User:PsijicOrder/Skyrim Roleplaying Ideas/Criminal
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Crime Lord[edit]
Nothing happens without you knowing. For this play through you should play on the PC, but you can try others but it wont be as immersive. You should wear black robes and have long dark hair. Focus on increasing One-Handed, Speech, and Alchemy. If on the PC you should add yourself to the bandit faction find a bandit fort and make it your base of operations. Maybe one of the skooma suppliers from Cidhna Mine has been holding back on his shipments so you purposely get arrested and give him a shiv and escape through the hidden tunnels. You might want to leave all your items at the base. Maybe you need a bigger base so you go capture a small town e.g. Rorikstead. You spawn bandits there and prepare until you can attack a larger city like Whiterun.
As a burglar you live by a code. You steal at night and live in a house/inn by day. Some may not be able to kill people and you only steal, some do both. It would be smart to be a Khajiit or an Argonian because they are stereotypical criminals. Be a sneaky one and slender, and put most of your skills into sneak. Carry around a lot of gold with you and have a dagger. Wear dark clothes to blend in. Live in hiding, and worship whoever. Do not marry.
PsijicOrder& Imperialkhajiit 22:20, 31 December 2011 (UTC).
Gang Leader[edit]
You can be any of the criminals you want, and you can even make up your own ideas, but have followers, and a hideout. Have a name for your gang and make it relative to something like your favored weapon, or race. You could start a gang called 'The Khajiits', or 'The Swords'. You could engage in any activity you would like. For example; Drug dealing, murder, thievery, and more. Your followers worship you, either because they are drugged up, honor you, or are scared of you. Make sure you wear the same apparel and use the same weapons, unless each person has their own specialty. Most of the things in this idea are optional to the kind of gang you have. Download a follower mod that allows more followers.Start small and make a new character You can then start to get money together and buy a small house and have a follower . Rob houses and sell drugs to people.Create your own drugs using alchemy. Move into a bigger house and get more followers.Design a ranking system and RP extorting each week of business's and use the console once a week for that . Join the thieves guild so you can sell to fences. You could also have a "drug farm" in a farming area . And buy a few drugs and roleplay planting seeds. You could then use the console to add drugs each week.Bribe guards by dropping money closeby. Dont have a farm right inside a village because guards would find it .Lets say a guard raid descovers your drug farm and there is an investigation and one of your people rats and is in protection in dragonsreach. Find him and kill him. Steal from houses and sell to a fence. An example for drugs could be: A drug lab that makes Sleeping tree sap - 75 gold per vial A farm that farms ingredients for skooma - 25 gold per vial You could also extort farms and go as far as corrupting the earl of a city for a large sum. Dowload the Cannabis Skyrim mod - You would have to Name your gang of course and as it gets bigger move to a bigger house or download a castle mod . Raid Bandits and use their HQ.Murder Officals for messing with your business and kill innocents as a warning to others.Maybe you have "girls" in your HQ.Kill people that look at you wrong just because of who you are. Hide bodies in lakes or maybe bring them out in public. Put a dead body in the local Inn owners bed!Become rich and start to takeover city's.Maybe you get caught by the guards and are offered life in cihlad mine or you rat.Own a big house and keep your drugs in a shelf. Escape from Jail. You could become a drug addict and start to kill people over small things like bumping into you .The possibilites are endless!
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit 22:26, 31 December 2011 (UTC)
Your sneak must be great, and you can do anything else you would like. You could kill the people you stalk, rob them, or just observe them, and take notes in real life until you have information on everyone. Try not to be seen, or blend in with the crowd. If you are seen, or you think your disguise is unrealistic (Like staying in a tavern the whole day to stalk the bartender) kill the person you have stalked to make it seem like the person fled the province and reported you for spying. You could even spy on the Stormcloaks or Legion. Your ideas of this idea you must be put into yourself, knowing on who you work for.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit 22:32, 31 December 2011 (UTC).
Fancy yourself a strategist? Pickpockets are the cleverest and bravest of all thieves in Skyrim; they dive straight into an unsuspecting victim's pockets.
If you want a quick build, your best bet is to choose an Argonian, a Khajiit, or a Wood Elf. However, any race can be a pickpocket-others will just have to work a little harder. Sneak AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE: even though this seems foolish at lower levels since you always seem to get caught, you will be surprised how quickly you level
Each time you level up, you should focus on your sneak and pickpocket perks (duh) along with your stamina; a pickpocket may need to run away at times!
Start off small: take a key, save. Didn't get caught? Take gold, save. Continue this until you get caught, and reload. Find another target. Rinse and repeat; your pickpocket skill will skyrocket.
I prefer to make things a little more realistic. I do not save in between. If my Breton gets caught pickpocketing, he gets thrown in jail and pays the consequences.
