The glyphic holds memories of three books. The invaders breached Apocrypha to learn what's recorded here. You should examine the tomes, mortal."

As you read each book, Scruut will comment on each of them. On the Pact Primordial:

Scruut: "The Pact Primordial prohibits Daedric Princes from entering another's realm, but that's hardly a secret."

Dreams of the Forgotten:

Scruut: "Torvesard said he was trying to remember a lost dream. He believes he can find it in my master's realm."

Secret of the Tormenting Eye

Scruut: "The Tormenting Eye? That's one of my master's Black Books."
Meln the Mouthless (If with you): "That Dremora stole whatever was worth knowing here. Nothing left but the meaningless fragments. See what the Watchling makes of all this."

Speak with your Watchling companion about the damaged tomes in the glyphic:

"Glyphics endure for eternity. I've never heard of any erasing themselves before. Very strange. Do you understand the text that remained, mortal? I found the words very disturbing."
I'm not sure. What did you make of the three books?
"One concerned the Pact Primordial. Could they be seeking a way to subvert that ancient restriction? The second mentioned lost dreams, such as the one Torvesard seeks to recover. It told of a place in Apocrypha to find such misplaced memories."
But the exact location wasn't in the lines of text that remained.
"No, but we have to assume Torvesard learned the location before the text faded away. The final book referred to one of Hermaeus Mora's most infamous Black Books—The Tormenting Eye. It said it contains a rite for unlocking dangerous secrets."
Master Shelreni has the Black Book. Tell me about the significance of the Pact Primordial.
"The pact refers to ancient laws that bind the Daedric Princes. No Prince may physically intrude in another's realm. Everyone knows that. Well, perhaps not mortals.
That they sought out that tome tells us something important."
What does it tell us?
"The invaders found a way to enter Apocrypha undetected. Perhaps they hope to open a path for one or more of the rival Princes? That would be disastrous!
There's nothing more we can do here. It's time to exit the Tranquil Catalog."
All right. I'll meet you outside.

Scruut will simplify your escape from this location:

Scruut: "One moment and I'll conjure up a portal."
<A portal is opened.>

Speaking with her:

"After you. My portals are perfectly safe. Usually."

Outside, Scruut will call you over to talk:

Scruut: "It appears we're in no immediate danger. We can speak here, mortal."

Talk with Scruut to complete the quest:

"I've never faced such a convoluted contradiction of fate before. While we learned the cause of the incongruity, I wasn't able to make the necessary corrections. Unfortunately.
At least we chased off Torvesard and defeated the kynreeve."
Is there anything else I can do to help, Scruut?
"You want to help? Me? What a strange mortal you are. But resourceful. I'm not sure I would have learned anything at all without your assistance. Here's the gold I promised. You earned it.
This problem bears contemplation. I'll find you again soon."

This will formally finish the quest. While Scruut will begin to send you away, she will be interrupted by Hermaeus Mora wanting to use her body to talk to you:

"Farewell. I—wait. My master. Hermaeus Mora wants to speak with you, mortal. He will use me as his vessel …."
Scruut? What's happening?
"Know that the Prince of Secrets addresses you, chosen of fate. I can observe through my Watchlings' eyes, speak through them. Even act through them when necessary.
You and Scruut uncovered a threat before even I became aware of it. That concerns me."
Torvesard and the Hidden Kindred found a way to enter Apocrypha undetected.
"But you and Scruut were not fooled. For that, I give you a gift. So that I may better aid you against this ongoing threat to my realm and yours, I will make this Watchling available to you for the duration of our agreement.
Now, Leramil comes."

As Hermaeus Mora said through Scruut, Leramil the Wise will appear:

Leramil the Wise: "I came as soon as I heard, proxy. I knew what Hermaeus Mora predicted, but I never truly imagined invaders in Apocrypha."
Leramil the Wise: "We have examined the threads of fate and learned much. Return to the Necrom Bindery and we shall determine our next steps."
Scruut: "Leramil the Wise? You know this mortal, too? Then understand that agents of Vaermina invaded my master's realm."
Leramil the Wise: "Ah, one of Hermaeus Mora's examiners of contradictions. Reality is in jeopardy, Watchling. We can use every ally we can get."

A Hidden Fate[edit]

If you don't start this quest from Leramil, Scruut will call you over when she sees you in Necrom:

Scruut: "Over here, mortal. Look at me. Reduced to delivering messages …."

Speak with her to see what is going on and to start the quest:

"If this wasn't tangled in my own responsibilities, I would have told Leramil to go float in the Void. Instead, here I am, delivering a message for one of Hermaeus Mora's—the Great Eye's—lesser agents.
Pay attention. I only want to say this once."
All right, Scruut. Give me the message.
"Leramil had the audacity to summon me into her presence. I hate when mages do that. It's very disconcerting. There one moment, here the next. And then she locked eyes with me. Refused to blink or turn away. That's no way to treat a Watchling."
Scruut, the message?
"I see patience isn't one of your strong suits.
Leramil is ready to engage in further research concerning the relic, the rite, and the dream that the followers of Vaermina and Peryite seek. She wants you to meet her at the ruined bookshop in Necrom."
Thanks, Scruut. I'll meet Leramil at the Necrom Bindery.

After you accept the quest, you can speak with Scruut some more:

"The Great Eye turned to you to untangle the threads of fate, so get to it. Leramil waits for you in the Necrom ruin that once served as a repository for mortal books.
Imagine, a place where mortals go to purchase books—with gold! How barbaric!"
Remind me about the relic, the rite, and the dream, Scruut.
"Do I look like a Cipher of the Eye to you? A simple scribe or archivist toiling away in the endless stacks of Apocrypha?
Oh very well. Those are the clues you uncovered for the Great Eye during your investigations in the Telvanni Peninsula."
But what do they mean?
"The message, mortal? The one I just delivered? Leramil is ready to get on with the research.
You know that the relic is called the Fulcrum Obscura. And you think the dream is locked away somewhere in Apocrypha. If the Hidden Kindred find it …."
What happens if the Hidden Kindred find the dream in Apocrypha?
"The Great Eye says that without your help, reality will unravel, starting in Apocrypha and then spreading everywhere—including your mortal realm of Nirn.
Now, this is just a guess, mind you, but I assume that happens if they recover the dream."

