Hello, My name is Septim-Slasher and I play Oblivion On the Xbox 360, my gamertag is Dyeruk and I have Gold Membership. I have four characters, a Nord Warrior, Wood Elf Assassin, High Elf Mage and a Khajiit Thief. On all my characters I have completed all Daedric Shrine Quests, on my Nord Warrior I have finished the Main Quest. The Nord has done the Fighters Guild, the High Elf has done the Mages Guild, the Wood Elf has done the Dark Brotherhood and the Khajiit has finished the Thieves Guild. On my High Elf, I practice the Exploitable Glitches such as the Scroll Duplication Glitch. I joined this Wiki about a year ago but only came across it again on the 28th July 2011, now I've learnt how to insert Links and am learning Pictures. I am getting The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the day it comes out (Rememberance Day for those who don't know!
Thank you for reading my User Page!

Guess I learnt Pictures now then!
Well, I did get Skyrim on 11/11/11. I took it slow and now have a level 45 High Elf Warrior with Dragonbone Armour and Dual-wield Nord Hero Swords (Enchanted with Absorb Health and Soul Trap) and a level 10 Nord Mage with Arch-Mage Robes and Morokei. My novel project went well, I sold about 100 copies to people in the area where I live and raised about £700 for charity!