You can choose pickpocketing as your character's lifestyle, dismissing the dragon quests by never helping the Jarl of Whiterun, or you can choose pickpocketing as a fun source of side-income; it is completely up to you.
Idea by PsijicOrder Description by slstone96 23:22, 31 December 2011 (UTC).
Thieves Guild Agent[edit]
You should be very sneaky, not kill anyone, and do every quest for the thieve's guild. Then you can do the endless quests. You should live in the Thieve's Guild, and only come out on missions. You should have followers come with you when you have to do other things, they can be your body guards. Pickpocket, steal, and sell. This is your life. You should become very wealthy, and horde all of your money. maybe you could by valuable items and scatter them around the treasury.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit 00:51, 1 January 2012 (UTC).
Drug Dealer[edit]
As a drug dealer you must be secretive and careful. Before you take a deal, make sure to do a background check on the buyer to make sure they're not a town guard who is undercover. You could set a time where you do your business and never work outside of these times so people always konw where and when to find you or you could vary your working times so that the guards never catch on to you schedule. Your clients could range from a lowly beggar, desperate for their next fix, to the nobility who are looking for some more 'excitement' in their lives. Ri'saad of the khajit caravans could be where you get your stock from as he always has a steady supply of moon sugar and skooma. You could be a phoney dealer and mix up you own drugs and claim it is something else. You might choose to deal exclusively in one city only or perhaps you go from city to city to minimize the chance of getting caught. Ysolda in Whiterun will buy sleeping tree sap from you for 150 gold a bottle so she is good to roleplay one of your regular customers.
Description by --Sibane 17:00, 10 January 2012 (UTC)
edit: maybe you deal for a crime lord, or maybe you're independent. maybe join the thieves guild and be a dealer for them. if you do deal for someone big, no one should mess with you, if you encounter skooma dealers in the wilderness, they could be one of your many suppliers, or they could be competition, take them out if they are. are you a small time dealer, not worth the guards arresting, or are you a major dealer, but the guards cant put anything on you. get companions to deal for you, and plant evidence. to save money make weak poisons (weaken skills rather than damage health) or make your own drugs
Find a good bandit camp where you can use as your base of operations. Get a follower to act as your bandit sidekick. Never enter towns or cities except to attack them. After raiding somewhere, loot the place of all Its valuables and find a good place to keep it. dont kill citizens becuase then towns and cities will be deserted of citizens. try only to kill guards, if a citizen attacks you use a fear spell/potion
Idea by PhijicOrder. Description by Dovakiin1 and darkassassin574.
As a murderer, you go to towns, and cities, to kill people. Whether you kill people you know, or random people, is completely up to you. You are strong, and practice in one handed skills. You may also practice in the Sneak skill. You might want to live amongst the people in your community like a normal person by day and stalk a specific person by night. Make a motive to why your killing, like if you have a mental condition or a troubled past.
Town Drunk[edit]
Hang around in inns (drinking or taking skooma) by day and cause mayhem at night (Killing chickens, annoying people or running around in underwear)
Idea By The-Barbarian
When you are a jail breaker you need to be VERY good at picking locks. Suggested race is a khajiit because when you break out you can use your claws when the guards disarmed you. Mainly your job is to break someone out of jail for a client. You can even use the thieves guild to sharpen your lockpicking skills.You should even be good at pickpocketing to take a key from your jailer. You can even go as far as to loot the prison from the inside to earn your pay. Your life goal could be to save your forsworn bretheren or forsworn clients from cidhna Mine. Open every jail in skyrim for clients the possible clients are endless maybe you have a special job such as Maven Black-Briar asking you to aid her son but she cant be involved. Maybe you can smuggle food in and eat your meals and stay in prison for extended periods to wait for the right moment. But try to avoid too much carnage you aren't a murderer just a special type of thief. Maybe you can role play that a job went sour and you have to spend a long time in prison.