The quest will take you to Cipher's Midden to learn more through research, but each relevant book you find gets destroyed.Scruut will appear after the third book is destroyed:

Meln the Mouthless: "It's almost as though someone is eliminating these books the moment you find them. At least you recovered something."
<Scruut appears>
Scruut: "Another disturbance in the currents of fate and what do I find? The Great Eye's mortal surrogate. Again."

Speak to Scruut to learn more about the books you keep pulling being destroyed:

"Once again the water of fate ripples with unnatural disturbances. As if some huge clod tossed a rock into a still pond.
And what huge clod do I find at the center of these ripples? The Great Eye's mortal surrogate."
What ripples are you talking about, Scruut?
"As I explained on the mortal plane, I am tasked with aligning wrinkles in the annals of fate. How I accomplish that is totally up to me. But when something alters fate's prescribed path, it makes ripples.
Just like the one I followed here."
We're searching these stacks for information about the relic, the rite, and the dream.
"Interesting. It would be good to know more about what the agents of Vaermina and Peryite seek in my master's realm.
Did anything out of the ordinary occur while you were conducting your search?"
All of the books we found crumbled before we could get more than a little information out of them.
"I was afraid of that. Whatever you're involved in may be beyond my jurisdiction. I suspect the secrets you hope to uncover fall under the direct protection of Apocrypha itself. The Great Eye has put precautions in place to keep them hidden."
What does that mean exactly?
"It means you have been given an impossible task. And it may taint my otherwise spotless record. This is not good. Not good at all.
Take whatever you learned and bring it to Leramil the Wise. Hopefully she can make sense of this conundrum."

Askign why Scruut is upset:

I don't understand why this has you so upset, Scruut.
"Of course not. Why would you? You're only mortal.
You were selected to help Hermaeus Mora save Apocrypha and Nirn. To do that, you must uncover the very secrets the Great Eye's enemies pursue—secrets that can unravel reality as we know it!"
And you think the books crumbled because of some protection Hermaeus Mora has in place?
"Obviously. Everything of Apocrypha is of Hermaeus Mora. Only through the Great Eye's will could the sacred tomes be destroyed.
You were chosen. And then I was unlucky enough to become involved. For good or ill, our fates have become tangled."
And that means?
"For me to complete my task, you must succeed in yours. Which is clearly impossible, since you can't overcome Apocrypha's protections. Which means you won't be able to save fate, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. Reality will unravel soon enough."

Leaving and returning the conversation with Scruut:

"Go ahead, mortal. Consult with Leramil. She has a talent for determining what the Great Eye truly demands of his chosen.
The rest of us? The bitter truth is, we're just grains of sand waiting to be washed away by the rain of destiny."

With your task now declared impossible, it is time to regroup with Leramil. You can meet her in her study. As you head into Leramil's study you will see a book she is holding being turned into magical dust.

Leramil the Wise: "The Midden stacks have been reluctant to yield the answers I had hoped for."
Scruut: "Apocrypha itself works against you. But the Great Eye's surrogate had some success."
Leramil the Wise: "Indeed? Show me, proxy."

If you choose to speak to Scruut first:

"You have an annoying tendency to disturb the course of fate, mortal. Makes my duties all the more difficult. I hope you're happy about that."

After you speak with Leramil, she will decide to go to the Infinite Panopticon, an idea that earns Scruut's disapproval:

Leramil the Wise: "Gadayn, take this charm. It shall mark you as my guest in Apocrypha and keep you safe."
Curate Gadayn: "That's … most thoughtful, Leramil. Thank you."
Scruut: "The Infinite Panopticon is kept hidden for a good reason, Leramil."
Leramil the Wise: "Which is why we must locate it and protect it from the enemy."
Scruut: "This is the sort of quandary that makes my tentacles twitch …."

Speaking with Scruut before leaving:

"Tapping into the ancient cairns of Apocrypha, what could possibly go wrong? Well, other than everything?
Proceed with caution, mortal."

Once you finish with the cairns, return to Cipher's Midden. You will find Leramil waiting for you in her study, along with Scruut. Gadayn will take the lead once you enter:

Curate Gadayn: "The cairns have been activated. Let's return to Leramil's study so she can complete the ritual."
<Leramil casts the ritual and green light appears in her hands.>
Leramil the Wise: "Well done. Now to complete the ritual. I feel the ebb and flow of Apocrypha … some guide me … others try to …."
<The magic becomes violent and explodes.>
Curate Gadayn: "Oh Leramil, do be careful!"
Scruut: "I told you. Apocrypha doesn't give up its secrets without a price."
Leramil the Wise: "Got it!"

Leramil will double over in pain momentarily, and will still be clutching her side in pain after the completion of the ritual:

"The researcher taps into currents of fate that aren't hers to access. And look what it does to her.
Leramil has been performing stunts such as this for more than a century. I'm surprised she's still somewhat sane."

Speaking with Leramil, she will locate the current entrance to the Panopticon, and passes on the task of getting Gadayn home to Scruut:

Leramil the Wise: "Scruut, please make sure Curate Gadayn returns safely to Necrom. His work here is done."
Curate Gadayn: "But we still haven't recovered the other half of the Fulcrum Obscura!"
Scruut: "Listen to Leramil, mortal. Your mind would melt the moment you stepped into the Infinite Panopticon."
Curate Gadayn: "I … but … oh, very well. I'll return to Necrom and see if I can learn anything more about the Hidden Kindred or Master Shelreni. Do be careful, my friends."

You can speak with Gadayn and Scruut a final time before departing:

"I prefer simple anomalies. This one has become too complex and dangerous for my liking. I'll return the mortal corpse-keeper to Necrom. Perhaps by the time I'm done, the course of fate will have corrected itself.
But probably not."

