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(RefID: 0002F877)
Home City Imperial City, Talos Plaza District
House The Tiber Septim Hotel
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Noble
RefID 0002F877 BaseID 0002F875
Other Information
Health 10 Magicka 160
Responsibility 10 Aggression 30
Faction(s) IC Citizens; Dark06 Hotel

Faelian is a High Elf noble who can be found living at the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Imperial City's Talos Plaza District with his girlfriend, Atraena, once the related quest has started. Faelian hangs with a rather seedy crowd, and clearly has a Skooma addiction, as evidenced by his ability to talk having been reduced to mere jitters and his constant references to craving the drug.

He gets an early night, sleeping in the hotel from 8pm, and an early rise, waking up at 2am. He first heads to the Abandoned Shack in the Waterfront District and paces around the building until 9am, when he walks to the west gate of the Elven Gardens District. At 11am he heads into Lorkmir's house and hangs around there until 5pm when he heads back to the hotel and finally spends some time with Atraena before going back to bed.

Faelian wears sack cloth pants, a sack cloth shirt and a pair of clogs, he also wears a piece of leveled jewelry. He also has the key to Lorkmir's house, which he will give to you for some Skooma. He is armed with an iron dagger.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-related Events[edit]


The Lonely Wanderer[edit]

Once you have completed The Assassinated Man, report to Ocheeva for your next assignment. She will provide you with the brief:

"Our target is a High Elf named Faelian. He lives somewhere in the Imperial City, and fancies long walks. Unfortunately, that's all we know. We don't know which district he calls home, which establishments he frequents, or anything about his schedule."

If you ask her again about contract, she will repeat:

"The High Elf Faelian lives in the Imperial City, and fancies long walks. Speak with your fellow family members. They may offer their insights."

Vicente Valtieri and Telaendril will both suggest you speak to members of the close-knit Elven community in the Imperial City to find out more about Faelian. If you ask any Dark Elf, High Elf and Wood Elf denizen about your target, if their Disposition is too low, they will brush you off:

"Who? Faelian? I don't see how that's any business of yours at all. Really, the gall of some people!" (Disposition below 30)
"Faelian? Yes, I know who he is. But I'm really not in the habit of discussing such things with strangers..." (Disposition between 30 and 50)

If they like you sufficiently, their responses will vary depending on whether you are in the Talos Plaza District or The Tiber Septim Hotel already:

"Faelian, you say? Why yes, I know who he is. Rather distasteful fellow, actually."
"I believe he lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel. That's in the Talos Plaza District, here in the Imperial City. I'd ask around there, if I were you."
"I believe he lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel. I do believe that establishment is right here in the Talos Plaza District. I'd ask around there, if I were you."
"I believe he lives right here, at the Tiber Septim Hotel. Talk to the Publican, Augusta Calidia. I'm sure she can tell you more about him."

Paying Augusta a visit and asking her about Faelian will net you the following responses, depending on her Disposition:

"I might know him. I might not. I don't see how it's any of your business." (Disposition below 30)
"Yes, I know who Faelian is. Know quite a bit about him, actually. But... I probably shouldn't gossip. I mean, we hardly know each other..." (Disposition between 30 and 50)
"Faelian? Oh, I know him all right! A waste of life, that one. He lives here you know, with his sweetheart, Atraena. What that poor girl sees in him I'll never know. Atraena pays for their room, their food, everything. She's quite wealthy, I believe. Faelian used to have money... used to be quite a gentleman, too. But that was before he took a fancy to the... you know. The skooma. Now Faelian's hardly ever here. He's off using skooma, or wandering the city looking for some, I imagine. He comes back every night to be with Atraena, but only for a few hours. I swear, that High Elf is going to wind up dead if he keeps living like this."

Head upstairs to the Lodgings to question Atraena herself. When approached, she will sigh:

"Oh, Faelian, dear Faelian... why must you ruin both our lives?"
"Oh, just get away from me! My relationship with Faelian is none of your business!" (Disposition below 30)
"Faelian? He... he's my sweet. My true love. But I don't know why I'm telling this to you. I mean, we hardly know each other and all..." (Disposition between 30 and 50)
"Please, I... I don't mean to get emotional but... I feel I can trust you. I just don't know what to do about Faelian! All he thinks about, all he cares about, is skooma! He was a fine young man once. But he's lost everything. His looks, his money... his self-respect. I followed him a few times, to see where he goes. He walks around the city looking for skooma, and then goes to Lorkmir's house for several hours. It's in the Elven Gardens District. I think the house is deserted. That's why he goes there. So he can escape from life and do his skooma! Thank you for listening. You're a good friend. I just hope my sweet Faelian can clean himself up, or that awful skooma will be the death of him!"

