Online:Pets M
M'aiq the Badger[edit]
- How did this one become a so-handsome copperback Badger? M'aiq will tell you. One day near Balmora he met two Telvanni wizards, one of whom said, "Everything I tell you is true," while the other said, "Everything I tell you is a lie…."
M'aiq the Badger is an upcoming pet that has yet to become available. Wild badgers that look like this pet can be seen in Northern Elsweyr. Its default name is "M'aiq?".
Madcap Jester Monkey[edit]
- Say, why does this little chum look at you funny? It must be your face! Ook ook! Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
The Madcap Jester Monkey is sold in the Crown Store for 1,200 during the Jester's Festival. It was sold for 700
from March 29 to April 1, 2021. At this time, it was also offered to ESO Plus members at a discounted 560
. Its default name is "Jingles".
Mage's Sentry Kitten[edit]
- When it's a kitten, the Mage's Sentry Cat is so adorable, it's said that some sorcerers enchant them to stay that age always.
The Mage's Sentry Kitten is an upcoming pet that has yet to be available. Its default name is "Li'l Bat Ears".
Mages Guild Sentry Cat[edit]
- These short-haired, large-eared cats are a common sight in Mages Guildhalls, where it's said their keen senses enable them to detect all manner of intruders, even those that are magically concealed or from realms of Oblivion.
The Mages Guild Sentry Cat is available as a Legendary-level reward in Flame Atronach crates. Its default name is "Uncanny Kitty", although it originally did not have one.
Magma Scamp[edit]
- Scamps are lesser Daedra used as servants and menials by a number of different Daedric Princes. The Magma Scamps are servants of Mehrunes Dagon, and can be summoned from his Oblivion plane of the Deadlands.
The Magma Scamp is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates. Its default name is "Pumice".
Majestic Alpine Cat[edit]
- These cats of Skyrim are used to harsh conditions with little respite. As a result, they're quite hardy, known for their large size and thick, gorgeous fur. They're prized by local villages for their mousing abilities and teeth-rattling purrs.
The Majestic Alpine Cat is available as a Superior-level reward in Mirrormoor Crown Crates. Its default name is "Naria".
Maligraphic Skeever[edit]
- Leave it to a skeever to somehow wriggle free of the Infinite Archive. This Maligraphy probably poses minimal threat to the world at large. Let's just hope none of its bigger brethren learn the same trick.
The Maligraphic Skeever is a non-combat pet that is obtained by earning the Scheming Skeevers achievement in the Infinite Archive. Its default name is "Inkmarrow".
Mara's Blush Butterfly[edit]
- Delicate in both form and color, this pink-hued butterfly flits around Elsweyr, Skyrim, Rivenspire—and around you! Tailor Medresi Grulathil looked to her own butterfly companion for inspiration while crafting ceremonial garb honoring Mara in Solitude.
Available as a Superior-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates. Its default name is "Wingkiss".
Mara's Spring Chicken[edit]
- As a sign of the blessing of Mara, Goddess of Fertility, in spring certain breeds of Tamriel's hens lay eggs with shells in a variety of colors.
Mara's Spring Chicken is a pet that was given out during the month of April as a Daily Reward during the fourth week. They were available in the Crown Store for 400 from April 8 to April 12, 2021. They lay colorful eggs in pastel colors, such as purple and green. Its default name is "Egwina".
Markarth Bear-Dog[edit]
- Fierce and courageous fighters, the hunters of Western Skyrim use small packs of these dogs to pursue bears. The Bear-Dogs track, corner, and harry the bears until the hunters can arrive with their spears.
The Markarth Bear-Dog is available in the Crown Store for 700 . When the player crouches, its tail goes down and it lowers its head slightly. Its default name is "Furball".
Markarth Squirrel[edit]
- "Don't feed the squirrels! Once you do, they never leave you alone. Oh, they look innocent enough now, but when you find one making off with your last sweet roll, you'll be sorry!"—Drisuggan, Markarth
The Markarth Squirrel is available as a Superior-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crate. Its default name is "Stickywhisker".
Masked Bear Cub[edit]
- The handsome breed of Masked Bears are native to the Pale Pass region of the Jerall Mountains, which has given rise to the legend that they came in the First Era with the invaders from Akavir who ended up there. Bears from Akavir? Really?
The Masked Bear Cub is available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates. Its default name is "Flora".
