This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user plays on the PlayStation. |
This user worships Azura. |
This user worships Nocturnal. |
This user was born under the sign of The Steed. |
I'm a freelance illustrator by trade. In my spare time, I play a lot of video games, knit, drink tons of coffee, explore new foods and do wine tasting.
If you are interested in my work, don't hesitate to check out my portfolio [1], sketchblog [2] and twitter [3]. I am typically always open for commissions and also sell prints, shirts and stickers [4] of my original work and designs.
I've been playing TES games since about 2003, when I started playing Morrowind. I was instantly hooked because I'm a sucker for a rich world full of lore and intrigue. I immediately snagged up the collector's edition of Oblivion when it came out but my experience with it wasn't as good as before and I was actually skeptical of Skyrim when it was announced and didn't pick it up for about a week after release, when the siren song of more adventures in Tamriel finally won me over. I don't regret it.
Most of my edits here will be minor (grammar and spelling corrections, basically).
I typically always play the same character as my primary in any TES game I've experienced, with minor adjustments based on what changes from game to game. I make alternates from time to time to play with, but never devote a lot of time to them.
My Character[edit]
Enyo Hlaalu was born in Balmora in the year 3E 384, under the sign of The Steed. Child of a minor noble within house Hlaalu, distant cousin to Eno Hlaalu of the Morag Tong and Duke Dren of Ebonheart, she had a relatively comfortable upbringing. Her parents often traveled on diplomatic and trade business and thusly Enyo ended up quite worldly and had the luxury of experiencing many places and cultures at a young age. However, a life as a petty aristocrat, dealing in money and favors was not for her and in her adolescence she fell in with the Balmora chapter of the Thieves Guild and later the Morag Tong, putting to use her natural talent for stealth to good use.
During the time of the Blight Curse and coming of the Nerevarine, Enyo was mostly active on the mainland of Morrowind, avoiding the chaos happening on Vvardenfell and remained there until after the Oblivion Crisis, when the Argonian invasion of her home province and downfall of the Morag Tong and most chapters of the Thieves Guild drove her to seek fortune elsewhere, finally leading her to Skyrim. Her relief at finding a place to settle was short lived as the war between the Stormcloaks and Empire, along with the resurrection of the dragons tore the land apart and created wide swaths of discord.
Through it all, she managed to help the Thieves Guild restore itself, aided the Empire in quelling the rebellion, exterminated the last stragglers of the Dark Brotherhood and even settled down with a charming Orc blacksmith and got married.