When approached he will be jumpy:

"Hey! Whoa! You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!"

If you try to speak to Faelian while he's in the hotel, he will demur:

"Huh? What do you want? Sorry, can't talk... now. I'm with my... my lady friend here. Talk to me... later... Not here... Not in the hotel... Okay..."

If you instead track him down as he makes his way around the city, he will then greet you with:

"Wha...? What do you want... friend? Wait... You're not my friend. If you were my friend., you'd give me something. Like, you know... skooma!"
"Skooma! Oh! Oh, yeah... You want to... want to be my friend? I'll... I'll tell you what. Skooma's the only thing... the only thing I want... You get me some... now listen up... sk...skooma. You know what that is? Get me some skooma and... and... we'll be good, good friends. Okay? Do you ha... have any skooma now? Cause... I can be your friend ri... right now..."
Yes, I have some skooma.
"Wait... You... You lied! Ohh... That's mean! Nordinor.. In Bravil... He sells skooma! Late at night... Go get me some... Okay?" (if you don't have any skooma)
"You have skooma! Ha ha ha ha! Oh... Oh my friend! Yeah... You're my friend now! Thank you... Thank you! Hey... Now that we're... we're friends... You want to come with me? To my... my special place? It's not... you know... very far... If you want... come to... to Lorkmir's house. I go there every day. Every day. From 11:00 in the morning 'til 5:00 at night. I just go and... relax. Lorkmir ain't... he ain't around no more. He he he... I use his house. Here's a key! For... for you! You come whenever you... you want! Okay then... Oh... yeah... his house is in the... um... Elven Gardens District. So yeah... maybe I'll see you there... my new friend! He he. Goodbye... my friend!"
No, I don't have any skooma.
"Oh... okay. Well... You get me some skooma, and then we'll... be good friends. Okay? Okay... Nordinor.. In Bravil... He sells it... Late at night... "

He will then exit conversation with:

"Oh, hey, yeah. Yeah, I'll talk to you... Later? Yeah, later."

If you speak to him again after you told him you didn't have any skooma, he will say:

"Oh... Hi. Hi again. You're the one who... who was going to bring me some skooma. To be my friend. Yeah... I remember you... now..."

After this you will be able to ask him a bit more information about himself:

"Faelian? Hey, that's my name! Yeah. I'm Faelian."

After giving him some Skooma and speaking to him about it again, he will say:

"Skooma? Oh, yeah... Hey! You gave me some skooma! You are so... nice. Oh, yeah... You're such a good... friend."

Inside Lorkmir's house, he will greet you differently depending on whether you had previously given him skooma or not:

"Hey! My friend! You made it, huh? That's... That's great. Did... Did you want to just relax, or... Did you want something... something else?".
"Hey... Hey! How... What are... What are you... doing here? You're not my... Not my friend. What... You know, what do you... want?"

Either greeting will present you with the three options. All three result in him remaining calm: he doesn't attack or flee, though he will become hostile if you draw your weapon. Only the final choice brings him back to his regular dialogue menu:

I want your soul, Faelian.
"My... my soul? Whoah. Wow. Yeah, okay... Yeah! That sounds... great! You can have my soul! Can I... Can I have your soul too? Ha ha ha ha. Oh... Wow."
Ssshh. Hush now. It's time to sleep.
"Sleep? But... Nah. No, I... I'm not tired. Not tired right now. I have lots of... you know... energy. The skooma! I can feel it... in my veins..."
[Say nothing.]
"You... You're kind of weird. You know that? But... That's okay. I... I like crazy people. I like crazy people... and skooma! Ssshhh! Ha ha ha ha ha!"


After Faelian's demise, shocked Imperial City citizens can be heard saying:

"A friend of mine is a member of the Legion. He said some Altmer nobleman was murdered, right here in the city! Faelian, I think his name was."
"By the way, I heard that Faelian was killed. You didn't know him, did you?"

Unused Dialogue[edit]

  • Faelian was supposed to say the following line if you spoke to him before the related quest had reached stage 10, but since that's impossible, it will never be heard: "Huh? Sorry... I ain't interested...."
  • He was also supposed to say the following when asked about Skooma while in the Tiber Septim Hotel: "Oh! Oh... No... Not here! Not in the hotel! My lady friend... Atraena. She'll get mad! Wait 'til I'm away from... here. Outside the hotel... Yeah..." However, you will never be able to enter in conversation with him then, so you will never hear it.