Mead-Dancer Honeybee[edit]
- "Bees are simple, really. They respect power. That's why they follow a queen. Just act like you're supposed to be in charge and they'll work for you. Show any weakness, any hesitation? That's when you get stung."—Hei Honey-Hands
The Mead-Dancer Honeybee is available as a Superior-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Pollenfoot".
Meadowglass Wolf Pup[edit]
- Cey-Tarn Keep dog-handlers made armor training wolf pups a priority after older members of the pack gnawed their plate-harnesses to pieces. The practice lives on in this pup who proudly displays his Elven panoply as he trots beside his owner.
The Meadowglass Wolf Pup is available as an Epic-level reward from the Sunken Trove Crown Crates. Its default name is "Crystal".
Menevian Coachdog[edit]
- Commonly seen trotting alongside carts and coaches in Stormhaven, these perceptive dogs serve as deterrents to bandits and other road hazards. Within recent years, they've become popular in other parts of Tamriel, including Blackwood and the Rift.
The Menevian Coachdog is available as an Epic-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates. Its default name is "Dotty".
- This feline fixes you with a gaze that seems to say, "Your attempts to pet me are presumptuous! Do you think mice can stop the most powerful catromancer Tamriel has ever known? This form is my first step toward immortality! Witness my true kitty power!"
Meownimarco is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Meownimarco".
Meridia-Touched Asp[edit]
- The way it shimmers in the sunlight makes it obvious this is not an average snake. The serpent glows with an iridescent magic, which it uses to hypnotize its prey when it rears up. Even men and mer struggle to resist its mesmerizing scales.
The Meridia-Touched Asp is available as a Superior-level reward in the Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Shirozonaz".
Meridian Sabre Cub[edit]
- "Our Lady of the Infinite Energies, Strict but Fair Arbiter of Inner Luminance, grant unto thy most devoted worshiper a sign of thy radiant favor, mayhap a loveable, glowing Sabre Cat cub." —Sayings of Valasha
The Meridian Sabre Cub was available in the Crown Store from April 11 through 18, 2019. It is now available as a Legendary-level reward in Ayleid crates. Its default name is "Shinypaws".
Merle Paddock Hound[edit]
- "Some say that dogs of this breed don't have a mean bone in their bodies, but if you set them up to guard horses or other creatures, you'll see one fierce guardian. Also great at rounding up livestock."—Piet
The Merle Paddock Hound is available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates. Its default name is "Waveracer".
Microtized Verminous Fabricant[edit]
- With its sharp teeth, scary spines, and enormous horn, this fabricant follower not only shows that you mean business as you go about your day, but also indicates an appreciation for the complex and refined machines of Sotha Sil.
The Microtized Verminous Fabricant was available during the Tribunal Celebration Event. It could be acquired from the Impresario for 5 or by combining ten Sealed Fabrication Materials. Its default name is "Bristlehorn".
Milady's Cloud Cat[edit]
- White cats are sacred to Dibella, the Lady of Love, and all white cats are said to be her representatives in the animal kingdom. A House of Dibella will typically have three or four milk-white cats within its walls.
The Milady's Cloud Cat was previously available from the Crown Store for 700 . It is now available as a Superior-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates. It later returned to the Crown Store, being available from February 11 to 15, 2021. Its default name is "Powder".
Mind-Shriven Cat[edit]
- "The Mind-Shriven usually have no concept of the self, but this feline appears to be as content with its nature as always. It seems that Molag Bal himself cannot enslave a cat."—Warlock Aldaale
The Mind-Shriven Cat is available as a Superior-level reward in Celestial Crates. Its default name is "Soot".
Mind-Shriven Scamp[edit]
- "The Mind-Shriven Scamp is an unusual specimen. Generally you find them among other mind-shriven creatures, but some addled folk have started including them in their entourage. Peculiar, at best."—Warlock Aldaale
The Mind-Shriven Scamp was available in the Crown Store from September 5 to 16, 2019 for 1,000 . Its default name is "Flickerstab".
Mint Swamp Jelly[edit]
- Though the Argonians claim that they name each breed of Black Marsh Swamp Jelly for its hue rather than its taste, there's no denying that the Mint Jelly does have a gratifyingly refreshing flavor.