By Akatosh7
Bandit Chief[edit]
Lead your very own party of merciless thugs. The first step is the creation of your character. I would suggest making your face dirty, and maybe add some war paint. Race does not matter. Now, the second step is the hardest. You will need 100 conjuration skill, and the Twin Souls perk. This allows you to get 2 Dead Thralls (once you get the spell). After obtaining it, cast it on some dead bandits. If you want them to have a better weapon, place it on their corpse before ressurecting them with Dead Thrall. Then, get a companion, and outfit themm in bandit type armour. Use no better than steel equipment. Since you are the leader, enchantments are possible for your equipment. Then, start small and raid villages and farms. Once you have around 5000 gold, attack another bandit camp or fort. I would suggest Mistwatch, in the mountains north of Riften. Mistwatch has non respawning chests, bandits and even better, a Bandit Leader who doesn't attack you. It's also quite big, making it a perfect place to 'set up shop'. There is another way to do this. One thing that you can do is you could use console codes on one specific bandit camp and make them all friendly to you and have them be able to come with you on your "exursions". You are not like the gang leader. Gang leaders operate in cities and you operate in the deep dark woods of skyrim. You do different crimes. For example you can do drug dealing but you can not do city extorsion. You are not welcome in cities at all. You should have a bounty in most holds to make you seem more dangerous. You can either be a backstabbing bandit. Who kills people without them even knowing. You can be an honor driven bandit. confronting people like bounty hunters and challenging them to a fair fight. Instead of corrupting you may go to a mayor of a village not a city (unless you think you are that powerful). You can go up to him and demand payment or else you will go and kill him or you may steal from him or just be all talk and no fight. You may be a person who came from a rough backround or be a noble who wishes power, money in his life. You could have two lives. Maybe people dont even know you are a bandit and you are just a normal citizen. But in reality you are the brains of a whole bandit operation. You could use the same prices for drugs as the gang leader or you can use your own prices. Maybe you sell cheap tree sap or cheap skooma but it is a scam. Like maybe it is not even skooma or tree sap. But you say it is tree sap or skooma but it is actually just a poison or something like that. On the wife issue I would suggest not having a wife but maybe you could have a mistress. You can worship who ever you want but I would suggest worshipping gods or daedras that have to do with fighting or crime.
Idea and Description by Oblivionation more description by Russiandragonpriest
It would be best to be a Breton for this one. Simply head to Markarth as soon as possible,and complete the Forsworn quests, 'The Forsworn Conspiracy' and 'No One Escapes Cidhna Mine siding with Madanach in 'No One Escapes Cidhna Mine'. When they break out, go with them, wreaking havoc in the city then travelling to Druadach Redoubt, where you can make your home as a member of the Forsworn, wearing the Armour of the Old Gods you were given while escaping prison. Now, you can spend your time travelling the roads of the Reach, killing in the name of the Forsworn and hunting for the others at Druadach Redoubt. You could perhaps make the occasional attack on the towns of Rorikstead and Dragon Bridge; both are very close to the Reach. The only friendly Forsworn, however, are in Druadach Redoubt, the others still attack you, so if on the PC, add yourself to the Forsworn faction so you are not attacked by other Forsworn, and you can use the console to spawn more Forsworn for your own little raiding party to travel with you, or get one of the multiple followers mods and give them Forsworn armour.
Illegal Slave Master[edit]
Sick of doing all the work by yourself? Well some people in skyrim ilegally buy and sell slaves. Get a follower and pickpocket their weapons and anything else you see fit. For clothing, give them a rough tunic thing. ( the shirt you wear when in prison)
I recommend using a housecarl, since they have a small bed. Make sure to take their armor off, and give them rohghspin tunics And no matter what, dont give them any access to escape or weapons, as they may escape and\or revolt.
I also recommend living in proudspire or hjerim.
Also for slaves, you might want to roleplay them a bit, by maybe letting them leave, then capture them back, and quickly, so no one knows Also, you can get married and act as if he/she is the one who handles the slaves. Just make sure to put some gold in their end table or something. There are no race specific slave uses, but here is a good rp use for them.
Have them do heavy labor, as nords are usually strong. But keep an eye on them, as they tend to refuse or revolt.
Details Make them do stuff with commands.
Have them do farming or gardening work.
Make them wait in the garden/farm, then go collect the crops.
Redguard Have them be bodyguards, but with no weapons expect wooden swords .
Details Commands.
(If you would like to, add more of these suggestions.
Punishments (Edit) For punishments,you can lock them in a room for two days without any food or water,then set them back on their duties with only a slice of bread and some Nord Mead.Another one is set the difficulty on Master or Legendary,and repeatedly hit them with one of your weakest/strongest weapons until they try to attack,yield,then continue until you are done.
By Cyberius
"Breaking Bad"[edit]
Fans of the hit TV show Breaking Bad will find this playstyle familiar.
You are a family man. A nice house, beautiful wife, a couple of kids (Hearthfire Required). You work a mundane job every day for just enough septims to get by. You're a generally upstanding member of your community. Everything seems to be going well for you, but something goes horribly wrong. You just learned that you've attained a life threatening disease and the clock is ticking quicker than ever.
Family comes first. You fear for their safety and well being now. You're no longer able to work, and you lose your job. Your funds are dwindling. Without you, they'll surely lose everything. You have to do something to secure their future. You're going to break bad.
You become an overnight criminal in a profession of your choice. Perhaps you become an assassin or a thief, or maybe even a skooma dealer. Whatever happens, there will be blood on your hands. You become a wanted man throughout Skyrim, though no one knows your true identity. You slowly rise through the ranks until you become a crime lord. But the most difficult task you hold is keeping your identity secret. Your family can never find out.