Conclave of Fate[edit]

While the group was separated, Gadayn and Scruut investigated a different angle of the problem—Master Shelreni Baro. Back at the mortal world, Curate Gadayn will be waiting for you with Scruut:

Scruut: "The mortal returns. I thought I recognized that wrinkle in the fabric of fate."
Curate Gadayn: "Hmm, I hoped Leramil would be with you. We have news!"

Although you are supposed to talk with Gadayn, you can check in with Scruut first. Although all she will tell you is to speak to Gadayn:

"The corpse-keeper is eager to tell you what he discovered. Oblivion forbid that I ruin his surprise. You should speak with him."

Gadayn will tell you that a Telvanni Conclave is to occur, focused on Shelreni. Meln the Mouthless, a member of House Telvanni in life, will have formed a plan for how to get in. Speaking to her before Meln:

"Oh, the heights I have fallen from! Forced to work alongside mortals and the spirits of mortals! As for the curate's plan, I can't see if this course of action will untangle the threads of fate or not. So my professional advice is … sure, whatever."

After you listen to Meln's plan you can speak with Scruut:

"The spirit makes a good point. You'd be noticed immediately the moment you tried to get close to Shelreni. If he thinks he can direct you to make a proper spell of concealment, he has more faith in you than I do.
I suppose you should try though."

You will depart with Meln and Gadayn to stop Shelreni from completing the ritual, which will allow Vaermina to enter Apocrypha. You succeed in stopping Shelreni, but Blightcrown gets their plan back on track by killing Shelreni and using her body as a puppet for Vaermina. When you return to Leramil and Scruut will already know something very bad has happened. Neither of them can feel Mora's presence any more:

"What did you do, mortal? The screams of Apocrypha are like needles in my eyes!"

A Calamity of Fate[edit]

You have the option of starting this quest from Scruut in Necrom, but she is obvious pain when she talks to you:

Scruut: "You! You must fix this at once!"

Talk to her and she will tell you to go to Leramil immediately and fix what you caused:

"Apocrypha's pain is like salt in my orb sockets, mortal! Whatever happened, I have no doubt it was your fault. So, you must fix it. Make it so I can hear the soothing adjurations of the Great Eye once more!"
Slow down, Scruut, and tell me what's going on.
"Slow down? While the currents of fate rush headlong toward the waterfalls of nonexistence? Not on my watch, mortal!
After you allowed Vaermina to enter Apocrypha, whatever she did has upset the balance of reality. We must set things right!"
That's not exactly what happened, but what do you need me to do?
"I have no idea! This is beyond even my extensive experience repairing the frayed threads of destiny!
Leramil wants to talk to you, though. Return to the Necrom Bindery and consult with her. Then do what fate requires and put reality to rights!"
I'll meet Leramil at the Necrom Bindery.

You will report Vaermina's invasion of Apocrypha to Leramil, who will tell you that neither she or Scruut can feel the presence of Hermaeus Mora any longer. Speaking with Scruut afterwards:

After starting quest with Scruut:
After speaking with Leramil:
"Oh, why does the universe hate me, mortal? A simple task to fix an out-of-sync fate on a backwater world has become an irritant in my primary orb.
Go. Leramil waits in the Necrom Bindery. I'd prefer to wallow in solitude, if you don't mind."
"I don't understand this death thing. Or spirits, either. Daedra aren't bound to such a limited and finite existence.
Beyond that, spirit or no, can we trust anything Master Shelreni says? With reality hanging in the balance, I don't think so."
What did you mean about reality?
"Reality. The place where we keep all our stuff! When Vaermina entered Apocrypha without permission—which should be impossible, I might add—reality went askew. My connection to the realm radiates with torment.
But the silence is worse."
"I no longer hear the melodious decrees of my master! Hermaeus Mora is just … gone. And that shouldn't be possible, either!
Find a way to fix this mortal, or I fear Apocrypha will just be the first realm to suffer."

You will ultimately decide to contact Shelreni's spirit to learn more. While you do that, Scruut will leave for Oblivion:

Curate Gadayn: "If I help you, I could jeopardize my standing."
Leramil the Wise: "We would not ask this of you if the situation was not dire."
Curate Gadayn: "I … of course I'll help, Leramil."
Scruut: "I'll return to Apocrypha. See if I can find Vaermina while you chase spirits. Not like I've got anything better to do."
Leramil the Wise: "Good luck at Tel Baro, my friends. Return here with whatever you learn."

Curate Gadayn and Meln with assist you at Tel Baro where Shelreni's spirit is summoned and you learn about her role in the plot. When you return to Leramil at the Book Binder's, you will find Scruut has returned from her scouting trip and Leramil will be reassuring her. Speaking with Scruut before Leramil:

"It was terrible, mortal. Some of the realm's Daedra have gone insane. And I still can't hear or make contact with the Great Eye.
If you have better news, share it with Leramil now."

You will be heading back to the Infinite Panopticon. Leramil will try to get Gadayn to stay behind:

Leramil the Wise: "Gadayn, this will be dangerous. I would feel better if you remain here, out of harm's way."
Curate Gadayn: "I swore to retrieve the relic. And I can't stand the thought of you facing this danger without me—um, all of you, really."
Scruut: "Vomitous."

<Scruut disappears in a portal.>

Return to Apocrypha, specifically the Chroma Incognito portion in which you previously found the portal to the Infinite Panopticon. You will find your allies here, but the portal will not be present:

Leramil the Wise: "As I feared, the entrance to the Infinite Panopticon has moved."
Scruut: "As is its nature. Which means we have failed and reality is doomed."

<Leramil begins casting a green spell to open a portal.>

Leramil the Wise: "I refuse this outcome. Fate, bend to my will!"
Curate Gadayn: "Leramil, be careful!"
Leramil the Wise: "There is no time. The Panopticon … must exist … here. I command it!"

<Leramil successfully opens the portal to the Infinite Panopticon but is drained.>

Curate Gadayn: "Leramil, you did it! The Panopticon is open!"

