About Me![edit]
This user plays on the PlayStation. |
This user is male. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
im rossstar i play Oblivion for ps3 and usally i play for 2 hours. i love Oblivion i like to to roleplay a blade. im right handed im catholic sometins i play on xbox i love to use frenzy spells i have a girl friend
My Character[edit]
my character is an lvl 1 argonian male he likes to roleplay as a blade he loves to slash Zombies he likes to roleplay as the count of Kvatch he loves going to the shivering isles and killing the gatekeeper he is Knowlegeble to beat the arena grand champion my character loves working with armour such as deadric glass and blade armour he likes to use his blessings of mania to make people go crazy my character always wears light/heavy armour i am catholic. i am right handed. sometimes i play on xbox.i like to use frenzy spells. i know alot about oblivion.you really need to check out thedrunknord page his is awsome.on youtube there are tutorials to check out