The Mint Swamp Jelly is a pet that was available exclusively to ESO Plus members in the Crown Store for 900 from December 20, 2018 to January 3, 2019. It returned to the Crown Store for all players from February 7 to February 11, 2019. It returned to the Crown Store once more from April 26 to April 29, 2021. Each time it returns, it is offered at a discount to ESO Plus members. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. Its default name is "Freshbreath".
Mirrormoor Dragon Frog[edit]
- Though these dragon frogs are striking to look at, not much can be said for their intelligence. When two of them meet face to face, they become mesmerized by their own reflection in the other's body. The resulting standoff can last for hours.
The Mirrormoor Dragon Frog is available as an Epic-level reward in Mirrormoor Crown Crates. Its default name is "Glasstongue".
Mirrormoor Mudcrab[edit]
- "These mudcrabs developed their shine as both a defensive tactic and mating ritual. By angling their bodies, they can reflect blinding rays at would-be predators or signal their availability to potential mates."—Mirrormoor: More Than an Illusion
The Mirrormoor Mudcrab is awarded by completing the prologue quest "Prisoner of Fate" and earning the Chosen of Fate achievement. Its default name is "Shimmersnap".
Mirrormoor Shard Wildcat[edit]
- The shards on this wildcat's body are dull and safe to touch. The same can't be said for its fangs and claws, which prick like needles. As it grows in size, those shards become razor-sharp glass—a terrifying defense mechanism.
The Mirrormoor Shard Wildcat is available as an Epic-level reward in Mirrormoor Crown Crates. Its default name is "Glintek".
- Unassuming at a glance, the closer one looks at a mirrorworm, the more mesmerizing they become. The creature's soft form is protected by glistening reflective scales that also serve to confuse and intimidate would-be predators.
The Mirrorworm is available as an Epic-level reward in Mirrormoor Crown Crates. Its default name is "Slimescale".
Mistral Thunderbug[edit]
- Owners of this electrifying little friend must learn to handle the occasional shock from time to time. Thunderbugs are quite expressive, though their main form of communication is through sparks and sharp jolts.
The Mistral Thunderbug is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Zappy".
Mnemoflare Fabricant[edit]
- "A reminder to all researchers that a close eye must be kept on the Mnemoflare Fabricant. It has a frustrating knack for picking locks and its sharp claws have made short work of Attendant Mhunvack's herb garden."—Bthuchard, Dwemer Researcher
The Mnemoflare Fabricant is available as an Epic-level reward from the Wraithtide Crown Crates. Its default name is "Rootgnasher".
Molag Amur Cliff Strider[edit]
- The Molag Amur Cliff Strider is prized by reptilian connoisseurs because its coloration, though somber, is lightened by its subtle golden tones. And if startled, its squawk will cause passersby to jump and horses to bolt.
The Molag Amur Cliff Strider is available as an Epic-level reward in the Dwarven Crown Crates. Its default name is "Leatherwing".
Molag Bal Illusion Imp[edit]
- Why would a mage train an imp to cast a seeming of the God of Schemes? Who knows? But this tiny Dark Father, this diminutive Prince of Pain, this undersized Lord of Lies is almost cute. Almost.
The Molag Bal Illusion Imp is an imp non-combat pet that is trained to disguise itself as Molag Bal. It can be summoned by combining three magical fragments bought from the Impresario during events in 2024. It is a Morphing Collectible: once summoned, the Molag Bal Illusion Imp can be transformed into various items, including head/body markings, a personality, and two as of yet undisclosed collectibles. Its default name is "Mini Bal".
Monarch Butterfly[edit]
- The migratory Monarch Butterfly is a common sight across all of southern Tamriel, and it's seen in the northern provinces during summer. The Monarch is said to represent the souls of the present, in contrast to the Ancestor Moth that represents the past.
The Monarch Butterfly is available as a Superior-level reward in the Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Thronebug".
Moonlight Senche-Tiger[edit]
- The Moonlight Senche-Tigers have been the sleek and silvery guardians of the Khajiiti temples of the moons ever since the revelation of the Riddle'Thar.
Available from the Crown Store for 700 . Its default name is "Secunda", after the eponymous moon.
Moorpecker Magpie[edit]
- Few birds are as intelligent or vain as the Moorpecker Magpie. Prized by scholars and mages alike for their keen instincts and trainability, the birds can be huffy and prone to temper tantrums when not rewarded with shinies for their work.
The Moorpecker Magpie is available as an Epic-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crate. Its default name is "Handsome Vyr".