Leramil will use her magic to force the portal to be here again, although the exertion will cause her to double over in pain once again. Speaking with Scruut, she will give her opinion:

"While Leramil's display was indeed impressive, she continues to abuse forces that were not meant to be wielded by mere mortals. One day, that will be her undoing."

Although Leramil pushed past her limits to get you in, she will still accompany you into the Infinite Panopticon. Gadayn will force the issue, and insist she returns home:

Leramil the Wise: "Oh no! Vaermina, her presence is destroying the Panopticon!"
Curate Gadayn: "Leramil, look at yourself. You're in no shape to continue!"
Leramil the Wise: "Nonsense, I … no, you are right. Proxy, you must deal with Vaermina. Gadayn will help me return to Cipher's Midden."
Scruut: "You can't face Vaermina alone. I don't believe I'm saying this, but I'll go with you …."
Meln the Mouthless: "This is more than just the presence of a rival Daedric Prince. Something else is happening here."

If you speak to Scruut at this point, she will admit she is just as surprised that she is still here:

"I don't understand it either. But like it or not, we're the only thing standing between Vaermina and the utter collapse of reality.
So, let's get moving. We need to find a Daedric Prince wearing a mortal meat suit while we still can."

Since your last visit, its state has deteriorated. Even the entrance has taken on some of the chaotic elements of the deeper portions. Scruut's previous report about the Daedra will also prove to be accurate, and Hermaeus Mora's forces will once again oppose you. You will need to head down:

Scruut: "I think Vaermina's presence has somehow intensified Blightcrown's corruption.
Scruut: "Ripples of agony from below. We need to go down, mortal."

When you reached the bottom:

Scruut: "What a mess! If we survive, the Great Eye will probably make me clean it up."

Scruut will call out a hole as the likely path you need to go:

Scruut: "A hole in the debris! They must have gone that way."
Meln the Mouthless: "Remember, Vaermina's not alone. Blightcrown and Torvesard are with her.

Speaking with Scruut here:

"Such disregard for the work of the Great Eye, such rampant destruction! But at least the hole reveals the path our enemies took.
I suppose we should see where it leads."

Her instincts will prove to be correct, indicated by the presence of Hidden Kindred:

Scruut: "The cultists are spreading Blightcrown's corruption."
Meln the Mouthless: "Hidden Kindred. Looks like Vaermina brought an army."

Soon you will reach the portal that Vaermina entered:

Scruut: "That portal. Vaermina passed through it, mortal."

Speaking to her before going in it:

"Don't ask me. I've never been inside the Infinite Panopticon before. But Vaermina and her allies stepped through that portal, so it must lead somewhere."

Past the Hidden Kindred, you will arrive in a giant open space with giant book pillars running from the abyss below into the one above, similar to the one you saw the last time you were here. And you will catch up to Blightcrown here, once again:

Scruut: "This place feels ancient … like no one's been here in an eternity."
Blightcrown: "The combination of rite and concoction works splendidly! We are hidden and Mora suffers.
Blightcrown: "Torvesard, take the Dream Prince into the Eye of Mora and find your memory."
Blightcrown: "I have a final gift to deliver to the very core of Apocrypha!"
Scruut: "Blightcrown! Did he say something about an Eye of Mora?"
Meln the Mouthless: "Ignore Blightcrown. We need to reach Vaermina and destroy Shelreni's body."

Speaking with Scruut here:

"I don't think we should be in here. No one should. This place feels ancient. Sacred. But if you insist on pressing forward, I'll stay with you.

Progressing through the maze:

Scruut: "Between Vaermina's presence and the corruption, my fellow Daedra have turned violent! Well, more violent than usual."
Scruut: "I see the Eye of Mora above us. That's where we need to go, mortal."

Making your way through the maze, you soon find the portal upwards

Scruut: "Through there, mortal! Hurry!"

Make your way to the Eye of Mora, which will be defended by a small force of Hidden Kindred:

Scruut: "Those cultists are in our way. Dispatch them, mortal!"

Once you and Scruut defeat them, she will ask that you speak to her before continuing:

Scruut: "Mortal, we need to talk."

Talk with her about the Eye of Mora:

"Blightcrown's a threat, but Vaermina's a Prince! We should follow Vaermina and Torvesard into the Eye of Mora."
What's inside this eye, Scruut?
"I have no clue which memory of Hermaeus Mora this particular eye contains. But we should go in and do what we came here to do. Find Vaermina and destroy Master Shelreni's body. Without the protection it provides, Mora should be able to pinpoint her."
I thought you said you're no longer in contact with Hermaeus Mora?
"You're right, I don't hear the Great Eye. I think that has something to do with Vaermina's presence, Blightcrown's corruption, and the rite they completed to enter the realm.
It's just a guess, but if we solve one problem, it should help."


Scruut: "Now, mortal! Step into the Eye of Mora."

Before you go inside the Eye of Mora:

"Ready, mortal? Just touch the Eye of Mora and we'll slip into the memory it contains. Just like daedmites hopping from one clannfear to another.
And yes, we're the daedmites."

You and Scruut will appear in a memory that has clearly been twisted. There are also literal twisters running throughout the memory, acting as obstacles. Speaking with Scruut after you enter:

"Oh, wonderful. Vaermina corrupted this memory. Doesn't she realize it's sacrilege to tamper with the remembrances of the Great Eye?
Let's look around, but be careful."

In the memories of Hermaeus Mora, his Daedra will oppose you. You can see Hermaeus Mora on the opposite end of the chamber you are on. Shortly after you enter, Vaermina will confront you:

Scruut: "What happened to this memory? It looks more like a dream … or a nightmare."
Meln the Mouthless: "Another Daedric Prince memory? You take me to the nicest places."
Scruut: "This has to be Vaermina's fault. Stupid Prince of Dreams!"
Vaermina: "This memory is mine now, mortal!"
Vaermina: "I have wrapped it in a dream of my own creation!"
<Vaermina disappears.>
Scruut: "We need to discuss this, mortal."

