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Location Eldbur Ruins, Near Welenkin Cove
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 39,959
15,000 (Inside her mind trap/Once everyone is reunited/In Alinor during "Sinking Summerset")
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood (formerly)

Miriya is a Redguard who can be found within Eldbur Ruins. She later takes part in an expedition ordered by the Aldmeri Dominion to look into the presence of the Abyssal Cabal on the island. Sharbashana was her mother.

It is revealed during Whispers from the Deep that Miriya is a former member of the Dark Brotherhood, who joined during a state of despair following the death of her mother. However, she eventually left and redeemed herself after joining an unknown group of Redguard warriors.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Whispers from the Deep[edit]

Upon entering Miriya's Mind Trap and witnessing a memory between Miriya and her mother.

Sharbashana: "Remember to keep your cowl low, Miriya. Stay out of trouble. Be invisible. Survive."
Miriya: "I will, Mama."
Miriya: "Mama?"
Oriandra: "Miriya's losing herself. Find items she holds dear and help her remember."

When witnessing the memory between Miriya and Speaker Ancurio:

Speaker Ancurio: "I offer you a place with us. A home, a family. If you promise to serve."
Miriya: "I promise, Speaker. Show me the way."
Oriandra: "These memories represent turning points in Miriya's life. The choices that made her who she is. Help her remember!"

When witnessing the memory between Miriya and Ohrmarz:

Ohrmarz: "What matters is that you found your way back, Miriya."
Ohrmarz: "You are an excellent student, and your mother would be proud of the person you've become."

Speaking to Miriya in her mind trap:

"Stay back! I can't remember who I am … or what happened to me."
You're caught in a mind trap. Take these items and remember who you are, Miriya.
"These items … I remember them. Each one represents a person who influenced me … a decision I made.
I think … I think I still have so many things left to do …."
Focus on that, Miriya, and you can break out of this mind trap.
"I feel like I'm swimming toward the surface of a still lake. Like I'm emerging from a dark cave. This place … it isn't real.
I am Miriya of the Redeemed Blade. I demand to be released from this illusion!"
Oriandra, we're ready to get out of here.

Returning to the ruins after leaving Miriya's Mind Trap:

Miriya: "That was … disorienting."
Oriandra: "Cainar, bring Miriya here, please."
Cainar: "If you insist. I'm not fully recovered yet, though, so this is probably my last spell for a while."
Oriandra: "Just do it. Our friend can return on—"
Cainar: "Oriandra!"
Oriandra: "K'Tora's mind trap … I set it off …."

Returning to find Oriandra unconscious after rescuing Miriya.

Grog: "What's wrong with her?"
Miriya: "I think she's caught in a mind trap!"
Cainar: "I guess I'll need to cast another spell after all."
Cainar: "There! I've reestablished the mind link. Now go save Oriandra!"

Speaking to Miriya once Cainar has re-established the mind link:

"The Psijic went out of her way to help us. To save us from the mind trap. I'd go with you if I could, but Cainar can only send one of us into that awful place.
May the blood of your ancestors keep you safe."

Upon leaving Oriandra's Mind Trap:

Miriya: "Oriandra, she's awake!"
Cainar: "That's it. No more mind magic for me."

After completing the quest, Miriya and the other adventurers will make some final comments:

Miriya: "A thousand gratitudes for aiding us."
Grog: "What about the mind traps? There might be more still out there."
Cainar: "Sounds like a task we could dig our teeth into, my friends!"
Miriya: "Indeed! I prefer to be the hunter instead of the prey!"

In addition, if you talk to Miriya after this scene or while she sits on the edge of the stone platform outside the ruins afterward, she will say the following:

"I look forward to hunting down K'Tora and introducing the foul creature to the sharp edge of my blade—whatever it turns out to be!"

The Abyssal Cabal[edit]

After Cainar sends you to find her, she'll be slumped below the ruin northeast of Welenkin Cove. If you have not completed Whispers from the Deep, she'll say:

"Whoever you are … if you aren't an illusion … you need to take word to Alinor. Tell Battlereeve Tanerline—"

Otherwise she'll say:

"Tell me you are real, my friend, and not another mind trick sent by the vile slugs to deceive me."
Battlereeve Tanerline sent me, and I'm as real as you are.
"The marines … we followed rumors of some new kind of magic. Discovered the geysers."
Geysers? I don't understand.
"Sea Sload magic. Something to do with abyssal pearls. The geysers spout … terrible sea creatures and undead. B'Korgen … the Sea Sload … is working to increase their power.
Our report contains … all the details."
"The High Elf marine, Indirim. He's a mage, though nowhere near as powerful as Cainar. He compiled notes about the geysers … most of which I didn't understand.
When the yaghra attacked, we split up. The marines … headed down … the coast."
Is there anything I can do for your injuries?
"I should survive. I've suffered similar injuries … in the past.
As soon as I gather my strength … I'll make my way back to … Alinor."

Speaking to her again before leaving:

"Indirim and the rest of the marines retreated … down the coast. Find them and make sure the report … reaches the Battlereeve.
Be careful … the geysers … and the Sea Sload B'Korgen … they're also nearby."


Sinking Summerset[edit]

She makes her way to Alinor and appears besides Cainar and Grog after you accept the quest:

"Thank you for retrieving Indirim's report and getting it to the Battlereeve. I would have hated for the marines to have died in vain."
I see you were able to make it back to the city.
"It took me a while, but here I am. A little rest and I'll be ready to get out there and deal with a few of those geysers myself."

A New Alliance[edit]

If you helped her before, you can find Miriya in the Alinor Royal Palace at the end of A New Alliance where she'll say:

"Sea Sloads, Daedric Princes, yaghra, crazy cultists … I never expected so many interesting diversions when I first decided to come to Summerset!
You have my admiration, my friend. May Onsi's bright blade always watch over you!"


  • Miriya and the rest of the group's dialogue after completing Whispers from the Deep, about wanting to start investigating and taking their revenge on the Sea Sload, which is hinting at the quest The Abyssal Cabal, still plays even if you complete The Abyssal Cabal first.