Morthal Bear-Dog[edit]
- It's the prestige of the mastiffs of Morthal that give the city's resident breed of bear-dog license to be a bit more … silly. Whether watching over children or facing intruders, someone's bound to get a licking.
The Morthal Bear-Dog is available as a Superior-level reward from the Wraithtide Crown Crates. Its default name is "Chunk".
Moss Spine Daedrat[edit]
- "We found daedrats eating our ceremonial supplies in the cellar last Midyear. Now the damned things have gone green, and the Archdruid says they're a bridge from Galen to Oblivion? Draigh!"—Callice Marence, formerly of Daggerfall
The Moss Spine Daedrat is available as an Epic-level reward from the Stonelore Crown Crates. Its default name is "Bogback".
Mossy Netch Calf[edit]
- The greenish, or "Mossy" Netches, are most commonly found in the West Gash region of northwest Vvardenfell. The calves are docile, even for Netches, and will happily follow along behind anyone who smells of their favorite fungi.
The Mossy Netch Calf is available in the Dwarven Crown Crates as a Legendary-level reward. Its default name is "Emerald", after the eponymous gem.
Mossy Vvardvark[edit]
- "Now, surely the presence of this creature is enough to dissuade those pompous academics from believing magic created the first Vvardvark. Who would create a creature so listless that moss grows on it?"—Atmore, Vvardenfell Zoological Field Commission
The Mossy Vvardvark is available as a Superior-level reward from Dark Chivalry Crown Crates. Its default name is "Timid Hide".
Mottled Sheep[edit]
- "Her calm presence keeps our patients at ease. Sometimes I ask them about the patterns and shapes they see in her coat, and their answers give me insight into their state of mind."—Mender Teliel
The Mottled Sheep is available as a Superior-level reward from the Wraithtide Crown Crates. Its default name is "Sheary".
Mournhold Packrat[edit]
- Are you the kind of adventurer who simply Must Loot Everything? Being followed around by the Mournhold Packrat, an actual cargo rodent, tells the world that you're an Acquisitionist who's not going to leave behind a single spoon!
The Mournhold Packrat is a pet that was made available in the Crown Store for 1,200 on June 11, 2020. It went on sale at a 20% discount (960
) for all players from April 12 to April 15, 2021. When purchased, it increases the inventory capacity of each of your characters by 5. This increase is passive and there is no requirement to make the rat your active pet. Its default name is "Cargo".
This pet is based on the Pack Rat available in the Tribunal expansion for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Mudcrab of Eternal Doom[edit]
- Few can withstand the scorching heat and relentless desolation of the Deadlands. Those unlucky few who find themselves trapped there may encounter one of these scuttling horrors—a hideous reminder of their grim and eternal fate.
The Mudcrab of Eternal Doom was released in the Crown Store for 500 from March 13th to 23rd, 2020, referencing the then-upcoming DOOM Eternal game. Its default name is "Witherhope". When summoned, it emerges from a red Daedric summoning circle. It is referred to in the files as the Deadlands Ember Crab. It has much more aggressive animations and sound effects than other crab pets.
Mulberry Hermit Crab[edit]
- Before the druids, before the coin-barons, before even the noble houses, the hermit crab held dominion over the Systres. Hauling its belongings wherever it travels, its beady eyes give you a look that seems to say, "We're not so different, you and I."
The Mulberry Hermit Crab is the DLC loyalty reward for Lost Depths. It is rewarded for completing the Lost Depths Explorer achievement by entering Earthen Root Enclave or Graven Deep for the first time. Its default name is "Rex".
Mustardseed Moth[edit]
- Known for its brilliant yellow hues, this moth flits through the deciduous fall forests of Cyrodiil almost unseen. Each year, some fly beyond the Heartland's borders in all directions, as if trying to escape the war-torn province.
The Mustardseed Moth is available as an Epic-level reward from the Sunken Trove Crown Crates. Its default name is "Honeybutter".
Mzark Jade-Cap Shroom Shalk[edit]
- "My Wick and I have built many nests, felled sickened trees, and cleaned the roots of our Hist. Dryskins think shalks of her color are lucky, but Wick dirties her pinchers in rotting bark for our fortune."—Vunsu, Arborealist
The Mzark Jade-Cap Shroom Shalk is available as a Superior-level reward from the Sunken Trove Crown Crates. Its default name is "Shell Strong".