Scruut will inform you that you do have a fundamental advantage over Vaermina here, however:

"Listen carefully, mortal. Vaermina's power is limited here. This isn't her realm. It's only due to the necromancy they used on Shelreni's body that she made it this far.
She's placed a dream around us, but the true memory is still here."
So how do we find the true memory?
"Vaermina hasn't been in here very long. She didn't have time to craft a perfect dreamscape to hide within. Look for flaws in the illusion. The cracks in the facade."
Is that Hermaeus Mora out there? What's he doing in here?
"We're inside one of the Great Eye's secret memories. That's just an echo of him, part of the memory. Like I said, Vaermina's overlay of dreamstuff isn't perfect. And we can take advantage of that.
Let's see if we can spot any flaws we can exploit."
Maybe Meln's ghost sight can help.
"Good idea. If you can find the weak points, I can break them open and expose the true memory beneath.
Of course, knowing what the Great Eye values, that will probably drive us insane. Took me centuries to recover the last time that happened."
All right, let's look around.

Speaking with Scruut during this:

'"Use Meln's ghost sight. When you find a flaw, point it out to me. Then I'll see if I can exploit it to reveal the true memory beneath."

There are five flaws in total, spread throughout the different levels of sections. Each time find one, you will hear a fragemnt Hermaeus Mora's memory. The memory fragments and Scruut's comments are as follows:

Hermaeus Mora: "I have done the unthinkable. Now I must make sure it cannot be undone."
Scruut: "That was part of the true memory. Find me more flaws to break, mortal!"
Hermaeus Mora: "I shall divide the only remaining memory of the event—my memory—and hide it in three glyphics."
Scruut: "This must be the memory of when Hermaeus Mora hid the secret the enemy seeks."

With the flaws removed, Hermaeus Mora will wake up, and Vaermina will quickly retreat. Mora will ask you to enter the Mythos, Scruut will comment if asked:

"The Mythos? No one ever goes to the Mythos. It's forbidden! But the Great Eye told fate's chosen to enter the Mythos. So I guess I should go with you, right?"

You will continue through the memory, with mind-controlled Daedra and Hidden Kindred standing in your way.

Scruut: "This is the Mythos, deep beneath the Ichor Sea. Another memory, or more of the same?"

Scruut will provide the context for where you are to the best of her ability:

"The Mythos is a forbidden place, deep beneath the Ichor Sea. This is where the Great Eye conceived Apocrypha. Where he whispered the first secret, imagined the first inkling of knowledge.
We're so not worthy to be here, even if it is just a memory."

As you continue through the Mythos:

Scruut: "This is the core of Apocrypha. Remember how Torvesard altered a memory and changed the past? The damage they can cause here is enormous!"

As you get closer to Vaermina and Torvesard in the process of stealing the glyphic, you will overhear Vaermina:

Vaermina: "We're sure the glyphic is on the other side of that door? That we can reach it through this memory?"
Scruut: "We need to hurry, mortal!"

Speaking with Scruut here:

"Vaermina isn't just seeking a lost memory—she wants to punish the Great Eye! We need to stop her, mortal!"

When you arrive in the Mythos Vault, the crazed Mezzamma the Lurker will be set on you as a distraction. Speaking to her before fighting:

"I'm not a hero. Just a minor Watchling functionary in service to the Great Eye. So you'll have to excuse me if I appear incapable of rational thought right now."

Once it is defeated, Hermaeus Mora will appear, forcing Vaermina and Torvesard to flee. You can choose to speak to Scruut first if you want to:

"The Great Eye! I can feel his presence again, and not just because he's right over there and wants to speak to you. I wonder when the next boulder is going to drop on us.
Go on. It's not polite to keep the Prince of Fate waiting."

After you speak with Mora, you will be allowed to view the Glyphic of Hidden Paths, Scruut will not accompany you during this. Afterward you witness it, Torvesard will reveal himself and leave, having achieve his goal. Once you have spoken with Mora again, you will be sent back to Cipher's Midden.

Things are still bad. The Ciphers are normally protected, but with Hermaeus Mora weakened and the Daedra maddened, they are in danger. Inside Leramil's study, you will find Gadayn, Leramil, and Scruut. If you talk to Scruut before completing the quest:

"The Great Eye trusts you, mortal. I suppose that means I must, too. Which indicates I'm probably going to regret everything that happens next.
Go talk to Leramil. She has that look on her face again."

Talking to Scruut after completing the quest:

"We freed the Great Eye from Vaermina's dream, but we weren't able to preserve the first part of the secret. Not only that, but I still feel the effects of Blightcrown's poison. And Hermaeus Mora suffers even more. I could see it in his eyes."
Is there anything we can do about that?
"Find Blightcrown and beat him with a stick?
How should I know? I'm an auditor of fate, not a Watchling of action. That's for you and Leramil to figure out."

An Unhealthy Fate[edit]

You can start this quest from Scruut in Necrom, who will be calling for your attention:

Scruut: "Mortal, you're needed again."

Starting the quest:

"I can trace the lines of destiny, from insignificant happenings to cataclysmic disasters. But what am I sent to do today? Find the chosen of fate and deliver another meaningless message.
Well, it does concern the end of reality, but still."
Give me the message, Scruut.
"Hold your daedrats! I was getting to that.
Leramil the Wise has recovered from her ordeal at the Infinite Panopticon. She eagerly awaits your return. She wants to hear directly from you about Vaermina and Hermaeus Mora. And about the lost memory."
Did she say anything else?
"Not really. She's waiting for you in Cipher's Midden.
There's still a lot to do to save reality. Vaermina's still hiding in Master Shelreni's body. Blightcrown continues to spread corruption. And Torvesard … I can't really figure that one out."
I'll go to Cipher's Midden and talk to Leramil.

Speaking with Scruut again before leaving:

"Go on. I'll meet you in Cipher's Midden with Leramil and Curate Gadayn. I'd open a portal for the both of us, but the local mortals turn ugly when my kind does that sort of thing in a public space.
Well, they turn uglier, but that's just my opinion."

She will be back at Cipher's Midden inside Leramil's Study. She will stay back due to her vulnerabilities from afflictions set by Blightcrown:

"You'll have to do this on your own, mortal. I can feel the affliction beginning to take hold. I'll pose a danger to you if I succumb as the other Daedra have."

