Online:Plans of Pestilence
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Defeat Rinaerus the Rancid and Orzun the Foul-Smelling.
- Defeat Doylemish Ironheart.
- Defeat Matriarch Aldis and collect the disease sample off of the Leimenid corpse to the left of the door.
- Defeat Plague Concocter Mortieu and take the disease sample off of his alchemy table on the left hand side of the room.
- Defeat Zaan the Scalecaller and cure Jorvuld.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Take the quest from Jorvuld. He's been researching this mountain for quite some time. Formerly home of the Scalecaller Cult, base of operations for the Dragon Priest Zaan and her dragon Thurvokun. Zaan was forsaken by her dragon lord and killed by her followers. Now, there's a strange disease infecting the creatures here. Defeat the trash at the base of the stairs and wait for his conversation with Ilya and Lodiss to end. Continue on until you get to the first boss. Defeat the ogres, Orzun and Rinaerus. Jorvuld will comment that the ogres weren't as aggressive the last few times he'd come here, and laments their passing. Head on through to the cave, defeat the one trash pull, and you'll meet Lodiss and Ilya. Jorvuld will identify the Orbs of Stone, which will petrify you if you are caught in their beams. Then some gargoyles will spring to life, one of them being the next boss: Doylemish Ironheart.
Defeat Doylemish, and Jorvuld will comment that these gargoyles were just statues the last time he'd been here. It doesn't bode well that they've awakened. The next area is full of Scalecaller Cultists and giants. Continue on up the mountain until you find the giant's Matriarch. Kill her and continue to scale the mountain. There are more cultists to kill before you come across the laboratory. Ilya remarks that she and Jorvuld "had a deal," and that she's been promised some sort of artifact. You'll need to off the Plague Concoctor, who is responsible for this pus-ridden mess. With Mortieu's dying words, Jorvuld realizes that this isn't an ordinary cult, and that the Dragon Priest who once ruled this mountain, Zaan the Scalecaller, has risen again. And this time, she has a new master. Perhaps a far more dangerous master than the dragon she once revered. Reaching the summit confirms Jorvuld's fears. Defeat Zaan. Spellbreaker will disappear, Ilya will be distressed at the loss of her prize, and the spirit of Zaan will infect Jorvuld with Peryite's plague. Speak with Jorvuld to end the quest, and hopefully, you'll be able to cure him.
To Cure Jorvuld[edit]
After fighting Matriarch Aldis, look to the left of the door and find a Leimenid Corpse. Interact with the corpse and get the disease sample off of her. After defeating Plague Concoctor Mortieu, there is an alchemy table on the left hand side of the room. Interact with it and take the ingredient off of it. When Jorvuld is infected at the end of the dungeon, speak with him and give him the ingredients he needs to cure himself. There is an achievement for doing this.
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.