You will be asked to scout around Cipher's Midden to investigate the worsening situation in Apocrypha, Daedra will suddenly go berserk and start attacking people. You eventually find one of Blightcrown's censers spreading corruption.

By the time you return to Leramil's lodgings, she Scruut will have collapsed. Gadayn will ask you to check on Scruut while he tends to Leramil:

"Flee, mortal. The pain overwhelms me. Soon I won't be able to tell friend from foe.
And my many beguiling eyes … each blinks out and goes dark in turn. Soon I'll be totally … blind!"
What can I do to help, Scruut?
"I…I don't know. But the pain and the blindness … is this what caused the Great Eye to disconnect from his realm? To allow Vaermina's dream to envelop him in order to escape the suffering?
You don't suppose she has a dream for me, do you?"
Gadayn's a monk. Maybe he'll come up with something.
"The other mortal? Oh, to have my fate rest in such fragile hands! Really, you should go. Apocrypha is no longer safe. And I don't want to hurt you.
Wait. A barely perceptible ripple in the threads. Someone approaches!"
Who's coming, Scruut?

Torvesard will appear, and offer to help your companions recover, and to assist you in stopping Blightcrown and Vaermina. Before accepting the deal, Scruut will say:

"I'm in agony, mortal. It's like curtains are drawn across my many eye sockets. Did I hear Torvesard? Why can I barely sense him? And do you smell sweetrolls baking in the distance?"

After you agree, Torvesard will make good on his promise to heal your friends:

Torvesard: "It will take all of us to reach the Mythos. Allow me to ease the suffering of your allies."
Scruut: "I can see again!"
Leramil the Wise: "Go, proxy. I shall join you at the location."

Talking to Scruut before you leave:

"Whatever Torvesard did, it certainly helped. But I can still feel the constant throb of Apocrypha's pain. It won't be long before it incapacitates me again—or worse."

After the entrance to the Mythos is opened, Hermaeus Mora will appear. Once you have spoken with him, you have the options of speaking with your allies before you enter. Talking with Scruut:

"I suffer, just as the Great Eye suffers. But I'll float alongside you into the very depths of Apocrypha. Which just happens to be where we're going.
Just don't blame me if my tentacles fall off or I attack you or something."
Are you sure you're up to this, Scruut?
"What choice do I have, mortal? The Great Eye commands and I obey.
Besides, whatever Torvesard did to me, it seems to be holding back the worst effects of the corruption. At least for now."

Going through the portal will begin the final battles of this quest series, do any necessary preparations you need to beforehand. On the other side of the portal you will appear within sight of Blightcrown and Vaermina possessing Master Shelreni's body. Torvesard will immediately break off on his own. Gadayn and Scruut will head off to destroy the Blightcrown's manufactories through the western portal, while you, Meln, and Leramil go through the eastern portal to handle the manufactories on that side:

Vaermina: "Fate's champions pursue us, Blightcrown. Deal with them while I locate the glyphics."
Blightcrown: "Oh, my manufactories of corruption will keep them busy, Prince Vaermina."
Torvesard: "Disable Blightcrown's manufactories and the corruption will dissipate. Just shatter the dream crystal that binds them to the Mythos."
Torvesard: "Save Apocrypha while I pursue Vaermina."
<Torvesard opens a portal and leaves.>
Scruut: "Come, Gadayn. We'll take the west portal and leave the east to Leramil and fate's chosen."
Leramil the Wise: "Good thinking, Scruut. This way, proxy."

When you deal with your own manufactory, Leramil will send you ahead to save Gadayn and Scruut, who she fears are in danger. This will be accurate. You will find them surrounded by Spider Daedra, only still alive thanks to a protective barrier thanks to Leramil's gift to Gadayn. There is also a shifted Spider Daedra with them that would have ensured they would not have been able to fight them without you, giving Meln's ghost sight another chance to save the day:

Scruut: "Here comes fate's chosen. Probably going to gloat."
Curate Gadayn: "Over here! We could use some help! But where's Leramil?"

Scruut will explain that there is no path to the western manufactory from here, and open a portal to take you to it. However, this will also push her to her own limits, sidelining her as well:

Curate Gadayn: "Thank goodness you showed up. We were set upon as soon as we arrived."
Scruut: "We never reached the manufactory. The way is blocked. Let me summon a portal. Ugh … I'm exhausted! Here comes Leramil. You and Gadayn go on ahead. I'll stay with her."
Leramil the Wise: "Stay safe, proxy. And you, too, Gadayn."
Curate Gadayn: "Leramil, when this is over—"
Leramil the Wise: "Now is not the time, Gadayn. Go!"

You can speak with your three physical companions before crossing through the portal. Speaking with Scruut before you leave:

"If Leramil feels anything like I do, no wonder she's moving slowly. I'll stay with her while you and the curate go on ahead."

You will be sent ahead to deal with Blightcrown and the final manufactory. Once they are dealt with, your allies will group up, although Gadayn, Leramil, and Scruut will stay behind as they cannot offer substantial aid against a Daedric Prince. However, Meln will accompany you.

Meln the Mouthless: "Well done! Of course, it may take a week of hot baths to get his stink off you."
Curate Gadayn: "The Fulcrum Obscura, just as Torvesard said! Now I can return it to the abbey."
Scruut: "Look, Leramil! We found them!"
Leramil the Wise: "When you are ready, proxy, this portal shall take you to Vaermina."
Curate Gadayn: "Leramil! Thank the ancestors you're all right!"

Scruut will advise you about Vaermina herself:

"Leramil and I used every resource at our disposal to find Vaermina. This portal should get you close, but maybe not too close.
A word of caution, mortal. The Dreamweaver is a nasty Prince. She'll scramble your mind before she destroys your body."
How are you feeling, Scruut?
"Are you asking me about my current state of existence? No one has ever done that before. Interesting.
Leramil and I will continue to feel weak and tired until the corruption fully dissipates. With the manufactories destroyed, we'll recover in time."
Any advice before I go to face a Daedric Prince?
"Nothing springs immediately to mind. But I can feel the fabric of fate churning like a storm-wracked sea. Something major will be decided here. Something … significant.
Try not to muck it up, mortal."

After defeating Vaermina, you will reunite with the others in Leramil's Study:

Leramil the Wise: "Proxy, I am glad to see you unharmed. I look forward to hearing about your encounter with Vaermina."
Meln the Mouthless: "Oh, let me! We defeated Vaermina!"
Scruut: "I didn't get to see you beat the Dreamweaver? How unfair is that?"
Curate Gadayn: "So we can relax now? Ah, friend? You have that look. What terrible news are you about to tell Leramil?"

Speaking with Scruut before Leramil:

"My many ocular orbs appreciate what you did in the Mythos. That foul corruption was worse than forgetting to blink during a firestorm in the Deadlands.
But I really wanted to see you beat Vaermina with a stick. Sorry I missed that."

Chronicle of Fate[edit]

If you haven't started the quest through Leramil, you can speak to Scruut in Leramil's Study:

"Of course. Just when I think I can go and rest my weary tentacles, the Great Eye has another task for me.
Talk to Leramil, mortal. I need to confer with the Prince of Fate."

With Apocrypha and Nirn saved, Leramil will inform you that you are to be added to the Chronicles of Fate, with Scruut overseeing the ceremony.

When you are ready, talk to Scruut:

"My role has always been to observe and repair the lines of fate. Never to unduly influence them, no matter how sorely I'm tempted.
So, while I was waiting, it was just a nervous habit that I haphazardly started checking the nearby lines of fate."
I thought we were supposed to talk about the Chronicles of Apocrypha, Scruut?
"The Chronicle can wait. This is more important! Why else would I have even mentioned anything, mortal? It's like no one ever listens to a word I say.
Anyway, I noticed an anomalous thread not far from here. At the Prismatic Iris Shore."
An anomalous thread?
"A fate anomaly. The sacred task appointed to me? My job is to spot and correct them. It's really important, but you don't care.
I think it's the stolen glyphic. Removing it from the Mythos triggered the irregularity. Luckily I happened to spot it."
If it is the glyphic, we have a chance to find Torvesard and recover it.
"Not us, mortal. Just you. And Meln, I suppose. Only fate's chosen can resolve this, and that's still you.
The Prismatic Iris Shore is north of here. Meet us in Cipher's Hall after you deal with Torvesard. Then we can update the Chronicle."

You can continue speaking with Scruut:

Has Blightcrown's corruption dissipated?
"Apocrypha is quite resilient. And since the burning sensation in my tentacles and the pain behind my orbs have mostly faded, I'd say yes.
Besides, I can hear the melodious hum of the Great Eye resonating all around me, so that's a good sign."
What can I expect at the Prismatic Iris Shore?
"Oh, the usual. Various denizens of Apocrypha, the stray Hidden Kindred or Dreamcarver loitering about … but you might need Meln's ghost sight to follow the trail of the glyphic. I barely noticed it, so it must still be in Torvesard's possession."

Scruut will prove to be correct, and you will find Torvesard. He will have successfully viewed the second memory, and allows you to view the glyphic as he leaves. You will learn that Hermaeus Mora erased the memory of the existence of the Daedric Prince Ithelia, and you discuss this with Mora when he arrives afterwards.

Back in Cipher's Midden, Scruut has assembled ciphers and various figures you may have encountered in other quests in Apocrypha to witness you being added to the chronicle. People in attendance include Leramil the Wise, Scruut, Meln the Mouthless, Curate Gadayn, Azandar al-Cybiades, Cipher Mukheesh, Cipher Lorgren, Cipher Thabhi, Piier, and Cipher Kaziwa.

Meln will want to speak to you first, which Scruut will point out to you:

"I do want to get on with this, but Meln requested that you speak with him first. So I'll just wait here and twiddle my tentacles … as usual."

Finally join Scruut when you are ready:

"Hello, mortal. The Great Eye told me what happened. Even though things didn't go exactly the way we hoped, we're all still here. That means reality is stable, for now.
I'm as surprised as you, but existence is resilient. At least for another day."
Why did you want me to meet you here, Scruut?
"Leramil and I spoke with a few of the ciphers and we're all in agreement. We want to add your story to the Chronicle of Apocrypha. Only the most momentous events make it into that sacred volume.
I also wanted to say, you expanded my outlook."
What do you mean, Scruut?
"I always saw fate as black and white. Set in stone. Unchangeable. But now I see that not every aberration is a disaster, not every surprise a mistake. Thanks for that.
Now, let's inscribe you in the Chronicle. Then Curate Gadayn wants to see you."

Scruut will begin speaking to the crowd:

Scruut: "Let it be known that the name of fate's chosen shall be entered into the Chronicle of Apocrypha, to be remembered forever for actions accomplished in service to fate."
Meenai-Shai: "That's not all, they also helped return three very important tomes to their proper place in the Sidereal Cloisters."
Hezehk: "That mortal help me find a secret. Madam Whim took a century off Hezehk's debt."
Tyss: "This strong mortal bravely fought the Dreamcarvers alongside us."
Cipher Huzmargo: "Incredible, considering they also helped rid the Rectory Corporea of a rogue mind causing havoc."
Morian Zenas: "And they helped me! Break barriers, know things, and escape! Escape? Who? Shh!"
Azandar al-Cybiades: "They assisted me with the Fateweaver experiment!"
Landolvel: "Amazing. I can't believe everything you accomplished!"
Ogle: "Really? They helped me recover an important glyphic!"
Ysgild: "They even turned my failure of a brother back to normal after he transformed himself into a book!"
Zirokh: "Many great works from our Apogee of the Tormenting Eye were rescued by this mortal."
Cipher Agrushna: "Fate's chosen cleansed Quires Wind when madness was set loose in the stacks!"
Cipher Plautis: "They recovered the Numinous Grimoire and brought a murderer to justice. Every cipher is safer now."
Scruut: "And fate's chosen confounded the forces of Vaermina and Peryite, saving Nirn and Apocrypha! Let this record describe it in flowery yet justified praise. All hail fate's chosen!"

The Chronicle of Apocrypha will be next to Scruut, making a record of your accomplishments as the chosen of fate. The next person you will need to talk to is Gadayn, but you can again mingle with the other guests first:

"Your record has been successfully inscribed into the Chronicle. Go on, now. Curate Gadayn's waiting to talk to you."

You will also be invited to a ceremony for the completion of Gadayn's own quest. Before going, Scruut will have a final comment:

"I can count the number of mortals recorded in the Chronicle of Apocrypha on the tips of my tentacles. But here we part ways, ally. All contradictions arising from Vaermina and Peryite's assault on my master are resolved.
You're staying here?
"My place is in Apocrypha. Yours is in your own little world … although I'm sure it's very important to you. Sooner or later, fate will lead you back to the mortal realm. And I'll return to the unbearable ennui of my existence."
Hermaeus Mora owes you more than that.
"I wouldn't expect gratitude from the Great Eye, mortal. But sometimes he's satisfied with how things turn out. If I was useful in resolving this contradiction, he'll find opportunities for me to be useful again.
Which is … something."


Divergences in fate's threads draw Scruut's attention. Yet, this mighty Watchling seeks your company until the Great Eye summons her. Coincidence? After adding Scruut to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
Scruut Houseguest
Type Houseguest
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 015001,500 Crowns
010001,000 CrownsDiscounted
Availability May 23, 2004 to May 28, 2024

Scruut is a houseguest available in the Crown Store from May 23 to May 28, 2024 for 015001,500 Crowns or 010001,000 Crowns for ESO Plus members.

Houseguest Dialogue[edit]

[verification needed — Datamined]

"Bow in the presence of Scruut! Powerful servant of Hermaeus Mora, corrector of the contradictions in fate, observer for the Great Eye! I go where the ripples of destiny lead me!
But not today. I'm having a holiday."
"Regret is the most pointless mortal delusion of them all. The past is written. You can't change it so why fret about it?"
"I suppose this is as good a place as any to stare into the Void and contemplate the end of existence."
"Hermaeus Mora finds mortals fascinating. You are the only thing in existence that can surprise him. Sometimes."
"Ooo, ooo, spasm in my lower left tentacle! I feel a contradiction in the tides of fate coming on.
No, no. It passed. Probably just gas."
"I'm sorry. I know you want to tell me something about your doings, but, well, uhh… I just don't care."
"I have some ideas about organizing the mortal realm. There are obvious places for improvement. But why bother? Your existence barely lasts a blink of my smallest ocular orb."
"Can we go find a mortal tavern? I enjoy watching mortals imbibe poison for their own amusement."
"I learned long ago to set no goals and abandon all expectations. There's a lot to recommend it."
"I found myself wondering what the mortals around here did with their time. Then I remembered that I don't actually care."
"Are you sure this domicile is safe? I think it looks unsafe. I don't want to have to reconstitute myself if I'm squished in a completely foreseeable structure collapse."
"My leftmost tentacle is shorter than it used to be. Either I was careless in reconstituting myself or this realm's dimensionality is beginning to fail.
Must be the latter."
"I thought about going outside today, but the whole idea was just too exhausting."
"Another day, another meaningless drop of mediocrity in the ocean of infinite despair."
"Adventurers! Do you have any idea how much work mortals like you create for me? Every time you alter someone's fate, you force me to update the records of Apocrypha."
"Hermaeus Mora instructed me to observe this realm for a while. Ugh. I have no idea what I did to offend him."
"Do you hear that? It's the entropic disintegration of all matter and thought, rushing toward us from the end of time. Nothing to be done about it. It will be here soon enough."
"Were we destined to meet today? Is this part of some grand purpose in the annals of destiny? Or just another meaningless act of coincidence?
Who can say? Fate works in mysterious ways."
"Daedra don't know what to make of music. We had no idea such a thing could exist until you mortals came along."
"Ah! A new day, filled with promise and opportunity…
Said no one in full possession of their reason, ever."
"Nothing you do matters in the end. All existence will eventually collapse into nothingness. The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be."
"Mortals seem to care a lot about when and how they die. Is that how you rank yourself against your rivals?"
"I've had all the adventuring I can stand. It's tiresome, dangerous, and usually pointless in the end. But you go enjoy yourself. No judgment."
"I'm not entirely sure what Hermaeus Mora sees in this place. Your plane of existence, that is. I find it… tedious."
"I encountered a band of mortals who tried to beat me with a stick. Is that a common greeting around here?"
"I've observed that many mortals keep small beasts in their homes. These creatures demand food and make messes. It seems to me that they may be the true masters of this realm."
"Some days fate covers you in Void sludge, and some days you get poked in multiple eye sockets with a sharp stick. That's existence for you."
"How do you orient yourself in the mortal plane without gigantic heaps of obscure tomes towering above you? I never get lost in the infinite corridors of Apocrypha."
"I've spent a lot of time recently examining works of mortal fiction. Insipid drivel, without a single mind-shattering truth to justify the time spent creating them, let alone reading the uninspired words."
"Why does the universe hate me, mortal? Don't I chase down disturbances in fate, just as Hermaeus Mora directed me? Don't I keep flawless records in the chronicles of Apocrypha?
Sure, I complain from time to time, but someone has to."
"Oh, hello mortal. I thought I sensed your ripples in the fabric of fate. You should know that Apocrypha has returned to normal. Mostly. Thanks to you. I do still get a tingle near Cipher's Midden, but that's probably just me."
"Strange to encounter you here, mortal. I imagine Hermaeus Mora anticipated our meeting when he sent me to observe this realm. So, don't mind me. I'm just going to stare."
"Oh, there you are. Hermaeus Mora tells me he's not yet done with you, mortal. Fate's chosen, and all that.
Tell you more? And risk the very fabric of space and time? Hmm. No, no. That would be wrong. Forget I mentioned anything."
